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Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
What do the language and behaviour of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth tell
us about their relationship with each other in these scenes?
Before you begin, you should think about:
Macbeth's thoughts and feelings before the murder
What Lady Macbeth says and does
What the audience learns about the characters during these scenes
How the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is revealed through
their language and behaviour.
Macbeth's thoughts and feelings before the murder
Prior to the murder, Macbeth seems decisive about the course of action that
he is to take, he has accepted the 't_________________ ' (Act 1 Scene 7 line 80),
and is ready to ____________________ .
At the start of the scene, Macbeth lies to Banquo when he tells his trusted
friend '________________________________ .' ( A 2 S1 L 22) Macbeth's
deception seems out of character. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth was
described as '_________'(A1 S1 L16) and 'v__________________________.'
(A1 S1 L23) He was a noble and honest soldier. It seems that Lady Macbeth has
successfully managed to persuade Macbeth to murder the king. Earlier on in the play,
Macbeth does try to resist the pressure that Lady Macbeth puts upon him, but she
taunts him, calling him a 'c_________.' (A1 S7 L43) Lady Macbeth is the one that
seems to be in _______________ because_____________.
When Macbeth speaks his soliloquy, it is dominated by images of wickedness
and disorder. He speaks of_____________ and ______________________ .' (A2
S1 L50-55) The darkness that Macbeth speaks of is a symbol of the way
_e_________p_______ are rising up against the forces of _g___________ and
_l_____________ . Macbeth's words echo the pleas of Lady Macbeth when she
asked the spirits to 'fill me […] with '__________________ .' (A1 S5 L42). It
seems that Macbeth has been corrupted. The juxtaposition of powerful images such
© 2002
Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
as __________________ and ____________ (A2 S1 L 50-55) shows how he has
degenerated into behaving like a beast. I believe that Lady Macbeth has influenced
her husband so that ________________________________________________
What Lady Macbeth says and does
At the beginning of Act two Scene two, Lady Macbeth is drunk. This might
suggest that she ________________________________________________ .
She is however, as callous as always, as she reveals that Macbeth
'is__________________________ .' (A2 S2 L 4). Her use of a euphemism
indicates that she does not accept the seriousness of______________________ .
Lady Macbeth's only concern is that the guards have
'____________________________________________done .' (A2 S2 L9-10)
When Macbeth returns with the bloody daggers, Lady Macbeth appears to be
_n______________ and _e___________. She does seem to have some conscience
when she confesses to her husband
'H__________________________________________ .' (A2 S2 L 12-13).
Lady Macbeth and her husband share a line of iambic pentameter, I think that
Shakespeare is trying to suggest that both Lady Macbeth and his wife are
_________________________________________________ .
Macbeth is horrified when he contemplates what he has done, but Lady
Macbeth dismisses his fears as 'b_________ - s_________ .'( A2 S2 L49) She
cleverly uses the image of a distortion of Macbeth's strength, telling
him_______________________ .' (A2 S2 L 48-49). Lady Macbeth is
unscrupulous, and even orders Macbeth to _________________________ so that
it looks like____________________________ .
She is in control, and tries to put Macbeth at ease by convincing him that 'The
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Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
sleeping and the _________ are but as ____________ .' (A2 S2 L56) Macbeth is
not prevented form tormenting himself. It is ironic that Lady Macbeth tells her
husband that he must not think of the murder because 'It will
_________________________.' (A2 S2 L38)
Macbeth appears subservient to his wife when he tells her 'I'll________
_________________________not.' (A2 S2 52-54) The fact that it is Lady
Macbeth that gives the orders, and Macbeth that says that he cannot return, would
suggest that Lady Macbeth has p______ over her husband. When Macbeth refuses
to return the daggers, she humiliates him by calling him '____________________.'
(A2 S2 54)
Lady Macbeth's dominance is further emphasised at the end of the scene.
After returning from Duncan's chamber, she again orders her husband to 'retire,'
wash his hands and 'get on your night - gown.' Once more Lady Macbeth comments on
Macbeth's state of mind, 'Be not lost/ So poorly in your thoughts.' She warns him.
At this point, the audience can see how differently the characters have reacted to
the crime. Lady Macbeth is certain that 'A little ________________
______________________ . (A2 S2 L70), whilst Macbeth knows that all
Neptune's great ocean cannot 'Wash ______________________________.'
(L63-64) Lady Macbeth refuses to acknowledge any reason for feeling guilty.
What the audience learns about both characters during these scenes
The scenes that I have studied reveal Macbeth to be weak, he has allowed
himself to be dominated by his wife. Macbeth is no longer a b__________
s________. I would now describe him as _________________________ . In
contrast, Lady Macbeth appears to have grown in c___________, and is the
stronger person in their relationship. I would desride her as _m____________ and
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Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
How the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth is revealed through their
language and behaviour
Lady Macbeth is cool and collected, there is no indication that she feels
unable to cope with the situation that they are now in. She dismisses Macbeth's
worries 'These deeds____________________________[of].'(A2 S2 37) In
sharp contrast, Macbeth is t______________ because he cannot bring himself to
say 'A_______'. He understands that he will never be forgiven for the sacrilegious
sin of ____________ . Lady Macbeth is assertive and dictates to Macbeth what it is
that he should do.
Macbeth has committed a terrible sin, and his behaviour and language
indicates that he understands this and the implications that his actions will have. At
points in this scene, he seems so dis_________ that he cannot think straight. On
the other hand, Lady Macbeth 's attitude is ____________ , and the way in which
she tells her husband to f_________ about the murder. She remains
st___________ , and she uses her strength to dominate her husband.
© 2002