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Possible Egypt Projects:
There are 20 different topics to choose from, so have fun choosing!
**Special note for Visual Presentations**
Please do not copy any drawings or sketches from the Internet, books, or magazines. All drawings, murals,
maps, and other visuals must be original works! And approved by me.
1. You’re an Egyptian scribe! You are one of the most educated and intelligent people in all of Egypt, and you are
working on hieroglyphic writing in the tomb of the newly dead pharaoh. Who is this pharaoh? What story will you
write on the temple walls? (Maybe you will say something about the battles this pharaoh won against his enemies
or maybe you will tell of the pharaoh’s many building achievements.) You must choose the pharaoh and research
him or her in order to tell a true story of him or her on the tomb walls.
Visual presentation: Write this story in hieroglyphics on poster-board, using many colors! Translate the story
into English and explain why you wrote it to the class.
2. Your pet animal has just died and you need to mummify it! You have loved this pet animal for at least ten
years, but suddenly it was run over by a war chariot. What kind of animal is it? What is the pet’s name? How are
you going to mummify it? Research and explain the process of mummification for animals. Was this different
than for humans? Where will the mummy animal be buried? Create a short obituary (or death notice) for your pet,
so others can attend the burial.
Visual presentation: Draw out the process of mummification for your animal. Show what it finally looks like
after mummification. Be able to explain your work to the class.
3. You’re an Egyptian god! You have all the powers of the god you choose, and you must use those powers to
help or hurt the Egyptian people (during times of war, flooding, drought—a time of no water, or famine—a time
of little or no food). Which god are you? Will you help or hurt the Egyptian people? (You must research this god
in order to understand if they helped or hurt the Egyptians.) What disaster has happened and how have you helped
or hurt people? Why did you do that?
Visual presentation: Create a short comic strip of your news story to show how you helped or hurt the Egyptian
people. Be able to explain your work to the class.
4. You’re an Egyptian historian! You have researched the story of Egyptian creation in the temple, but you think
that it is wrong. Research the actual Egyptian story of creation and add to it using your own creative thinking.
What is wrong with it? What would you add and why? How will this effect the Egyptian people and their history?
Visual presentation: Create a mural (a large drawing) that shows your own Egyptian creation story in color. Be
able to explain your work to the class.
5. Create an ancient Egyptian city! Choose a city, such as Thebes, Memphis, Heliopolis, or Alexandria and
research it. Using this information, describe how you will create your own Egyptian city for the pharaoh. Be sure
to explain all the details of your city, such as its name, the Egyptian god that protects it, and what buildings will
be located there. There should be a temple dedicated to the Egyptian god that protects the city, shops, homes, a
school, and some kind of structure to honor the pharaoh.
Visual presentation: Create your ancient Egyptian city on a large piece of posterboard. (Or, you can also build
your city out of other materials, but the materials must be approved by the teacher!) Be able to explain your work
to the class.
6. You’re an explorer on the Nile River! You have wanted to search beyond Upper Egypt into the lands of
Kush/Nubia. What have you discovered there? What are the Nubians like? How are they different from or similar
to the Egyptians? Research and describe their culture including: their government, language, clothing, their
conflicts with Egypt and its pharaoh.
Visual presentation: Create a map of your journey from Upper Egypt to Kush/Nubia. On the map, point out
interesting landmarks, where you stopped to explore along the way, and anything else of interest to you as an
Egyptian explorer. Be able to explain your work to the class.
7. What is the story with those Egyptian pyramids? Who created them and why? Research to find out information
about the pyramids of Egypt. Be sure to focus your news story on the earliest pyramids and what they were used
for. Who was buried there? How were they built?
Visual presentation: Create your own 3-D pyramid. Use materials, such as wood, pebbles, cardboard, or others to
build a large pyramid. Be sure to make the pyramid the same colors as other actual pyramids. Be able to explain
your work to the class.
8. What is a mastaba? Research to find out what a mastaba is and how it was important to ancient Egyptians and
to early pyramid building. How did the architect Imhotep use mastabas to honor his pharaoh, Zoser? Be sure to
explain how they were built and why they were built.
