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Reading #1: Problem (Old Regime) Phase
Experiencing World History
An Unequal French Society
Reading #1: The French Revolution (Page 476 – 478)
Topic: Long term problems: Inequality in France
1. Who made up the First & Second Estates and what privileges did they have?
2. What groups made up the Third Estate and what were two complaints they had about French
3. Describe two causes of the French Revolution.
4. What was the Estates General and why did Louis XVI call them together in 1789?
The French Revolution
1. In the 1770s, _____________ was one of Europe’s wealthiest countries led by an
…..____________ king named ________________. He was not a very good ruler.
French Society was divided into 3 Estates
2. Fill out the Chart below as you read.
Second Estate
Third Estate
Pop %
First Estate
3. What were two crises (big problems) that the French government faced?
4. __________________ called together the ___________ __________ in 1789 in order to
…._______ the nobles. In the ________ -________, each Estate got ______ vote.
To complete this reading: Turn to page ONE of this study guide and fill out the chart
and questions #1 & #2.
Reading #2: Transfer of Power Phase
Experiencing World History
Reading #2: Destruction of the Absolute Monarchy (477 - 483)
Topic: The 3rd Estate Rebels
1. What change in the Estates General did the Third Estate demand and why did it create the
National Assembly?
2. What was the Bastille and why did members of the Third Estate attack it on July 14, 1789?
3. Describe a change made by the National Assembly to remedy (fix) France’s problems.
4. What was the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen and explain three rights it
The French Revolution Begins
1. What change in the way the Estates General worked did the Third Estate demand?
2. The ________ __________ created a new government called the _________ ____________
after they were locked out of the meeting of the _________ ___________. The Third Estate
vowed to keep meeting until they had created a new _________________.
3. On July ___, _____________, members of the Third Estate attacked the famous French prison
called the ________ in order to get __________ that they hoped to use in order to protect their
new government, the National Assembly.
Revolutionary Reforms and Terror
4. What change did the new government (National Assembly) make once it came to power?
5. Who wrote the Declaration of Rghts of Man? What was it? What were 3 rights it gave to the
French people?
The French Formed a New Government
6. During the 1780s, the French king held ALL the power in France. Point out two ways the new
government created by the National Assembly took power away from the king.
7. Why did the new French government go to war with Austria and Prussia in 1791?
To complete this reading: Turn to page ONE of this study guide and fill out the
answers to questions #1 - #4 in Phase Two.
Reading #3 & #4: Moderates & Extremists struggle & Reign of Terror Phases
Reading #3 & #4: Moderates & Extremists struggle & Reign of Terror Phases
(Pages 483 – 485)
Topic: Extremists take control of government & terror reigns
1. What was a problem created by the execution of King Louis XVI?
2. What was the role of the Committee of Public Safety?
1. A new government, called the ____________, was created in 1792 and would rule France for
three years. France would now be a ____________. ____________ would have no power in
government, all French _______ could vote and hold office and the government would now try to
spread __________________________________ to all of Europe through war if necessary.
France soon found itself at war with _________________, Austria, Prussia and Spain.
2. Who was executed on January 21, 1793? Why do you think he was killed?
Reign of Terror
3. Even within France, some people opposed the craziness of the French Revolution. After King
Louis XVI was executed, ___________ in the countryside rebelled. Within the government,
___________ (called the Girondin) and radicals, called the Jacobins, fought over who would lead
the new country.
4. Thousands of people were killed by way of the _______________ in the 1790s. King Louis
XVI’s wife, _______ __________ as well as the man who led the Reign of Terror,
______________ were guillotined.
5. Why do you think this period of the French Revolution is called the Reign of Terror? What do
you think was its goal?
6. Order was gradually restored in France under a new government called the _____________
that was run by several men, the most famous of these men being ______________
To complete this reading: Turn to page TWO of this study guide and fill out the
answers to question #1 under Phase Three and question #2 in Phase Four.
Reading #5: The Return to Order
Experiencing World History
Reading #5: The Age of Napoleon (486 - 492)
Topic: Napoleon restores order but becomes dictator
1. Describe how Napoleon came to power and point out a change Napoleon made.
2. Give two reasons why Napoleon fell from power (e.g. Continental System, Invasion of
3. What nations allied to defeat Napoleon and to where did they ultimately exile him?
4. How did Napoleon’s rule change France and the rest of Europe?
Napoleon and the French Empire
1. In what is called a “coup de ‘etat,” ____________________ overthrew the disorganized French
government in November of ______ and would rule France for the next ______ years.
