* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Generating renewable energy What is energy? We use the word energy in many different ways and are not too troubled about defining it. However, in physics, it has a specific and precise definition. To a scientist energy is the ability to do work. ‘Work’ is defined as being done when a force acts on an object, accelerating it over a distance. Power is then defined as the rate of doing work. For example, a car that travels a kilometre more quickly than another is more powerful i.e. it has used the same energy in a shorter interval of time. There are many forms of energy including potential, kinetic, elastic, electric, magnetic, chemical, thermal and nuclear. The law of conservation of energy tells us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can rotating South pole be transformed from armature of magnet one type to another. North pole of magnet The challenge is to develop ways of slip ring transforming energy that already exists into forms that are more useful. carbon In this lesson we discuss a.c. out brush some of the technologies By rotating the coil (armature) in a magnetic field used by the ESB to transform energy into the an alternating current in generated valuable product called electricity. Generating electricity - the fundamentals An electrical generator is usually a rotating device that continuously moves an assembly of conductors through the magnetic field. Obeying Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, this movement creates the electromotive force (EMF) necessary to drive an electric current. The generator is rotated by some form of engine, often a turbine. Of course, this turbine must be driven by some other source of energy. It is these sources of energy that form the topic of much debate and concern. Burning fossil fuels Fossil fuels, such coal, oil or natural gas, are hydrocarbons and are easily burned. These fuels are commonly used as sources of heat in thermal power stations in which heat energy is converted into electricity. The heat either converts water into steam or ignites fuel (similar to a combustion engine) which then drives a turbine (mechanical energy). When fossil fuels are burned they produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), These are greenhouse gases that contribute to the modern problem of global warming. In addition, fossil fuels take tens of millions of years to form naturally and are now classified be nonrenewable. Accordingly, the focus is now on renewable energy sources i.e. sources that are replenished naturally over a reasonable period of time. These include water, wind, the sea, the sun, heat from the earth itself and organic matter (biomass). Using the energy of water When water falls from a height its potential energy converts to kinetic energy. In a hydroelectric (or hydropower) station this flow is directed onto the blades of a turbine, causing it to rotate and drive the generator. Generating rene energy The river Liffey offers natural falls that are very suitable sites for hydro stations. There are three stations on the river, at Poulaphouca, Golden Falls and Leixlip. The first, and most famous, hydro station in Ireland is at Ardnacrusha in Co Clare. A project before its time, in 1929 the output of 86 MW (megawatt) could meet the needs of the whole country. It is still the largest river station in the country. Th Ene don thro In e elec ohm of e Pow The 86 MW hydroelectric power station on the Shannon at Ardnacrusha Harnessing the wind The power of the wind can also be used to drive a turbine. These turbines are much smaller than those used in hydro stations – a typical example would be around 2 MW. Of course a wind farm contains a number of turbines, so the combined output is much higher. In Ireland, the wind is stronger and more regular at high altitudes and on coastal sites. Accordingly, these are the best locations on land for effective wind farms. The ESB farm at Carnsore Point, Co. Wexford is situated at most south-easterly corner of the country. This site is exposed to wind from both the Celtic Sea (Atlantic) and Irish Sea. The farm has a capacity of about 12 MW, which is enough to supply the current demand of about 7,600 households. The largest The 12 MW wind farm at Carnsore Point with its ESB farm is located in 14 turbines Derrybrien in south-east Co Galway. It has 70 turbines with a combined capacity of about 60 MW, which is enough for some 38,000 households. Not exa term The Influe moon syste syste energ turbin expec Indee way. projec https: Bur Biom which to pro bioet plants Wha Of course, the wind does not