Visual presentation: Create your own 3-D mastaba. Use materials, such as wood, pebbles, cardboard, or others to
build a step pyramid made of mastabas. Be sure to make the pyramid the same colors as other actual step
pyramids. Be able to explain your work to the class.
9. Interview a pharaoh! You’re a reporter for the Mummy Times Press and you have just found out that the
pharaoh asked to be interviewed by your newspaper. Choose a pharaoh from Egyptian history. You need to
research the pharaoh that you choose to work on and understand the pharaoh’s life, achievements, and anything
else of importance. Create a list of interview questions, (at least 10 questions). This list has to be approved by the
teacher. Then, you can give the answers that you think the pharaoh would give to your questions (based upon your
research). Write your news story as if it were an interview with the pharaoh.
Visual presentation: Add pictures to your news story. They should relate to the
news story that you’re creating and be larger than a normal sheet of paper. Be able to explain to the class how the
pictures relate to your news.
10. You’re a pharaoh! You’re a god to the people of Egypt. Compare yourself to another pharaoh in Egyptian
history. What did that pharaoh build or conquer? How are you better than that pharaoh? What will you build?
What will you conquer? What other orders will you give to the people of Egypt? Which Egyptian god helps you to
rule wisely? Be sure to focus your research on the pharaoh that you wish to compare yourself with.
Visual presentation: As pharaoh, you have decided to get an early start on your tomb. You have the plans all set
for your architect. Draw your pharaoh tomb and include at least 5 different rooms in which you might have
treasures, mummified pets, food, or anything else a pharaoh might need for the afterlife.
11. You’re an Egyptian soldier at a famous battle! Research a famous Egyptian battle and Egyptian weapons.
Who is your enemy? Why are you fighting? Describe the battle from your point of view. What has happened?
How many soldiers are fighting with you? How many soldiers does the enemy have? What weapons do you have?
What weapons does the enemy have? What happened after the battle? Who won? What did they win? Be sure to
relate most of this story to the facts you found in your research.
Visual presentation: Draw the battle on a large poster-board. (No blood or graphic details!!!) You should show
how the soldiers are lined up and ready to fight, where the weapons are placed, and how the land looks where the
battle will take place. Be able to explain your drawing and the battle to the class.
12. Imagine that you’re a slave. You’ve been captured by the Egyptians. Where do you come from? (Palestine,
Mesopotamia, Nubia). Research the area you’ve chosen to find out more information about the people there. If
you’re a slave from Nubia, you need to know what Nubians are like—what they like to eat, how they dress, why
they were fighting the Egyptians. Explain what it’s like to be a slave. Tell what your job is as a slave. (Do you
help create pyramids? Do you work in the house of a wealthy Egyptian?)
Visual presentation: Draw the inside of a slave’s home. Be sure to include the food you eat, what your bed looks
like, any furniture that you might have, and any other objects that you think belong in a slave’s home. Be able to
explain your drawing and the slave’s life to the class.
13. You’re on a journey with Egyptologist Howard Carter exploring King Tut’s tomb! Research Howard Carter
and King Tut’s tomb. When did he explore Tut’s tomb? Read through his diary and discover what it must have
been like to discover the famous tomb. Create a news story as if you are with Carter and you discover the tomb
together. What do you see inside the tomb? Give details of at least 2 rooms in the tomb. What kinds of objects are
in the tomb? How is this discovery important to history and to Egypt?
Visual presentation: What’s in Tut’s tomb? Draw it on posterboard. Include hieroglyphics, games, food
containers or jars, other important objects that an 18 or 19 year old pharaoh would have. Be able to explain the
tomb to the class.
14. You’re about to mummify a pharaoh! You are going to mummify the most important person in all of Egypt.
Be very careful. Explain how you will mummify the pharaoh. What steps do you need to take for the heart, lungs,
brain, other body parts? How will you wrap this mummy? What kinds of materials and chemicals will you need to
mummify the pharaoh? Be very clear about the process of mummification!
