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Mrs. Lockwood
Online 2013
Email: [email protected]
RATIONALE: Chemistry is the science, which deals with the properties and reactions of materials; it is
concerned with the identification, characterization and transformation of matter and with the energy
changes accompanying these transformations. Chemical science focuses on the structure and interaction of
matter at the atomic and molecular levels. This course is intended to provide you with a grounding in the
discipline of chemistry, as those of you who take it might subsequently engage in further study of the
subject. The treatment of the topics is mathematically more rigorous and detailed than in Chemistry 11;
therefore, the range of topics is narrower than in Chemistry 11.
Scientific Calculator
60% Exams
20% Assignments/Labs
20% Final Exam
Description of Assessment
Kinetics Assignment
(Outcomes A1- A8)
Lab 1 – Reaction Rates
Kinetics Unit Test
(Outcomes A1- A8)
Equilibrium Assignment
(Outcomes B1-B6)
Lab 2 - Equilibrium
Equilbrium Unit Test
(Outcomes B1-B6)
Solubility Assignment
(Outcomes C1-C7)
Lab 3 - Solubility
Solubility Unit Test
(Outcomes C1-C7)
Description of Assessment
Acid – Base Assignment
(Outcomes D1-D6 and E1-E4)
Lab 4 – Acid Base Strength
Lab 5 - Hydrolysis
pH Titration Worksheet
(Outcomes F1 – F3)
Acid – Base Unit Test
(Outcomes D, E, and F)
Lab 6 – Oxidation Reduction
Redox Assignment
(Outcomes G1-G4)
Redox Test (Outcomes G1- G4)
Final Exam (All Outcomes)
This is NOT an ‘at your own pace’ course. It is a ‘flexibly paced course’. The
‘flexibility’ comes in the time of day and the location you work on the course.
Reporting periods occur in November, February, April, and June. You have
ten months to complete the course. The first topic should be completed within
Page 1 of 16
the first month. Assignment and test marks will be returned on an on-going
bases as completed.
Chemistry 12 Online: Kinetics Resource Page
1. Primary Notes:
! Chem
2. Worksheet to be handed in:
Chem 12 Online Kinetics Assignment
3. Addition Worksheets:
! Sample Questions in Kinetics.pdf
! Kinetics Review Questions.pdf
4. Animations:
12 Unit 1 Notes.pdf
(with Answers)
Collision Flash Animation.swf
Activation Energy Flash Animation.swf
5. Video (YouTube links):
Reactions Rates (20mins)
Overview of Reaction Rates,
oldie but a goody.
6. Additional Helpful Websites:
Saskatchewan Prov. Government
Science Teacher Personal Page
University of Waterloo
University of North Carolina
Chem Guide
Virtual Textbook by SFU
Notes from US re: kinetics
Virtual Lab from US College
Virtual Lab from University of Colorado
7. Labs:
1 – Rates of Reaction
8. Final Assessment:
Kinetics Unit Test
Page 2 of 16
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
Reaction Kinetics
A1 demonstrate awareness that reactions occur at differing rates
1. give examples of reactions proceeding at different rates
Unit 1
2. describe rate in terms of some quantity (produced or consumed) per time
A2 experimentally determine rate of a reaction
1. identify properties that could be monitored in order to determine a reaction rate
2. recognize some of the factors that control reaction rates
3. compare and contrast factors affecting the rates of both homogeneous and
heterogeneous reactions
Unit 1
Sections 2 – 3
4. discuss situations in which the rate of reaction must be controlled
5. calculate the rate of a reaction using experimental data
A3 demonstrate knowledge of collision theory
1. identify the following principles as aspects of collision theory
* reactions are the result of collisions between reactant particles
* not all collisions are successful
* sufficient kinetic energy (KE) and favourable geometry are required
* to increase the rate of a reaction one must increase the frequency of successful
Unit 1
Section 5