blow all the time and, when it does, its speed varies. The time over which the wind is consistently suitable for a turbine is called full load hours. The average Ireland is about 31% of the time. The E Temp since The e condu some summ in Co heat f panel Turning the sun’s heat into electricity Sus A solar cell is an arrangement of semiconductor material. When photons in sunlight falls on a semiconductor such as silicon they are absorbed and energy is transferred to electrons in the material. These electrons can then escape from the atoms and be harnessed as an electrical current. This is called the photovoltaic effect and a solar cell is also known as a photovoltaic cell (PV). The t depriv dama of ens we ha surpr solar eleme is at t It is estimated that 25% of buildings in the country will be using solar energy by 2025. Accordingly, the ESB is involved in pioneering work with solar energy organisations in the USA and the UK. ng renewable Generating renewable energy The unit of energy Energy and Work: joule (J). A joule is the energy transferred (work done) to an object when a force of one newton accelerates the object through a distance of one metre. In electrical terms a joule is the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. An ampere (or amp) is the flow of one coulomb of electrical charge per second. Power: watt (W). A watt is one joule per second (1 W = 1 J/s) n the Note that these are all SI units. Many non-SI units still exist. For example, the term ‘horsepower’ is often used for engines. Also, the term ‘calorie’, used on food and drink labels is a not an SI energy unit. The energy of the sea rbines mple of nd on ffective Influenced by the rotation of the earth and the gravitational pull of the moon, the sea is a powerful source of kinetic energy. Wave power systems use the kinetic energy of the surface waves. Tidal power systems harness the kinetic energy of the moving tide water. These energies can then be transformed to mechanical energy used to drive turbines and generators. Since Ireland is surrounded by seas it is expected that these technologies will play an important part in our future. Indeed, it is estimated that 20% of our electricity could be provided in this way. Experiments have already started off the coast of Co Clare with a project titled ESB Westwave. A school demonstration can be viewed at: Burning organic material Biomass is organic matter such as plants or plant-based materials which are not used for food or feed. Such non-fossil materials are burned to produce heat or converted to other forms of liquid biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel. The ESB is currently planning biomass power plants in the UK. ESB is Ireland’s foremost energy company, and the largest supplier of renewable electricity in Ireland. Through innovation, expertise and investment, ESB is leading the way in developing a modern, efficient electricity system, capable of delivering sustainable and competitive energy supplies to customers in the ‘all-island market’ - the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland. Established in 1927, ESB operates right across the electricity market, from generation through transmission and distribution to supply. ESB also operates in a range of complementary sectors including telecommunications, international engineering consultancy and gas. Today, ESB operates a renewable energy portfolio that has the capacity to supply over 830 MW of green energy to the homes, farms, hospitals, schools and businesses of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Its goal is to reduce ESB’s carbon emissions 40% by 2025, and towards becoming carbonneutral by 2050. ESB aims to achieve this through expanding its wind portfolio, and continually investing in other renewable energy technologies that take advantage of the natural resources available to us. For further information visit: What is geothermal energy? s h for speed rbine is e. The Earth holds a vast store of thermal energy known as High Temperature Geothermal Energy. Most of this energy has been present since the planet’s formation and more is generated by radioactive decay. The earth’s core is extremely hot (around 5,000°C) and is continuously conducted towards the surface. Heat pumps can be used to transfer some of this heat to buildings. Heat pumps can also cool a building in the summer by transferring heat back to the Earth. In the SuperHomes project in Co Tipperary houses are fitted with heat pumps that actually use the heat from the air during the summer. They are also equipped with solar panels. ( Sustainability is essential e se cell