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Chapter 14 Notes – The Coming of War
Dictators and War
A. A Bitter Peace Unravels
1. Many people were not happy at Treaty of Versailles
a. Only Britain, France and U.S. had major input
b. Germany was blamed
c. Russia, Italy, and Japan (All Allies) felt they were slighted
2. Rise of Totalitarianism
a. Theory of gov’t in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its
B. Repression in Soviet Union and Italy
1. Lenin Unites Soviet union under communism
2. Stalin’s Grip on the Soviet Union
a. Joseph Stalin takes over Russia after Lenin dies in 1924
b. Attempted to turn Soviet Union into industrial power
i. Used state run factories and collective farming
c. Stalin killed those who opposed his views
3. Mussolini’s Fascist Party Controls Italy
a. Postwar economic depression and frustration from WWI made it difficult for returning veterans to find
jobs and the gov’t was too weak to help
b. Benito Mussolini
i. Founded Fascist party – lobbied for nationalism and to make Italy great again
c. Disliked socialists and communists
d. King of Italy gives Mussolini control in bloodless revolt
i. Mussolini outlawed political parties, took over the press, and created s secret police
ii. Indoctrinated(teaching his views) the children and people to believe in him
C. Aggressive Leaders in Germany and Japan
1. The Nazi’s Rise
a. Depression hurts German government (Weimer Republic)
b. National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi)
i. Bitterly opposed socialism and communism
ii. Promoted class interest and workers rights
iii. Wanted to united working class of German people
iv. Led by Adolf Hitler
c. Mein Kampf
i. Hitler’s book that stated his explanations for helping Germany
d. Blamed others for German problems
e. A united Germany would again become a world power
2. Hitler Seizes Power
a. Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933
i. Consolidated his power and controlled German gov’t by 1935
b. Used secret police to crush opposition
c. Controlled the press, educational system, and indoctrinated the youth
3. Militarists Gain Power in Japan
a. After war, Japan reduced military, gave all men right to vote, and legalized unions
i. Depression after war made gov’t look bad
b. Japan attempted to expand their way out of depression (imperialism in China)
i. Military becomes more important
4. The Japanese expand their empire
D. Dictators turn to Aggression
1. Aggression helped Italy and Germany unite its people
2. Weakness of the League of Nations
a. Had no standing army
b. Help stopping aggression was voluntary
3. Hitler and Mussolini Threaten the Peace
a. Imperialism united Italian and German people
b. Helped economies grow
4. Fighting Breaks Out in Spain
a. Spanish Civil War – Francisco Franco and the nationalists defeat democratic government
E. Aggression goes unchecked
1. Appeasement – granting concessions to a potential enemy
a. Allowed fascist leaders to become more bold
2. Why appease?
a. Strong Germany was buffer against Communist Russia
b. Depression was World Wide
c. Lack of Unity
3. Munich Pact – France and Britain gave land to Germany to prevent another conflict
a. Sudetenland (area of Czechoslovakia with large German population)
II. From Isolation to Involvement
A. Roosevelt Opposes Aggression
1. Called for informal alliances to stop aggression
B. War Erupts in Europe
1. Hitler Launches Blitzkrieg Against Poland
a. Britain and France sign alliance with Poland
b. Hitler signs non-aggression pact with Russia
i. Secretly agreed to divide Poland after Hitler takes it over
c. Blitzkrieg – Hitler attacks Poland with speed and power
i. Possible because of new technology
d. Soviet Union attacks Poland from the East
e. France and Britain declare war against Germany
2. France Falls to the Axis Powers
a. Axis – Germany, Italy, Japan
b. Allies – Britain, France (later U.S., Russia, and China)
c. Non aggression pact in East made it possible for Hitler to attack West
d. France fortified attack line Germans used in WWII
i. Hitler did not attack same areas
ii. Attacked France from different angle and easily pushed through French lines
e. French and British Soldiers surrounded at Dunkirk
i. British navy was able to evacuate soldiers
ii. German’s now control france
3. The Battle of Britain in Fought in the Air
a. Operation Sea Lion
i. Luftwaffe(German Air force) fights air battle over London
ii. Destroyed civilian and military targets
iii. Royal Air force was able to hold of Luftwaffe
C. Americans Debate Involvement
1. America Favors Isolationism
a. U.S. was trying to get out of depression
b. Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937
i. Kept Americans away from war
2. Interventionists Urge Support for the Allies
a. Neutrality Act of 1939
i. Cash and Carry – countries could by goods from the U.S. if they paid cash and used own ships to
move supplies
3. Isolationists Argue for Neutrality
a. By helping the allies, we were hurting the Axis
i. The U.S. was involved in the war
4. Roosevelt Inches Toward Involvement
a. Triparte Pact – officially linked Germany, Italy, and Japan
b. Congress passes Selective Service Act (peacetime draft) in 1940
c. Roosevelt gives Britain ships without Congressional OK
d. Roosevelt runs for 3rd term and wins
D. America Takes Steps Toward War
1. Lend-Lease Give Aid to the Allies
a. Authorized Roosevelt to “exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of” any defense article in the
interests of defending the United States
2. The Atlantic Charter Reinforces America’s Support
a. Atlantic Charter
i. Agreement between Roosevelt and German Prime Minister (Winston Churchill)
ii. Reinforced National Self Interest and “General Security”
3. U.S. Navy Battle German U-Boats
a. German U-boats were ordered to fire on American ships in fall of 1941
i. USS Reuben James, USS Greer, USS Kearny
a) Attacked by U-Boats killing more than 100 sailors
III. America Enters the War
A. Japan Attacks the United States
1. Trouble in the Pacific
a. Japan was looking to expand its empire in the Pacific and China
i. FDR puts embargo on American goods to Japan
b. Japan and United States attempt settle differences falls short
i. War is inevitable by December of 1941
2. The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
a. Surprise attack that was supposed to disable American Pacific Fleet
3. Results of Attack
a. 2,500 killed, 8 battleships damages, 3 destroyers destroyed, 160 aircraft destroyed, 128 aircraft
b. Took 6 months to repair the fleet – but it could be repaired
i. Some of U.S. fleet was out to sea when Japanese attacked
c. America declares war
i. Congress votes 388 to 1 to declare war on Japan
B. Mobilizing for War
1. Responding to the Call
a. Men joined the military in record numbers following Pearl Harbor
b. Women’s Army Corps
i. Established in 1943 to provide secretaries, truck drivers, instructors and lab techs for U.S. Army
2. Mobilizing Industry
a. War Production Board
i. Oversee the conversion of peacetime industry to war industry
b. Office of War Mobilization – supervised regulation of industry
C. Fierce Fighting in the Pacific
1. Japanese Forces Take the Philippines
a. Douglas MacArthur – commander of U.S. Army forces in Asia
b. Japanese navy was stronger that Americans thought
2. Japanese Forces Advance
a. Advances gave Japanese land and more natural resource supplies(oil)
3. America Strikes Back with the Doolittle Raid
a. American bombers taking off of aircraft carriers bomb Tokyo and land in China
b. Do little damage, but improve moral
4. The Battle of Coral Sea Gives Hope
a. First sea battle in which ships never saw each other
i. Fought in air by planes
b. Battle was a draw, but a seen as a moral booster for Americans