Napoleon Becomes Emperor
2. Why do you think Napoleon pretended to be the “elected leader” of France when he came to
3. Who did Napoleon invite to come crown him emperor? Why do you think he did this?
Napoleon Conquers Europe
4. What countries did Napoleon conquer?
5. _________ (country) proved to be Napoleon’s toughest opponent. Napoleon, as his navy could
not defeat them, decided to use a plan called the ________ ______ to defeat the British.
6. How would this system defeat Britain?
7. Your author says Napoleon’s “continental system turned out to be a costly mistake.” Why?
Napoleon Invades Russia
8. Why did Napoleon invade Russia?
9. What tactic did the Russians use to “defeat” Napoleon’s advancing army?
10. Napoleon began his invasion of Russia with ___________ (number) men and would return to
France with fewer than ____________.
Napoleon Is Defeated
8. Who ultimately defeated Napoleon?
9. Napoleon was sent to ________, an island off the coast of Italy, and Louis XVI’s brother,
_________, became the King of France.
10. In _______ (year), Napoleon returned to power in France for _________ Days and was finally
defeated at the Battle of ______________. Napoleon was exiled to the island of ______________
where he would die in 1821.
Effects of Napoleon’s Rule
11. Explain a change or effect that Napoleon’s leadership had on France?
12. Explain a change or effect that Napoleon’s leadership had on Europe?
To complete this reading: Turn to page TWO of this study guide and fill out the
answers to questions #1 - #4 under Phase Five.
World History I – Mr. Horas
Name: _______________
Comparing and Contrasting the Declaration of the Rights of Man
& the U.S. Bill of Rights
Declaration of the Rights of Man
U.S. Bill of Rights
What are four similarities these two documents share?
What are two differences between these documents?
2. Give an example of how the Declaration of the Rights of Man is a product of revolutionary
France. In other words, what was happening before the revolution in France that is mentioned in
the document?
3. Give an example of how the Bill of Rights of a product of revolutionary America.
4. Which document do you like better? Why?
World History I – Mr. Horas
History Channel’s The French Revolution
Phase One: Problem Phase
1. This program opens with a discussion of Louis XVI’s inexperience as leader. How do you think
Louis XVI’s qualities as a leader led to the French Revolution?
2. What were some of the causes of the French Revolution discussed in this program?
3. What was the “Enlightenment”? Who were some of its major thinkers and writers?
4. Why did the French people have such negative feelings toward Marie Antoinette?
Phase Two: Transfer of Power Phase
5. What event do you believe begins the revolution? Why?
6. What was the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen”? How does it relate to the
U.S. Constitution?
7. What was the Third Estate? Which groups in French society did it include?
8. How does France change once King Louis XVI is no longer in power?
Phase Three: Struggle between Moderates and Radicals
9. What kind of leader was Robespierre? Do you think he did a good job of representing the
…..wishes of the French people?
10. What was the role of women in the French Revolution? Point out two examples of their
contribution to the Revolution mentioned in this program?
Phase Four: Reign of Terror
11. Why do you think the initial goals of the Revolution became so distorted during the “Reign of
Terror”? Why do you think Robespierre had so much fear of political traitors?
12. What changes does the government make during the Reign of Terror?
13. How does the Reign of Terror end? Why?
14. What do you think were the most
important long-term effects of the French
Revolution? What were its legacies?
World History I – Mr. Horas
Name: _______________
Station One: YouTube: Lady Gaga on the French Revolution
Point out three historically accurate bits of information about the French Revolution that
“Lady Gaga” mentions in her video
Create a final verse of at least 4 lines for the song (about Napoleon). If you are really creative, use
the proper syllabic pattern.
Station Two: Sister Revolutions
Make note of three similarities and three differences.
Complete the following sentence: While both the French and American revolutions (similarity)
the French Revolution . . .
while the American Revolution . . .
Station Three: YouTube: Stick Man Video
Create a time line of five events of the French Revolution. (Note one of the dates
they mention is incorrect.)
Station Four: #34 Napoleon
Point out two mistakes (mentioned in the article) that contributed to Napoleon’s fall and two
reasons why the author, Michael Hart, considers Napoleon such an influential historical figure.
Why Influential?