is r k with The term ‘sustainability’ relates to the need to ensure that we do not deprive future generations by using up available energy resources or by damaging the environment in an irreversible manner. The obvious way of ensuring sustainability is the use renewable resources. In this lesson we have discussed some of the main technologies involved. It may be surprising to realise that the energy sources mentioned – water, biomass, solar etc. – have always been available to the human race. The missing element has been the technology to transform them effectively. The ESB is at the forefront of the sustainability drive in our country and elsewhere. ESB ‘all-islands’ asset map. ( Find this and other lessons on Generating renewable energy Generating Generatingrenew rene energy energy Exa Ex Syllabus SyllabusReferences References Student StudentActivities Activities The Themain mainsyllabus syllabusreferences referencesforforthe thelesson lessonare: are: 1.1. What Whatsteps stepscan canbebetaken takentotomake makemore moreefficient efficientuse useofofenergy energy ororreduce reduceenergy energyloss lossininyour yourhome homeororschool? school? Examples Examplesinclude: include:solar solarheating heatingpanels, panels,photovoltaic photovoltaicpanels, panels, wind windpower powerand andimproved improvedinsulation. insulation.Summarise Summariseyour yourfindings findings inina aposter posterororcomputer computerpresentation. presentation. Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificatePhysics Physics(pp. (pp.27, 27,29, 29,37, 37,39) 39) • • Energy Energyand andPower: Power:Energy Energyasasthe theability abilitytotododowork. work. • • Mass Massasasa aform formofofenergy: energy:E E= =mc mc(nuclear (nuclearenergy) energy) 2 2 • • Conversions Conversionsfrom fromone oneform formofofenergy energytotoanother. another.Principle Principleofof conservation conservationofofenergy. energy. • • Heat Heatasasa aform formofofenergy. energy. • • Electromagnetic Electromagneticinduction. induction.Photoelectric Photoelectriceffect effect Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificateTechnology Technology(p.(p.22) 22) • • Energy Energyand andEnergy EnergyConservation. Conservation.Electricity Electricity Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificateBiology Biology(p.(p.33) 33) • • Ecosystem; Ecosystem;Energy EnergyFlow; Flow;Human HumanImpact Impact Science Scienceand andTechnology Technologyinin Action Actionisisalso alsowidely widelyused usedininJunior Junior Certificate CertificateScience Scienceand andininTransition TransitionYear. Year. Learning LearningOutcomes Outcomes On Oncompletion completionofofthis thislesson, lesson,students studentsshould shouldbebeable ableto:to: • • Explain Explainwhat whatisismeant meantbybythe theterm term‘energy’ ‘energy’ • • List Listdifferent differentforms formsofofenergy energyand anddescribe describecommon commonenergy energy conversions conversions • • Outline Outlinedifferent differentways waysofofgenerating generatingelectricity electricity • • Discuss Discussthe theadvantages advantagesand anddisadvantages disadvantagesofofdifferent differentelectrical electrical generation generationtechnologies, technologies,including includingenvironmental environmentalconsiderations considerations • • Identify Identifythe theenergy energysources sourcesthat thatare arelikely likelytotomeet meetIreland’s Ireland’sfuture future needs needs • • Describe Describesome someofofthe theprojects projectsininwhich whichESB ESBisisinvolved. involved. 2.2. Most Mostelectrical electricalunits unitsare arenamed namedafter afterpeople peoplewho whomade madeimportant important discoveries discoveriesrelating relatingtotoelectricity: electricity:coulomb, coulomb,volt, volt,ampere, ampere,watt, watt, joule, joule,ohm. ohm.Devise Devisea aposter, poster,orora acomputer computerpresentation, presentation,onon one oneofofthese theseunits. units.Your Yourpresentation presentationshould shouldinclude include • • relevant relevantimages images • • a abiography biographyofofthe theperson personininwhose whosehonour honourthe theunit unitisisnamed named • • ananexplanation explanationofofthe theunit unitand andwhat whatit itmeasures measures • • how howthe theunit unitrelates relatestotoother otherSISIunits. units. 3.3. The Thewind windturbines turbinesatatCarnsore Carnsoreare arerated ratedatat850 850kW kW(0.85 (0.85MW) MW) each. each.More Morerecent recentwind windfarms farmsuse use1.5 1.5MW MWtoto3 3MW MWturbines. turbines. • • What Whatisisthe themaximum maximumpower poweroutput outputofofa awind windfarm farmwith withfifty fifty 1.5 1.5MW MWturbines? turbines? • • Calculate Calculatethe theaverage averagepower powerofofthe thewind windfarm farmif ifthe theload load factor factorisis30%. 