* energy changes are involved in reactions as bonds are broken and formed
* a KE distribution curve can explain how changing temperature or adding a
catalyst changes the rate
A4 describe the energies associated with reactants becoming products
1. describe the activated complex in terms of its potential energy (PE), stability, and
2. define activation energy
3. correctly describe the relationship between activation energy and rate of reaction
4. describe the Δ in KE and PE as reactant molecules approach each other
5. draw and label PE diagrams for both exothermic and endothermic reactions,
including ΔH, activation energy, and the energy of the activated complex
6. relate the sign of ΔH to whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic
Unit 1
Sections 6 - 8
7. write a chemical equation that describe energy effects in two ways:
* a chemical equation that includes the energy term, (thermochemcial equation)
* a chemical equation using ΔH notation
A5 apply collision theory to explain how reaction rates can be changed
1. describe the role of the following factors in reaction rate:
* nature of reactants
* concentration
* temperature
* surface area
Page 3 of 16
Unit 1
Section 3
Text Reference
A6 analyse the reaction mechanism for a reacting system
1. explain why most reactions involve more than one step
2. describe a reaction mechanism as the series of steps (collisions) that result in the
overall reaction and describe the role of the rate-determining step
3. explain the significance and role of a catalyst
4. identify reactant, product, reaction intermediate, and catalyst from a given reaction
Unit 1
Section 9
A7 represent graphically the energy changes associated with catalyzed and
uncatalyzed reactions
1. compare and contrast the PE diagrams for a catalyzed and un-catalyzed reaction in
terms of:
* reactants
* products
* activated complex
* reaction intermediates
* reaction mechanism
* activation energy
Unit 1
Section 10
A8 describe the uses of specific catalysts in a variety of situations
1. identify platinum in automobile catalytic converters as a catalyst
2. describe the effect of a catalyst on a number of reactions, such as
* decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (catalysts: manganese (IV) oxide, raw
liver, raw potato)
* the reaction of the oxalate ion with acidified potassium permanganate solution
(catalyst: Mn2+)
* the decomposition of bleach (catalyst: cobalt (II) chloride)
Page 4 of 16
Unit 1
Sections 11 – 13
Chemistry 12 Online: Equilibrium / Solubility Checklist
1. Primary Notes:
2. Worksheets to be handed in:
Chem 12 Online Equilibrium Assignment
Chem 12 Online Solubility Assignment
3. Addition Worksheets:
Sample Provincial Questions in Equilibrium.pdf
Equilibrium Review Questions.pdf
Sample Provincial Questions in Solubility.pdf
Solubility Review Questions.pdf
4. Animations:
Le Chatelier’s Flash Animation.swf
Temp dep
Chem 12 Notes Unit 2 (Part 1 and Part 2).pdf
5. Video (YouTube links):
Equilibrium (19 minutes)
Overview of Equilibrium,
oldie but a goody.
6. Additional Helpful Websites:
Saskatchewan Prov. Government
Virtual Lab from US College
Virtual Textbook by SFU
Classic Dichromate Equilibria
Chem Wiki from UC Davis
University of North Carolina
Chem Guide
7. Labs:
2 – Equilibrium
3 – Solubility
8. Final Assessment:
Equilibrium / Solubility Unit Test
Page 5 of 16
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
Dynamic Equilibrium
B1 explain the concept of chemical equilibrium with reference to reacting systems
1. describe the reversible nature of most chemical reactions and how it can be represented
on a PE diagram
2. describe the dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium
3. relate the changes in rates of the forward and reverse reactions to the changing
concentrations of the reactants or products as equilibrium is established.
