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D e m a n d Elasticities from a Discrete Choice Model: The Natural Christmas Tree M a r k e t George C. Davis and Michael K. Wohigenant Key .words: Christmas trees, discrete choice, multinomial logit, sample selectivity. Estimating market demand elasticities from crosssectional or survey data is becoming commonplace in ag¡ economics. If the commodity is divisible, then a demand system may be estimated (e.g., Heien and Pompelli). If there are missing observations, as in the National Food Consumption Survey, then a Tobit model may be estimated (e.g., Cox and Wohlgenant, Thraen, Hammond, and Buxton). However, if the commodity is indivisible at the consumer level, the appropriate model is a discrete choice one. In this case, estimating market-level demand elasticities is more challenging. We demonstrate here a method for estimating market-level demand elasticities from a discrete choice model. The technique is applied to a cross-sectional survey of the U.S. natural Ch¡ tree market, for which there presently exists no known estimated market demand elasticities. 1 Expected market demand for a commodity George Davis is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Michael Wohlgenant is a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at North Carolina State University. Appreciation is expressed to Kerry Smith, Ann McDermed, David Dickey, Dick Per¡ Wally Thurman, David Eastwood, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. We are especially gratefui to R. O. Herrmann for providing the cross-sectional data set used in estimating Ch¡ tree demand parameters. Review coordinated by Steven Buccola. I Most demand studies of the natural Christmas tree market have been consumer surveys and only descriptive summary statistics are reported (e.g. see April 1990 American Christmas Tree Journal). The one exception is Hamlett et al., which is referenced and discussed later in the paper. However, Hamlett et al. did not estimate demand elasticities. consumed in dichotomous fashion is a simple function of individual consumers' probabilities of consuming the commodity. Since these probabilities are functions of prices, elasticities are easily derived. We use McFadden's nested multinomial logit (NMNL) model to estimate individual consumers' probabilities of consuming the commodity. Natural Christmas trees are heterogeneous and have varying quality characteristics, so we employ the Theil-Houthakker model to derive the indirect utility specification for estimating the NMNL model. The NMNL model is chosen because the consumer's first-level decision is to decide whether or not to consume the commodity (i.e. display a tree). The secondlevel decision is to decide which type of commodity to consume: a natural or an artificial tree. The probability of consuming a commodity can be estimated at each level. In the example presented here, the first-level estimated is the conditional probability of displaying a natural tree. The second-level estimated is the unconditional probability of displaying any tree. From these two probability estimates, the unconditional probability of displaying a natural Christmas tree can be derived. Once these probabilities are estimated, aggregate expected demand across all consumers is obtained and market demand elasticities are derived. Theoretical Framework In the Theil-Houthakker model, quality characteristics are manifold. The quantity of the Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 75 (August 1993): 7 3 0 - 7 3 8 Copyright 1993 American Agricultural Economics Association Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 A procedure is demonstrated for estimating market-level d e m a n d elasticities from household data suffering from sample selectivity problems. The procedure uses M c F a d d e n ' s nested multinomial logit model and is applied to the natural Christmas tree market. Results indicate that the own-price elasticity of natural Christmas trees is - 0 . 6 7 4 and the cross price elasticity of natural Christmas trees with respect to artificial Christmas trees is 0.188. These are the first k n o w n demand elasticity estimates for the natural Christmas tree market. Natural Christmas Tree Market Davis and Wohlgenant (1) V,u = XuAu + X,,,13,,, 1 = natural (n), artificial (a); u = yes (y), no (n). X,, is a vector of explanatory variables influencing an upper-level decision: to display or not display a tree. Xh, is a vector of explanatory variables influencing a lower level decision, i.e., tree type. Au and 13~uare conformable parameter vectors. Using (1) in the random utility model, McFadden (p.84) shows that for this specific decision tree structure, the probability of displaying a natural tree can be specified as the following nested multinomial logit model (NMNL): II(n, y) : exp[X,,y/9,,y + X y A y - AIy] exp X,,A,, + exp[XvAy + (1 - A)/v] ly is called the inclusive value defined as ly = ln(exp X,yO,,y + exp XayO,,y), with Oty =/3~y(1 A) -1, where I = n, a. By the laws of conditional probability, (2) may also be written as II(n, y) = II(y) II(n y). These probabilities are (3) exp[XyAy + (1 - A)ly] (4) Sn Sn 19, = E ¡ y ) = E (Ig(y). (-lg(nly). g=l g=l /9, is the sample expected market demand, Su is the number of households in the sample, and IIg(n, y) is the expected probability that the gth household will display a natural tree. Assume that the group of Sn households may be treated as representative of the entire market. Then expected total demand may be obtained by taking the total number of households in the population (Pn) and dividing it by the number of households in the sample (SH) and multiplying the resulting number by the expected sample market demand. Mathematically, expected market demand is D e = Ne 9 D, and Ne = PuSft I. From this equation it is easy to see that the population demand elasticity equals the sample market demand elasticity, assuming that Ne is not affected by the variable in question. The population market demand elasticity with respect to an arbitrary variable x is then SH (5) ~Tx = E 0 Ilg(n, y). x__L g: l ax~ Ds" Econometric Approach (2) II(y) timate expected individual demand and then aggregate over consumers to get market-level demand. The quantity of trees displayed by the gth household is a Bernoulli variable; so the sample expected demand over all Sn households is = exp XnA n + exp[XyAy + (1 - A)Iy] II(n [y) - exp X,y6)~y exp ly Equation (3) is associated with the upper-level decision (yes or no) and is the probability of displaying a tree. Equation (4) is associated with the lower-level decision (natural or artificial) and is the conditional probability of displaying a natural tree. Given these probabilities, we can es- The estimation procedure is a two-stage sequential one providing consistent parameter estimates (Maddala, p. 70). In the first-stage, the lower tier, equation (4), is estimated a s a switching regression (Lee 1978, Lee and Trost). Structural parameters in this tier are estimated by the Amemiya principle (Amemiya 1978a), which Lee (1986, pp. 349-351) showed to be more efficient than the two-stage probit (logit) procedure used by Lee (1978). In the secondstage, parameters from the first-stage are used to construct the inclusive value which becomes a regressor in the second-stage, equation (3). Once equations (3) and (4) have been consistently estimated, market demand elasticities are derived from equation (5). First-Stage Estimation The objective of the first-stage estimation is to obtain consistent estimates of the structural pa- Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 commodity consumed can be written as q = f ( p , he) and the price can be written as p = g(hc), where he is a vector of household characteristics including income. Prices are a function of household characteristics because the price represents quality differences caused by heterogenous commodity aggregation, and hr acts as a proxy for household preferences over unobservable quality characte¡ (Cox and Wohlgenant; Hanemann; Houthakker). The implied indirect utility function for the ith choice is then Vi = vi(p, h,) = v;(hr If the commodity analyzed were divisible, the analysis would be straightforward. But because the choice variable is dichotomous, the random utility model must be employed. Let the indirect utility function be approximated by the linear form 731 732 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. August 1993 rameters associated with (4). If prices of natural and artificial trees were observed for the entire sample, the structural parameters of (4) could be estimated by probit or logit methods; however, because of the selectivity problem, the econometric approach required to recover the structural parameters is more complicated. Lee (1978) shows that the lower-tier (firststage) problem may be written as (6) P. = X6. + u. (7) P . = X 6 a -4- u a (6.2) P . = X 6 . - o-~. ¡ + oo,(~ . - w.) + v. = 2.r. +,. Pa ~- X 6 a 71- O'~a l~a -- O'ljn(l/~a -- Wa) 71- Va (7.2) =Z, Fa+e,. where Z = [x, }~l], En = [6Tn, --0"~.] T, F a = [6• Or,~a]T . L -- OlXl Al- 02X2 "JI- 0 3 3 X 3 + 04X 4 + 05X5 + 06(Pn - P a ) + e. PI is the nt • 1 vector of prices, X is the n t • kt mat¡ of exogenous variables (defined later), and Ic is the criterion function for the conditional tree-type decision (le = 1 if a natural tree is displayed and L = 0 if an artificial tree is displayed). In terms of probabilities, equation (8) is equivalent to equation (4). 8~ are conformable parameter vectors and the error terms are distributed as uf n(0, o"2) a n d e ~ n(0, Gre2) , l = a, n. We further assume that e is independent of u, and Ua because e n and P~ represent market-level prices, but u, and u, are assumed to be mutually dependent. 