Download Patient information sheet: Collection of a Faecal Occult Blood

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Blood Sciences Department
Pathology Building Level E
Queen Alexandra Hospital
023 9228 6271
Patient instructions: Collecting Faecal Occult Blood Samples - Version: 1.0. Index: LI-BSL-BS-FOBInstructions. Printed: 13-Mar-2013 15:13
Patient information sheet: Collection of a Faecal Occult Blood
Your doctor has asked that you collect a series of stool samples for testing in the laboratory to
check for the presence of blood.
This information sheet is designed to help you with the collection process and give you the
correct information to ensure the samples you supply to the laboratory are suitable for testing.
You can eat a normal diet but foods that are rich in blood such as black pudding should be
avoided for three days prior to and during collection as these may give false positive results.
It may be helpful to eat foods that are high in fibre to aid the passing of your stool. Some
medications may cause gastrointestinal irritation, which may affect the result. If you are taking
medication, ALWAYS speak to your doctor before making any changes to them.
Collection of samples should be AVOIDED AT CERTAIN TIMES including:
During your menstrual period and 3 days afterwards, if you are a women.
After dental work and operations where blood loss may have occurred.
When blood is present in urine or if you have active haemorrhoids
You should have been given a request form and three blue faeces pots by your doctor, one to
be used for each bowel movement. Please collect one sample a day for three days, rather
than 3 samples during a short period of time. The likelihood of detecting any bleeding is
greater over this 3day period.
Pass your first motion (day 1) into a clean container or into your hand covered by a small
clean plastic bag. Alternatively attach some cling film across the bowl so it hangs just
above the water to catch your stool. Note: It is important that the sample has not been
in the toilet bowl.
Using the scoop attached to the lid of the pot, take a small amount of the motion onto the
scoop (about the width of a 10 pence piece), place the scoop inside the pot and secure
the lid.
It is important that you write the date, time of collection along with your full name and
date of birth on the sample in the appropriate spaces, on the sample label. If a printed
label is present on the collection pots the date and time of collection will need to be added
to each sample.
Patient instructions: Collecting Faecal Occult Blood Samples - Version: 1.0. Index: LI-BSL-BS-FOBInstructions. Printed: 13-Mar-2013 15:13
Authorised on: 13-Mar-2013. Authorised by: Alex Walster. Document Unique Reference: 584-25397079. Due for review on: 27-Mar-2015
Author(s): Alex Walster
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Patient information sheet: Collection of a Faecal Occult Blood
Patient instructions: Collecting Faecal Occult Blood Samples - Version: 1.0. Index: LI-BSL-BS-FOBInstructions. Printed: 13-Mar-2013 15:13
Repeat the steps above for the remaining two samples over the next two days or the next
two occasions when a stool is passed (up to a maximum of 5 days). Remember to clearly
label the specimen pots with your FULL NAME, D.O.B and SAMPLE COLLECTION
The samples must be kept cool and out of direct sunlight. The samples will need to be
received by the laboratory and available for analysis within 5 days of the first specimen
You can return the completed samples (with the request form) to your GP surgery or
deliver it directly to the Pathology Laboratory. The laboratory can be accessed via the link
bridge located on E level at The Queen Alexandra Hospital. Full address is detailed
A minimum of three points of identification are required on the labels of each of the
specimens (surname, forename and date of birth are essential, plus hospital number/NHS
number if known – do not use initials). Inadequately labelled specimens will be rejected by
the laboratory and you will be asked to produce a further series of samples.
If you have any queries, please use the contact information at the top of the page.
Alternatively call via the hospital switchboard (023 9228 6000) Ext 6348.
For comments, compliments or complaints about the Trust and its publications, please contact
the Patient Experience Service by E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0800 917 6039.
If you require this information sheet in another language, large print or another format, please
contact the Health Information Centre Tel: (023) 9228 6757, who will advise you.
© Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Patient instructions: Collecting Faecal Occult Blood Samples - Version: 1.0. Index: LI-BSL-BS-FOBInstructions. Printed: 13-Mar-2013 15:13
Authorised on: 13-Mar-2013. Authorised by: Alex Walster. Document Unique Reference: 584-25397079. Due for review on: 27-Mar-2015
Author(s): Alex Walster
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