30%. • • Calculate Calculatethe theaverage averageenergy, energy,ininkilowatt kilowatthours hours(kW (kWh),h), produced producedbybythe thewind windfarm farmininone oneyear. year. • • InInIreland Irelandthe theaverage averageyearly yearlyelectrical electricalenergy energyuse useper per household householdisisabout about5300 5300kW kWh h(kilowatt (kilowatthours). hours). Approximately Approximately how howmany manyhouseholds householdscould couldbebesupplied suppliedwith withelectricity electricitybyby the thewind windfarm farmdescribed describedabove? above? Jun Ju • • W • • D • • E t h Leav Le Read Re The The Mich Mic that thaa aa ma m elect ele the the o elect ele hehe ha bebe th trans tran (i)(i) (ii)(ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (v)(v) (vi) (vi) True/False True/FalseQuestions Questions General GeneralLearning LearningPoints Points a)a)Energy Energycannot cannotbebecreated createdbut butcan canbebedestroyed. destroyed. T TF F (vii) (vii T TF F (viii) (vii These Theseare areadditional additionalrelevant relevantpoints pointswhich whichare are used usedtotoextend extendknowledge knowledgeand andfacilitate facilitatediscussion. discussion. b)b)Heat Heatcannot cannotbebeused usedtotogenerate generateelectricity. electricity. c)c) AllAlltypes typesofofelectricity electricitygeneration generationare arenot notequally equallyefficient. efficient. T T F F • • AtAtCoolkeeragh CoolkeeraghininCo. Co.Down DownESB ESBoperates operatesa a455 455MW MWCombined Combined Cycle CycleGas GasTurbine Turbine(CCGT). (CCGT).This Thisisisover over50% 50%more moreefficient efficientthan than traditional traditionalgas gasturbines turbinesand andemits emitsmuch muchlower lowerlevels levelsofofnitrogen nitrogen oxide oxide(NO (NO ) and ) andsulphur sulphurdioxide dioxide(SO (SO ) pollutants. ) pollutants. x x 2 2 • • InIn2014, 2014,renewable renewableelectricity electricitygeneration, generation,consisting consistingofofwind, wind, hydro, hydro,landfill landfillgas, gas,biomass biomassand andbiogas, biogas,accounted accountedforfor22.7% 22.7% ofofgross grosselectricity electricityconsumption consumptionininIreland. Ireland. (Energy (EnergyininIreland, Ireland, • • Aghada AghadaPower PowerStation Stationisisone oneofofthe themost mostefficient efficientand andcleanest cleanest plants plantsininEurope. Europe. AA detailed detailedpresentation presentationononhow howthe thepower power station stationoperates operatesisisavailable availableat:at: • • Related Relatedteaching teachingnotes noteshave havebeen beenforwarded forwardedtotoallallschools schools and andcan canalso alsobebeordered orderedbybyemailing: emailing:[email protected] [email protected] d)d)There Thereisisnot notenough enoughsunlight sunlightininIreland Irelandtotouse usesolar solarenergy. energy.T T F F e)e)Most Mostelectricity electricityisisgenerated generatedfrom fromrenewable renewablesources. sources. T TF F f) f) The Thesea seacould couldbebeananimportant importantsource sourceofofenergy energyininthe thefuture. future. T TF F g)g)ESB ESBdoes doesnot notmanage manageany anywind windfarms. farms. T TF F h)h)Wind Windwill willnot notbebea asignificant significantsource sourceofofenergy energyininthe thefuture. future.T T F F i) i) InIna ahydro hydrostation, station,the thekinetic kineticenergy energyofofmoving movingwater waterisis converted convertedtotoelectrical electricalenergy. energy. T TF F j) j) The TheSISIunit unitofofenergy energyisisthe theerg. erg. T TF F k)k) A A kilowatt-hour kilowatt-hourisisa aunit unitofofpower. power. T TF F l) l) One Onekilowatt-hour kilowatt-hourisisequal equaltoto3,600,000 3,600,000joules. joules. T TF F Check Checkyour youranswers answerstotothese thesequestions Leav Le • • W a • • D • • G c Leav Le (i)(i) (ii)(ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (v)(v) ng g renewable renewable y s tant nt att, , med ed ) ty ately ely y Generating renewable energy Examination ExaminationQuestions Questions Did DidYou YouKnow? Know? Junior JuniorCertificate CertificateScience Science(HL) (HL)2005, 2005,Q.Q.1515b b • • ByBy 2020, 2020, ESB ESB will will bebe generate generate one one third third ofof itsits electricity electricity from from renewable renewable sources sources and and will will achieve achieve carbon carbon net-zero net-zero byby 2035. 