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Biology I: Cell Growth and Division, Mitosis vs. Meiosis
STUDY GUIDE: Biology Textbook: pg. 240 – 253, 275 - 278
Name: ______________________
1. List two problems that growth causes for cells.
2. Define:
A. Cell cycle: ________________________________________________________________________
B. interphase: ________________________________________________________________________
C. cell division: ______________________________________________________________________
D. DNA replication: __________________________________________________________________
Label and describe parts A and B in the following diagram:
A: _________________________________________________________________
B: _________________________________________________________________
Define chromatin: ____________________________________________________
What is the name of the entire structure shown in this diagram? ________________
4. The main events of the cell cycle are labeled A, B, C, and D
in Figure 3. Name these events. Then, briefly state what
happens during each event.
Define mitosis: _____________________________________________________________________
Name the four phases of mitosis (in order in which they occur) and briefly state the main events that take
place during each phase:
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
6. Use the diagrams below to answer the following questions on the lines provided.
What do these diagrams represent? How do you know if this is an
animal cell or a plant cell?
What is the number of chromosomes in the cell shown in the diagram?
Identify the structures labeled X and Y.
X: _______________________
Y: _______________________
List the correct order for the diagrams: ___________________
After the steps shown in the diagram have been arranged in the correct order, what would a diagram of a final step
centriole: ______________________________________________________________________
spindle: ________________________________________________________________________
How does the number of chromosomes in the two new cells compare with the number in the original cell at the
end of cell division? ______________________________________________________________
Explain the importance of mitosis in multicellular organisms: ___________________________________
Explain the importance of mitosis in unicellular organisms: _____________________________________
7. Define cytokinesis: _____________________________________________________________________
Describe how a plant cell produces a new cell wall during cytokinesis. ______________________________
How is cytokinesis in animal cells different from cytokinesis in plant cells? ____________________________
8. Describe the role of cyclins in the cell cycle: ____________________________________________________
Describe how the skin cells near a cut behave. What role does contact with other cells have in the behavior of cells
near a cut?
Identify a factor that can stop cells from growing. Give an example of how this factor affects cell growth.
9. Explain how cancer cells are different from normal cells: _________________________________________
Why can cancer be considered a disease of the cell cycle? _________________________________________
10. Complete the following: On the line provided, label each event with one of the four phases of mitosis in which it occurs.
A phase may be used more than once.
____________________a. The chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell.
____________________b. Chromosomes become visible.
____________________c. Centrioles separate.
____________________d. Sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes.
____________________e. Two new nuclear envelopes form.
____________________f. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down.
____________________g. Each chromosome is connected to a spindle fiber.
____________________h. The individual chromosomes move apart.
11. True or False If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, write false.
_________1. One of two identical “sister” parts of a copied chromosome is called a chromatid.
_________2. The final phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope re-forms is called anaphase.
_________3. Division of the cytoplasm takes place during prophase.
_________4. Adisorder in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably is called cancer.
_________5. The first phase of mitosis is called prophase.
_________6. The part of the cell cycle in which the cell grows and replicates its DNA is interphase.
_________7. The third stage of mitosis during which the sister chromatids separate and become individual
chromosomes is cytokinesis.
_________8. The division of the cell nucleus occurs during interphase.
_________9. Atiny structure located in the cytoplasm near the nuclear envelope is a centriole.
_________10. The stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell is metaphase.
12. Which pair is correct?
a. G1 phase, DNA replication
c. S phase, cell division
b. G2 phase, preparation for mitosis
d. M phase, cell growth
13. Which of the following is a factor that can stop normal cells from growing?
a. contact with other cells
b. growth factors
c. a cut in the skin
d. cyclin that has been taken from a cell in mitosis
14. Define:
a. meiosis: __________________________________________________________________________________
b. homologous chromosomes: __________________________________________________________________
c. diploid(2n): ________________________________________________________________________________
d. haploid (n) :________________________________________________________________________________
e. crossing over: _____________________________________________________________________________
f. tetrad: ___________________________________________________________________________________
g. gamete: __________________________________________________________________________________
h. sperm: ___________________________________________________________________________________
i. egg: _____________________________________________________________________________________
j. polar bodies: _______________________________________________________________________________
15. Identifying Processes On the lines provided, order the different stages of meiosis I and meiosis II in the proper
______________ 1. Spindle fibers pull apart homologous chromosomes.
______________ 2. Four haploid (N) daughter cells form.
______________ 3. Cells undergo a round of DNA replication.
______________ 4. Sister chromatids separate from each other.
______________ 5. Homologous chromosomes form tetrads.
______________ 6. Two haploid (N) daughter cells form.
______________ 7. Spindle fibers attach to the homologous chromosome pairs.
______________ 8. Individual chromatids move to each end of the cell.
______________ 9. Crossing-over (if any) occurs.
16. Compare and contrast the process of mitosis and meiosis:
Number of chromosomes in parent cell? (2n or n)
Do chromosomes replicate? (yes or no)
Do homologous chromosomes pair up? (yes or no)
How many cell divisions?
How many daughter cells produced?
Number of chromosomes in daughter cells? (n or 2n)
Type of cells produced?
Where in body does this process take place?
17. If a diploid cell containing 28 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell
have? ___________
18. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about meiosis.
a. During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate.
b. The two daughter cells produced by meiosis I still have the two complete sets of chromosomes, as does a
diploid cell.
c. During anaphase II, the paired chromatids separate.
d. After meiosis II, the four daughter cells contain the diploid number of chromosomes.
19. Why is meiosis described as a process of reduction division? _________________________________________
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