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Using Your Diagrams
Choose the overhead diagram you want to teach and place it on an
overhead projector. Discuss the information in the diagram with the
students. For example, on the “Photosynthesis” diagram, explain the
process and function of each part of the plant that assists in
photosynthesis. Point out vocabulary and definitions. After discussion,
choose one question card at a time to display. Place the question card
in the blank box at the bottom of the diagram and have students
review the diagram to find the answer.
Designed to meet these objectives:
• Students
• Students
• Students
• Students
recognize the structures of plants and flowers.
recognize the structures of plant and animal cells.
identify the process of photosynthesis.
identify the components of the food web.
These colorful overhead diagrams are a handy way to reinforce science
concepts and help prepare students for the science sections of
standardized tests. The set comes complete with 4 overhead diagrams
with 8 question cards for each, and a storage folder to keep everything
organized. The diagrams give information on plants or animals in an
easy-to-understand format, with labeled pictures and many fun facts.
All answers to the question cards can be found on the diagrams, so
you have everything you need in one place.
Great for a whole-class lesson or quick review, these overhead
diagrams are sure to be a big hit with your students!
What’s Included
• 4 diagrams
• 32 cut-apart question cards
• Storage folder
Before You Begin
Carefully cut out the question cards for each diagram. Keep all the
questions in the storage folder. For each activity, take out the
question cards that go with the overhead you are using. (The border
color of the diagram matches the border of the question cards.)
Answers to the questions can be found in the next section of this
© 2008 Lakeshore
(800) 428-4414
Suggested Activities
• Have students make their own copy of the diagrams to keep in their
science folder. Have them draw a picture of the diagram and label
it. Students can write facts on a separate piece of paper.
• Have students work in groups or pairs to find answers to the
question cards.
• Create a jigsaw activity with the four diagrams. Photocopy each
diagram. Divide the class into four groups and assign each group a
different diagram to study. Have each group present their information
to the class using the original overhead diagram.
• Turn the questions into a science game. After discussing the diagrams
and facts with the class, put students into four teams. Take turns
asking each team a question. If a team misses a question, it goes to
the next team. Assign 1 or 2 points for a right answer. The team
with the most points wins. You may want to create more questions
for this activity. Simply use an overhead marker to write in another
question, or create new question cards on index cards.
Answers to the Question Cards
Plant Cell/
Animal Cell
1) D
2) D
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) B
Parts of a
Plant & Flower
1) C
2) A
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) D
8) C
Desert Food
1) A
2) B
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) C
Ages 8+
Printed in China
Using Your Diagrams
Choose the overhead diagram you want to teach and place it on an
overhead projector. Discuss the information in the diagram with the
students. For example, on the “Photosynthesis” diagram, explain the
process and function of each part of the plant that assists in
photosynthesis. Point out vocabulary and definitions. After discussion,
choose one question card at a time to display. Place the question card
in the blank box at the bottom of the diagram and have students
review the diagram to find the answer.
Designed to meet these objectives:
• Students
• Students
• Students
• Students
recognize the structures of plants and flowers.
recognize the structures of plant and animal cells.
identify the process of photosynthesis.
identify the components of the food web.
These colorful overhead diagrams are a handy way to reinforce science
concepts and help prepare students for the science sections of
standardized tests. The set comes complete with 4 overhead diagrams
with 8 question cards for each, and a storage folder to keep everything
organized. The diagrams give information on plants or animals in an
easy-to-understand format, with labeled pictures and many fun facts.
All answers to the question cards can be found on the diagrams, so
you have everything you need in one place.
Great for a whole-class lesson or quick review, these overhead
diagrams are sure to be a big hit with your students!
What’s Included
• 4 diagrams
• 32 cut-apart question cards
• Storage folder
Before You Begin
Carefully cut out the question cards for each diagram. Keep all the
questions in the storage folder. For each activity, take out the
question cards that go with the overhead you are using. (The border
color of the diagram matches the border of the question cards.)
Answers to the questions can be found in the next section of this
© 2008 Lakeshore
(800) 428-4414
Suggested Activities
• Have students make their own copy of the diagrams to keep in their
science folder. Have them draw a picture of the diagram and label
it. Students can write facts on a separate piece of paper.
• Have students work in groups or pairs to find answers to the
question cards.
• Create a jigsaw activity with the four diagrams. Photocopy each
diagram. Divide the class into four groups and assign each group a
different diagram to study. Have each group present their information
to the class using the original overhead diagram.
• Turn the questions into a science game. After discussing the diagrams
and facts with the class, put students into four teams. Take turns
asking each team a question. If a team misses a question, it goes to
the next team. Assign 1 or 2 points for a right answer. The team
with the most points wins. You may want to create more questions
for this activity. Simply use an overhead marker to write in another
question, or create new question cards on index cards.
Answers to the Question Cards
Plant Cell/
Animal Cell
1) D
2) D
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) B
Parts of a
Plant & Flower
1) C
2) A
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) D
8) C
Desert Food
1) A
2) B
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) C
Ages 8+
Printed in China
Meeting Individual Needs
Preteach important science vocabulary words for students so they
become familiar with them. Include a picture or drawing to go along
with each word. Have students practice reading and repeating the
words. Write the vocabulary words on index cards and place them on
a ring so that students can refer to them during the lessons. You may
also choose to write each word and picture on a class chart.
Reteach/Extra Support
In a small group, show one science diagram at a time. Explain the
concept and have students trace or draw a diagram to reinforce the
concept. When using the question cards, cross out two of the
incorrect answer choices and allow students to choose from the
remaining two choices.
When students have mastered the concepts of a diagram, show them
a question card, but do not show the answer choices. Instead, have
the students answer in their own words and explain the concept.
Encourage students to create their own questions for the diagrams.