2035. • • What What energy energy conversion conversion occurs occurs in in aa generator generator (dynamo)? (dynamo)? • • Draw Draw aa labelled labelled diagram diagram ofof aa simple simple generator generator (dynamo). (dynamo). • • Electricity Electricity is is transmitted transmitted asas a.c. a.c. and and itsits voltage voltage is is increased increased leaving leaving the the generating generating station station and and then then is is reduced reduced before before it reaches it reaches your your home. home. Name Name aa device device that that can can change change a.c. a.c. voltage. voltage. Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificatePhysics Physics(HL) (HL)2005, 2005,Q.Q.1111b b Read Read the the following following passage passage and and answer answer the the accompanying accompanying questions. questions. The The scientist scientist whose whose research research would would unite unite electricity electricity and and magnetism magnetism was was Michael Michael Faraday. Faraday. HeHe developed developed the the first first electric electric motor motor in in 1821, 1821, showing showing that that a current a current carrying carrying conductor conductor could could bebe made made toto revolve revolve around around a magnet. a magnet. HeHe went went onon toto expand expand onon Oersted’s Oersted’s observation observation that that anan electric electric current current produces produces a magnetic a magnetic effect. effect. Perhaps, Perhaps, Faraday Faraday thought, thought, the the opposite opposite was was also also true: true: a moving a moving magnetic magnetic field field could could generate generate anan electric electric current. current. This This was was toto bebe called called electromagnetic electromagnetic induction. induction. Soon Soon hehe had had created created the the first first electric electric generator, generator, and and everyday everyday lifelife would would never never bebe the the same same again. again. His His experiments experiments with with induced induced currents currents produced produced the the transformer. transformer. (Adapted (Adapted from from Milestones Milestones ofof Science; Science; Curt Curt Supple; Supple; 2000) 2000) (i)(i) List List three three factors factors that that affect affect the the force force onon aa current-carrying current-carrying conductor conductor placed placed near near aa magnet. magnet. (ii)(ii) What What energy energy transformation transformation takes takes place place in in anan electric electric motor? motor? (iii) (iii) What What is is the the function function ofof aa commutator commutator in in aa d.c. d.c. motor? motor? • • Energy Energy from from renewable renewable sources sources is is also also known known asas ‘green ‘green energy’. energy’. • • The The power power ofof aa wind wind turbine turbine is is proportional proportional toto the the cube cube ofof the the wind wind velocity. velocity. • • Biomass Biomass is is the the oldest oldest fuel fuel used used byby mankind. mankind. Wood Wood has has been been used used asas aa fuel fuel forfor cooking cooking and and heating heating forfor over over 500,000 500,000 years. years. • • The The word word ‘turbine’ ‘turbine’ derives derives from from the the Latin Latin ‘turbo’ ‘turbo’ meaning meaning ‘vortex’. ‘vortex’. • • Ardnacrusha Ardnacrusha was was constructed constructed atat the the same same time time asas the the first first national national electricity electricity grid grid (110 (110 kV) kV) and and became became the the model model forfor large large scale scale electrification electrification schemes schemes allall over over the the world. world. See See the the Nationwide Nationwide programme programme onon the the History History ofof Ardnacrusha Ardnacrusha atat • • The The ESB ESB station station atat Turlough Turlough Hill Hill in in Wicklow Wicklow is is anan example example ofof aa pumped pumped storage storage hydroelectric hydroelectric system. system. When When there there is is spare spare capacity, capacity, water water is is pumped pumped from from aa lower lower reservoir reservoir back back toto the the upper upper reservoir. reservoir. Biographical Biographical Notes Notes James James Prescott Prescott Joule Joule (1818 (1818 - 1889) - 1889) James James Prescott Prescott Joule Joule was was anan English English physicist physicist who who studied studied the the relationship relationship between between heat heat and and mechanical mechanical work. work. AsAs a young a young man, man, one one ofof hishis tutors tutors was was John John Dalton, Dalton, himself himself a famous a famous scientist. scientist. TF F (vii) (vii)Name Name the the Irish Irish physicist physicist who who invented invented the the induction