4. describe chemical equilibrium as a closed system at constant temperature:
Unit II
Sections 1 – 2
* whose macroscopic properties are constant
* where the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal
* that can be achieved from either direction
* where the concentrations of reactants and products are constant
5. infer that a system not at equilibrium will tend to move toward a position of equilibrium
B2 predict, with reference to entropy and enthalpy whether reacting system will reach
1. explain the significance of enthalpy and entropy
2. determine entropy and enthalpy changes from a chemical equation (qualitatively)
3. predict the result when enthalpy and entropy factors:
Unit II
Section 3
* both favour the products
* both favour the reactants
* oppose one another
B3 apply Le Chatelier's principle to the shifting of equilibrium
1. describe the term shift as it applies to equilibria
2. describe shifts resulting from the following
* temperature change
* concentration change
* volume change of gaseous systems
Unit II
Section 4
4. identify the effect of a catalyst on dynamic equilibrium
Unit II
1. describe the Haber process for the production of ammonia (NH3)
B5 draw conclusions from the equilibrium constant expression
1. gather and interpret data on the concentration of reactants and products of a system at
2. write the expression for the equilibrium constant when given the equation for either a
homogeneous or heterogeneous equilibrium system
3. explain why certain terms (i.e., pure solids and liquids) are not included in the
equilibrium constant expression
4. relate the equilibrium position to the value of Keq and vice versa
5. predict the effect (or lack of effect) on the value of Keq of changes in the following
factors: temperature, pressure, concentration, surface area, and catalyst
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3. explain equilibrium shifts using the concepts of reaction kinetics
B4 apply the concept of equilibrium to a commercial or industrial process
Unit II
Sections 6 – 7
B6 perform calculations to evaluate the changes in the value of Keq and in concentrations
of substances within an equilibrium system
1. perform calculations involving the value of Keq and the equilibrium concentration of all
2. perform calculations involving the value of Keq, the initial concentrations of all species
and one equilibrium concentration
3. perform calculations involving the equilibrium concentrations of all species, the value
of Keq and the initial concentrations
4. determine whether a system is at equilibrium, and if not, in which direction it will shift
to reach equilibrium when given a set of concentrations for reactants and products
Unit II
Section 8
Solubility Equilibria
C1 determine the solubility of a compound in aqueous solution
1. classify solutions as ionic or molecular given its conductivity or the formula of the
2. describe the conditions necessary to form a saturated solution
Unit III
Section 1
3. describe solubility as the concentration of a substance in a saturated solution
4. use appropriate units to represent the solubility of substances in aqueous solutions
C2 describe a saturated solution as an equilibrium system
1. describe the equilibrium that exists in a saturated aqueous solution
Unit III
Section 1
2. describe a saturated solution using a net ionic equation
C3 determine the concentration of ions in a solution
1. write dissociation equations
2. calculate the concentration of the positive and negative ions given the concentration of a
solute in an aqueous solution
Unit III
Sections 2 & 4!
C4 determine the relative solubility of a substance, given solubility tables
1. describe a compound as having high or low solubility relative to 0.1 M by using a
solubility chart
2. use a solubility chart to predict if a precipitate will form when two solutions are mixed,
and identify the precipitate
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Unit III
Section 3!
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
C5 apply solubility rules to analyse the composition of solutions
1. use a solubility chart to predict if ions can be separated from solution through
precipitation, and outline an experimental procedure that includes
* compound added
* precipitate formed
* method of separation
2. predict qualitative changes in the solubility equilibrium upon the addition of a common
ion or the removal of an ion
3. identify an unknown ion through experimentation involving a qualitative analysis
4. devise a procedure by which the contaminating ions in hard or polluted water can be
C6 formulate equilibrium constant expressions for various saturated solutions
Unit III
Section 5!
Unit III
Section 6!
2. write a Ksp expression for a solubility equilibrium
1. calculate the Ksp for a compound when given its solubility (e.g., AgCl, Ag2S, PbCl2)
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Unit III
Section 6!
2. calculate the solubility from its Ksp
3. predict the formation of a precipitate by comparing the trial ion product to the Ksp value
using specific data
4. calculate the maximum allowable concentration of one ion given the Ksp and the
concentration of the other ion just before precipitation occurs
C8 devise a method for determing the concentration of a specific ion
1. determine the concentration of chloride ion (by titration or gravimetric methods) using a
precipitation reaction with silver ion
1. describe the Ksp expression as a specialized Keq expression
C7 perform calculations involving solubility equilibrium concepts
Unit III
Section 7!
Unit III
Section 8!
