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List of publications
Published papers
 Excess copper induced oxidative stress and response of antioxidants in rice, (Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry 53 (2012) 33e39)
 Physiological and morphological responses of the root system of Indian
mustard(Brassica juncea L. Czern.) and rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to copper
stress, (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 94(2013)179–189 )
 Selenite-induced hormonal and signalling mechanisms during root growth
of Arabidopsis thaliana L. ( Journol of Experimental Botany)
Communicated papers
Nitric oxide regulation of salinity induced oxidative stress in Oryza sativa L.
(Acta Physiologia Plantarum)
 Effects of copper and zinc on growth and photosynthesis of Brassica species
(Plant Cell Physiology)
 Nitric oxide regulation of copper,chromium and lead induced oxidative stress in
Oryza sativa L (Biometals)