induction coil. coil. Joule’s Joule’s work work gave gave rise rise toto the the law law ofof conservation conservation ofof energy. energy. HeHe shares shares the the credit credit oror this this with with Hermann Hermann Helmholtz, Helmholtz, another another famous famous scientist. scientist. Joule Joule also also made made important important advances advances in in the the development development ofof thermodynamics. thermodynamics. HeHe was was extremely extremely interested interested in in electricity electricity and anddiscovered discovered the the well well known known relationship relationship This This relationship relationship is is known known between between power power and and current, current, PP == I2R. I2R. asas Joule’s Joule’s First First Law Law (also (also known known asas the the Joule-Lenz Joule-Lenz Law Law (after (after Heinrich Heinrich Lenz) Lenz) TF F (viii) (viii)Give Give two two factors factors that that affect affect the the efficiency efficiency ofof aa transformer. transformer. The The SISI derived derived unit unit ofof energy, energy, the the joule, joule, is is named named in in hishis honour. honour. TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F TF F (iv) (iv) Draw Draw aa sketch sketch ofof the the output output voltage voltage from from anan a.c. a.c. generator. generator. (v)(v) How How are are the the slip slip rings rings connected connected toto anan external external circuit circuit in in anan a.c. a.c. generator? generator? (vi) (vi) A A transformer transformer and and anan induction induction coil coil can can both both bebe used used toto change change aa small small voltage voltage into into aa larger larger voltage. voltage. What What is is the the basic basic difference difference in in the the operation operation ofof these these two two devices? devices? Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificatePhysics Physics(HL) (HL)2011, 2011,Q.Q.1010b b(part) (part) • • What What changes changes can can bebe made made toto aa d.c. d.c. motor motor toto convert convert it to it to anan a.c. a.c. generator? generator? Revise ReviseThe TheTerms Terms • • Draw Draw aa sketch sketch ofof the the output output voltage voltage from from anan a.c. a.c. generator. generator. Can Can you you recall recall the the meaning meaning ofof the the following following terms? terms? Revising Revising terminology terminology is is aa powerful powerful aid aid toto recall recall and and retention. retention. • • Give Give two two ways ways in in which which the the output output voltage voltage from from anan a.c. a.c. generator generator can can bebe increased. increased. Leaving LeavingCertificate CertificatePhysics Physics(OL) (OL)2001, 2001,Q.Q.3 3 (i)(i) Define Define energy. energy. (ii)(ii) What What is is the the unit unit ofof energy? energy? (iii) (iii) Write Write down down Einstein’s Einstein’s equation equation which which relates relates mass mass and and energy. energy. (iv) (iv) State State the the principle principle ofof conservation conservation ofof energy. energy. (v)(v) AnAn electrical electrical generator generator converts converts _________energy _________energy toto ________ ________ . . accelerating, accelerating, ampere, ampere, biodiesel, biodiesel, bioethanol, bioethanol, biomass, biomass, biofuel, biofuel, carbon carbon dioxide, dioxide, conductor, conductor, electric electric current, current, electricity, electricity, electromagnetic electromagnetic induction, induction, electromotive electromotive force, force, energy, energy, Faraday’s Faraday’s law, law, force, force, fossil fossil fuel, fuel, fullfull load load hours, hours, global global warming, warming, High High Temperature Temperature Geothermal Geothermal Energy, Energy, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon, hydroelectric, hydroelectric, hydropower, hydropower, kinetic kinetic energy, energy, law law ofof conservation, conservation, magnetic magnetic field, field, mechanical mechanical energy, energy, nitrous nitrous oxide, oxide, non-renewable, non-renewable, ohm, ohm, organic organic matter, matter, photon, photon, photovoltaic photovoltaic cell, cell, photovoltaic photovoltaic effect, effect, potential potential energy, energy, power, power, radioactive radioactive decay, decay, renewable renewable energy, energy, semiconductor, semiconductor, SISI units, units, solar solar cell, cell, thermal thermal power power station, station, tidal tidal power, power, turbine, turbine, wave wave power, power, work. work. Check Check the the Glossary Glossary ofof terms terms for for this this lesson lesson onon