Chemistry 12 Online: Acid - Base Checklist
1. Primary Notes:
2. Worksheets to be handed in:
Chem 12 Online Acid-Base Assignment
3. Addition Worksheets:
Sample Provincial Questions in Acid-Base.pdf
pH graphs.pdf
Additional Indicator Questions.pdf
AB Sample Final 1.pdf
AB Sample Final 2.pdf
4. Animations:
Acids Ionization.swf
Strong Acid Strong Base Titration.swf
Weak Acid Strong Base Titration.swf
Weak Base Strong Acid Titration.swf
Chem 12 Notes Unit 3 (Part 1 and Part 2).pdf
5. Video (YouTube links):
Acid, Bases and Salt (18
Overview of Acid, Bases and
Indicators (18 minutes)
Preparation of Indicators
Acid Rain (26 minutes)
Causes and Effects of Acid
Titration (4 minutes)
Titration Techniques
6. Additional Helpful Websites:
Saskatchewan Prov. Government
Chem Tutor
University of Guelph Animations
UC Davis Chem Wiki
Chem Guide
UBC pH Tutorial
7. Labs:
4 – Acid – Base Strength
5 – Hydrolysis
8. Final Assessment:
Acid-Base Unit Test
Page 9 of 16
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
Text Reference
Nature of Acids and Bases
D1 identify acids and bases through experimentation
1. list general properties of acids and bases
2. write names and formulae of some common household acids and bases
3. write balanced equations representing the neutralization of acids by bases in solution
Unit IV
Sections 1 – 2
4. outline some of the uses and commercial names of common household acids and bases
D2 identify various models for representing acids and bases
1. define Arrhenius acids and bases
Unit IV
Sections 1 & 4
2. define Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases
D3 analyse balanced equations representing the reaction of acids and bases with water
1. identify Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases in an equation
2. define conjugate acid-base pair
3. identify the conjugate of a given acid or base
4. show that in any Brønsted-Lowry acid-base equation there are two conjugate pairs
5. identify an H3O+ ion as a protonated H2O molecule that can be represented in shortened
form as H+(aq)
D4 classify an acid or base in solution as either weak or strong, with reference to its
electrical conductivity
1. relate electrical conductivity in a solution to the total concentration of ions in the
2. define and give several examples for the following terms:
*strong acid
*strong base
*weak acid
*weak base
3. write equations to show what happens when strong and weak acids and bases are
dissolved in water
D5 analyse the equilibria that exist in weak acid or weak base system
1. compare the relative strengths of acids or bases by using a table of relative acid
2. predict whether products or reactants are favoured in an acid-base equilibrium by
comparing the strength of the two acids (or two bases)
3. compare the relative concentrations of H3O+ (or OH ) between two acids (or between
two bases) using their relative positions on an acid strength table
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Unit IV
Sections 3 & 5
Unit IV
Section 6
Unit IV
Section 6
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
D6 identify chemical species that are amphiprotic
1. define amphiprotic
Unit IV
Section 4
2. describe situations in which H2O would act as an acid or base
E1 analyse the equilibrium that exists in water
1. write equations representing the ionization of water using either H3O+ and OH or H+
and OH
2. predict the effect of the addition of an acid or base to the equilibrium system:
2H2O(1) ! H3O+ (aq) + OH1-(aq)
3. state the relative concentrations of H3O+ and OH in acid, base, and neutral solutions
4. write the equilibrium expression for the ion product constant of water, Kw
Unit IV
Section 7
5. state the value of Kw at 25°C
6. describe the variation of the value of Kw with temperature
7. calculate the concentration of H3O+ (or OH ) given the other, using Kw
E2 perform calculations relating pH, pOH, [H3O+] and [OH ]
1. define pH and pOH
2. define pKw , give its value at 25°C, and its relation to pH and pOH
3. calculate H3O+ or OH from pH and pOH
Unit IV
Section 11
4. describe the pH scale with reference to everyday solutions
E3 explain the significance of Ka and Kb equilibrium expressions
1. write Ka and Kb equilibrium expressions for weak acids or weak bases
2. relate the magnitude of Ka or Kb to the strength of the acid or base
Unit IV
Sections 8 – 10
E4 perform calculations involving Ka and Kb
1. given the Ka, Kb, and initial concentration, calculate any of the following:
* H 3O +
* OH
* pH
* pOH
2. calculate the value of Kb for a base given the value of Ka for its conjugate acid (or vice
3. calculate the value of Ka or Kb given the pH and initial concentration
