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China Web Quest – 6.2.7
Directions: Use the following web sites, videos, and games to get a better understanding of
Ancient China.
The Silk Road
1. During what Ancient Chinese dynasty did the Silk Road reach its peak?
2. About how long was the Silk Road?
3. What was the most popular way to travel along the route?
4. Where did the Silk Road get its name?
5. What deadly disease is thought to have traveled to Europe along the Silk Road?
Watch the following video (one video) about the Silk Road and answer the questions
6. The Silk Road is not really a road, it is more like a network of what?
7. Other than material goods, what else was spread through the Silk Road?
8. Chinese writing was invented during which dynasty?
9. What was this form of writing called?
Play the following game to see if you understand Chinese writing.
Find out your Chinese name.
Put your first name in.
Click ‘male’ or ‘female’
Click on ‘get my Chinese name’
10. Copy down your Chinese name (symbols) below
11. Name at least 5 Chinese inventions.
12. What are two of the great feats of civil engineering accomplished by the engineers of
Ancient China?
13. What are considered the four great inventions of the Ancient Chinese civilization?
14. What was the use for gunpowder?
15. What invention did the Chinese keep secret from the rest of the world for hundreds of
16. How were kites first used by the Ancient Chinese?
Play a game of Tangrams! – see if you can make the shape
Great Wall
17. The original Great Wall was started by what dynasty?
18. It took how many years to build the Great Wall?
19. What was the purpose of the building the Great Wall?
20. Most of the Great Wall of China was built during what time period?
21. Recent estimates show the Great Wall of China to be approximately how many miles long?
22. Historians estimate approximately how many people died during the construction of the
Great Wall of China?
Watch the following video (one video) on The Great Wall of China.
Chinese philosophies
Get a textbook. (If you prefer to read/listen on the computer log into Social Studies Alive. It is
chapter 21)
23. Read section 21.3 (pg. 226). Summarize what Confucianism means.
24. Read section 21.4 (page 228). Summarize what Daoism means.
25. Read section 21.5 (page 230). Summarize what Legalism means.
26. What is a dynasty?
27. How many dynasties ruled during Ancient China?
28. What dynasty started the Great Wall of China? What dynasty ended it?
29. What dynasty ruled the longest?
Chinese Calendar
30. Each year in the Chinese calendar is named after an animal. Find the year you were born.
What animal represents the year you were born?
Daily Life
31. What job did most of the people in Ancient China have?
32. What was the main food crop in southern China?
33. Why did women have their feet bound?
34. Pick a festival and describe the purpose of the festival.
Play a game of Chinese checkers!
Chinese checkers -
Color the picture (if you want).