Visual presentation: Draw your mummy laboratory! Show pictures of the chemicals you will use, the sacred jars
you need, your table to examine the body, your tools to mummify the pharaoh, and anything else that you think
should be there. Please do not be too gross!!! (No heads in jars. Mummies need their heads!) Be able to explain
what you have drawn to the class.
15. You’re a vizier, a high counselor to the pharaoh! You have some important news to tell the pharaoh. Some
nobles are trying to kill him! Have pharaohs in history been assassinated? (Look this up on the Internet or in the
library!) Choose a pharaoh that was assassinated or almost was. Research to find out about the plan to kill the
pharaoh. Explain the plan based upon your research. How can you warn your pharaoh about the nobles in secret?
Are the pharaoh’s slaves, wife, or children involved in the plan to kill him? What can you do to stop this?
Visual presentation: Tell your story in hieroglyphics on a temple wall, so that others will know about the plan to
kill the pharaoh. Be sure to make the hieroglyphics large, and they will be on a temple wall—so color in the
background. Be able to explain the story to the class and translate the hieroglyphics to English (under the
hieroglyphics or on another poster-board).
16. You’re an architect! You are planning to build a temple to honor the crowning of a new pharaoh of Egypt.
Research an ancient Egyptian temple. What building material will you need? What statues and columns should be
inside the temple? What statues and columns should be outside the temple? Describe how you used the temple
from ancient Egypt as a model for the one you’re building. How are they different? How are they similar? Be
creative when you describe the temple that you want to build.
Visual presentation: Draw it on poster-board and in color! Include hieroglyphics, columns, statues, stairs, a roof,
and any other finishing touches that should be there. Use pictures of other temples as a model, but do not copy
another temple. Be able to explain your work to the class.
17. You cook the pharaoh’s food! You are the chef to the pharaoh. Research ancient Egyptian foods, especially
the food that the wealthy ate. What’s on the menu? Describe what food you are preparing for the pharaoh’s grand
feast to honor the sun god, Ra. How do you cook these foods? Be sure to include meats, vegetables, fruit, bread,
drinks, cakes, chocolate deserts, and other Egyptian food. Why is this food so important to the Egyptian people?
Be specific about your food. (So, if you mention “figs,” tell why they are so important to Egypt!)
Visual presentation: Create a mural (a very large picture) of the feast! Be sure to include Ra’s symbol on bowls
and jars. Include all the food you spoke of in your news story. Be able to explain the feast to the class and why it
is so important.
18. You’re an Egyptian hairdresser! Cleopatra VII and Nefertiti had some cool hair. Research Egyptian clothing
styles and hair care. What outfit is fit for a queen or a pharaoh? What kinds of tools, chemicals, perfumes, berries,
did they use in their hair to get that beautiful look they wanted? Describe the tips you would give to Cleopatra,
Nefertiti, or another Egyptian queen on styles for clothing and hair care. What’s in in Egypt for clothes and hair
this season? Be sure to keep most of the news story focused on historical facts about Egyptian clothes and hair.
Visual presentation: Create some new Egyptian fashions, using your knowledge of ancient Egyptian clothing and
hair. Create and show at least 4-5 designs. All designs must relate to Egypt and Egyptian culture. Be able to
explain your designs to the class.
19. You’re an Egyptian athlete! Research Egyptian sports. Pick a sport and write a sports news story. What sport
is it? Create a league and team names based on ancient Egyptian names (gods, goddesses, pharaohs). Explain the
rules of the sport. Describe a sporting event, such as a field hockey match. Give the play-by-play, but be sure to
use historical information about the sport when you do. This is not meant to be just a sports story. It must relate
to Egyptian culture and Egyptian history!
Visual presentation: Create a chariot racing sports arena where the Egyptians race their horse-drawn chariots
against people from other lands. It must have seating, a field, chariot parking, flags, and other objects and symbols
that would have been around in ancient times. It must be very large! Be able to explain your sports arena to the
class and the rules of chariot racing!
20. Design your own news story related to Egypt. If you choose to do this, you must have your topic approved by
a teacher BEFORE you begin. Designing your own topic might take some work, but it will be something that you
might also enjoy more than a topic listed here.
Visual presentation: You must explain what you wish to do for this. It must be approved before you can start
working on it!