4. calculate the initial concentration of an acid or base, given the appropriate Ka, Kb, pH or
pOH values
Page 11 of 16
Unit IV
Sections 14 – 15
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
F1 demonstrate an ability to design, perform, and analyse a titration experiment involving
the following:
– primary standards
– standardized solutions
– titration curves
– appropriate indicators
1. write formula, complete ionic, and net ionic neutralization equations for:
* a strong acid by a strong base
* a weak acid by a strong base
* a strong acid by a weak base
2. demonstrate proper titration technique when performing a titration experiment
3. explain the difference between the equivalence point (stoichiometric point) of a strong
acid-strong base titration with the equivalence point of a titration involving a weak acidstrong base or strong acid-weak base
4. interpret titration curves plotted from experimental data
5. select indicators whose transition point coincides with the equivalence point of the
titration reaction
6. calculate the concentration of an acid or base using titration data or similar data
7. calculate the volume of an acid or base of known molarity needed to neutralize a known
volume of a known molarity base or acid
Unit IV
Section 16
Unit IV
Section 18
8. calculate the pH of a solution formed when a strong acid is mixed with a strong base
F2 describe an indicator as an equilibrium system
1. describe an indicator as a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, each with
distinguishing colours
2. describe the term transition point of an indicator, including the conditions that exist in
the equilibrium system
3. describe the shift in equilibrium and resulting colour changes as an acid or a base is
added to an indicator
Unit IV
Section 17
F3 perform and interpret calculations involving the pH in a solution and Ka for an
1. predict the approximate pH at the transition point using the Ka value of an indicator
2. predict the approximate Ka value for an indicator given the approximate pH range of
the colour change
3. match an indicator’s colour in a solution with an approximate pH, using a table of
Unit IV
Section 17
F4 describe the hydrolysis of ions in solutions
1. write a dissociation equation for a salt in water
2. write net ionic equations representing the hydrolysis of ions in solution
F5 analyse the extent of hydrolysis in salt solutions
1. predict whether a salt solution would be acidic, basic, or neutral (compare Ka and Kb
values, where necessary)
2. determine whether an amphiprotic ion will act as a base or an acid in solution (compare
Ka and Kb values, where necessary)
3. calculate the pH of a salt solution from relevant data, assuming that the predominant
hydrolysis reaction is the only reaction determining the pH
Page 12 of 16
Unit IV
Section 13
Unit IV
Sections 13
Know / Don’t
Text Reference
F6 describe buffers as equilibrium systems
1. describe the tendency of buffer solutions to resist changes in pH (i.e., able to buffer the
addition of small amounts of strong acid or the addition of small amounts of strong base)
2. describe the composition of an acidic buffer and a basic buffer
3. describe qualitatively how the buffer equilibrium shifts as small quantities of acid or
base are added to the buffer; the stress being the change in the concentration of the
stronger acid (H3O+) or base (OH1-)
Unit IV
Sections 19– 20
4. describe in detail a common buffer system (e.g., the blood buffer system)
F7 describe the preparation of buffer systems
1. outline a procedure to prepare a buffer solution
Unit IV
Section 19
2. identify the limitations in buffering action
F8 predict what will happen when oxides dissolve in rain water
1. write equations representing the formation of acidic solutions or basic solutions from
non-metal and metal oxides
2. describe the pH conditions required for rain to be called acid rain (pH 5.0 and lower)
3. relate the pH of normal rain water to the presence of dissolved CO2 (approximate pH
4. describe sources of NOx (automobile engines) and SOx (fuels containing sulfur and
smelters of sulfide ores)
5. discuss general environmental problems associated with acid rain
Page 13 of 16
Unit IV
Section 21
Know / Don’t
Chemistry 12 Online: Oxidation - Reduction Checklist
1. Primary Notes:
2. Worksheets to be handed in:
Chem 12 Online Redox Assignment
3. Addition Worksheets:
Practical Applications of Electrochemistry.pdf
Sample Provincial Questions in REDOX.pdf
Balancing Self Test.pdf
Chemistry 12 REDOX Titrations.pdf
4. Animations:
Zn – H
Zn – Cu
Chem 12 Notes Unit 4 (Part 1 and Part 2).pdf
5. Video (YouTube links):
Oxidation – Reduction (15
Overview of Oxidation –
Reduction, oldie but a goody.
