Download Bromine Nicole P. P. 9 Atomic Symbol Br Atomic Number 35 Mass

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Bromine Nicole P. P. 9 Atomic Symbol Br Atomic Number 35 Mass Number 79.904 Halogen Family Group 17 Period 4 Nonmetal Liquid at room temperature Melting Point 19.04 F ­7.2 C 265.95K Boiling Point 137.8 F 58.8 C 331.85K Red­Brown Color Discovered by ​
Antoine­Jérôme Balard in 1826 in France From the greek word meaning stench, bromos It is mostly obtained by treating wells with chlorine in Michigan and Arkansas Bromine is in a chemical that was added to leaded gasoline but leaded gasoline isn’t used anymore. Also it is in silver bromide which is used for photography. Physical Properties: Bromine evaporates easily and dissolves well in organic liquids Chemical Properties: Bromine is very reactive. It reacts with metals and can be explosive, but it can also react with relatively unreactive metals.­table/element/35/bromine­C/Bromine.html 
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