Part 1 Building Blocks
Part 2 Electrochemical Cells
Part 3 Designing Cells
Part 4 Corrosion
Part 5 Electroplating
Specific about
Electrochemical cells
Starts with a review. 5 ten
minutes videos on
6. Additional Helpful Websites:
Saskatchewan Prov. Government
Chem Tutor
University of Waterloo
University of Guelph
University of Wisconsin
University of North Carolina
Chem Guide
7. Labs:
6 – Oxidation Reduction
8. Final Assessment:
Oxidation - Reduction Quiz (Only G1-G4)
Page 14 of 16
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
G1 describe oxidation and reduction processes
Know / Don’t
1. define and apply the following:
Text Reference
* oxidation
* reduction
* oxidizing agent
* reducing agent
* half-reaction
* redox reaction
Unit VI
Section 1!
2. determine the following:
* the oxidation number of an atom in a chemical species
* the change in oxidation number an atom undergoes when it is oxidized or
* whether an atom has been oxidized or reduced by its change in oxidation
3. relate change in oxidation number to gain or loss of electrons
G2 analyse the relative strengths of reducing and oxidizing agents
1. from data for a series of simple redox reactions, create a simple table of reduction
2. identify the relative strengths of oxidizing and reducing agents from their positions
on a half-reaction table
Unit VI
Section 2!
Unit VI
Section 3!
3. use the “Standard Reduction Potentials of Half-Cells” table to predict whether a
spontaneous redox reaction will occur between any two species
G3 balance equations for redox reactions
1. balance a half-reaction for
* a half-reaction in solutions that are acidic, basic, or neutral
* a net ionic redox reaction in acidic or basic solution
2. write the equations for reduction and oxidation half-reactions given a redox reaction
3. identify reactants and products for several redox reactions performed in a laboratory
and balance the equations
G4 determine the concentration of a species by performing a redox titration
Unit VI
Sections 4 – 6 !
Page 15 of 16
1. demonstrate familiarity with at least two common reagents used in redox titrations
(e.g., permanganate, dichromate, hydrogen peroxide)
2. select a suitable reagent to be used in a redox titration in order to determine the
concentration of a species
3. calculate the concentration of a species in a redox titration from data (e.g., grams,
moles, molarity)
Unit VI
Section 7!
Text Reference
H1 analyse an electrochemical cell in terms of its components and their functions
Know / Don’t
1. construct an electrochemical cell
2. define and label the parts of an electrochemical cell
3. determine the half-reactions that take place at each electrode of an electrochemical
cell, and use these to make predictions about the overall reaction and about
* the direction of movement of each type of ion in the cell
* the direction of flow of electrons in an external circuit
* what will happen to the mass of each electrode as the cell operates
4. predict the voltage of the cell when equilibrium is reached
Unit VI
Sections 8 – 10
5. determine voltages of half-reactions by analysing the voltages of several cells, with
reference to the standard hydrogen half-cell
H3 analyse the process of metal corrosion in electrochemical terms
1. describe the conditions necessary for corrosion to occur
2. suggest several methods of preventing or inhibiting corrosion of a metal, including
cathodic protection, and account for the efficacy of each method
H4 analyse an electrolytic cell in terms of its components and their functions
1. give examples of applications of electrochemical cells, including lead-acid storage
batteries, alkali cells, and hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, and explain how each functions
6. identify the standard conditions for E° values
7. predict the voltage (E°) of an electrochemical cell using the table of standard
reduction half-cells
8. predict the spontaneity of the forward or reverse reaction from the E° of a redox
H2 describe how electrochemical concepts can be used in various practical
Unit VI
Section 1!
Unit VI
Section 12!
1. define electrolysis and electrolytic cell
2. design and label the parts of an electrolytic cell used for the electrolysis of a molten
binary salt such as NaCl liquid
3. design and label the parts of an electrolytic cell capable of electrolyzing an aqueous
salt (use of over-potential effect not required)
4. predict the direction of flow of all ions in the cell and electrons in the external
5. write the half-reaction occurring at each electrode and predict observations based
upon this information
Unit VI
Section 13!
6. write the overall cell reaction and predict the minimum voltage required for it to
operate under standard conditions
H5 describe how electrolytic concepts can be used in various practical applications
1. explain the principals involved in simple electroplating
2. design and label an electrolytic cell capable of electroplating an object
3. demonstrate familiarity with electrolytic cells in metal refining processes, including
refining of zinc and aluminum
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Unit VI
Section 13 !