2 Variables xi through x5 are household characte¡ variables in this model. The parameters associated with these variables are differences in marginal utilities associated with natural and artificial trees. That is, OŸ = (1 - ,~)-l[flay i -- ~nyi], i = 1, - . . , 5, because xi through xs are constant across alternatives, but 06(1 - A) = i~.y6 = --l~ny6 because tree price differs across alternatives (Maddala, p. 42 foomote 4). To estimate the structural parameters of this lower tier, first substitute (6) and (7) into (8) to form the following switching regression: Variable O'~lis the covariance between ~ and l, where l = n, a. Parameter wt is the appropriately defined inverse Mill's ratio and the hats represent the substitution of the reduced-form parameter estimates into these ratios. The parameters of (6.2) and (7.2) can be estimated by OLS to provide consistent estimates. However, as Lee, Maddala, and Trost show, inference will be biased because the errors are heteroskedastic; therefore, the parameters should be estimated by GLS. Having obtained estimates of the reducedform choice function parameters/I, and parameter estimates of F, and Fa, one can use the Amemiya principle to estimate consistently the structural parameters in (8). The Amemiya principle exploits the overidentifying rest¡ between the reduced-form parameters (H), price parameters (6a, 6,), and structural parameters O. In our model this overidentified parameter system is (9) II = J O ~ + 06(6, - 6 J . l i is the m • 1 true reduced-form parameter vector, J is an m • 5 matrix of ones and zeros, Os = (0~, 02, 03, 04, 0s), and 06 ate the parameters from (8). (6, - 6a) is the difference between parameters of the natural tree price equation and the annualized artificial tree price equation. Note this equation can be rewritten as (6.1) P.=X6.+u.,lc=l iff XHo--~>- (9.1) (7.1) P a = X6,. + ua, l c = O iff XIIo--I < where where ~ = o--l[e + 06(u. - uo)], o- is the standard deviation of ~ so ~ ~ n(0, 1), and X I I represents the reduced form of the right hand side of (8). II is then estimated by the logit procedure. Once II is estimated, it is used to form the appropriate inverse Mill's ratios to correct for 2 This assumption is not necessary and could be relaxed without changing any of our empirical results. In making this assumption, however, the variance-covariance formulas are slightly simplified. (I = H O + r/ O = [05, 06] T, and = [j, (~. _ 91 ,7 = ( ¡ ~- o6 ( ~ i - 8,) T 9 With the estimates of II and (6, - 6,), O can now be estimated by OLS, or more efficiently by GLS, because ~/is heteroskedastic. In an appendix (available on request from the authors) we give the formula for var(7/) = X, and if a consistent well-behaved estimate of X can be Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 (8) the selectivity bias which exist in (6.1) and (7.1). Lee (1978) and Amemiya (1978a) show the following two equations must be estimated: Davis and Wohlgenant Natural obtained, GLS estimation of O will be BLUE. With the parameter estimates from (9.1) and some algebra, the inclusive value /~ is next constructed and used in the estimation of the second-stage, equation (3). Second-Stage Estimation Tree Market 733 Our study contrasts with Hamlett et al. in two ways. First, Hamlett et al. assumed the yes-no and tree type decisions were independent and used a sequential probit model to estimate the probability of displaying a natural tree. We assume the yes-no and tree type decisions are interrelated and use the nested logit model to capture the interaction. Second, Hamlett et al. focused on forecasting whereas our interest lies in estimating price parameters. We amend the Hamlett et al. variable list to include prices. The price paid for a natural tree (P,) was taken directly from the survey. However, the price the consumer pays for an artificial tree (w) is not the price that is compared to that of a natural tree. Artificial trees are durable goods, so the price of an artificial tree must be converted to a user cost or service flow price. This price (Pa) is constructed following Hausman, Pa = wr(1 + r)-l[1 - (1 + r)-q] -~ where 60 is the price paid for an artificial tree, r is the individual discount rate (assumed to equal 0.10), and q is the expected life of an artificial Christmas Tree Survey Data The data set is a survey of 558 households in the Washington, D.C., northern Virginia, southem Maryland, and Philadelphia areas. The survey was conducted by phone in January 1986 by the Agricultural Economics Department at the Pennsylvania State University. Of the 558 households surveyed, 147 (26%) did not display a tree while 411 (74%) did. There were 214 (38%) households which displayed (bought) a natural tree and 197 (35%) households which displayed an artificial tree. 3 Of the total number of questions asked (105), 39 were household characteristic questions and 66 were alternative attribute questions which did not overlap across alternatives. With 105 questions, there are a large number of potential model specifications. For our analysis, we adopt the particular specification employed by Hamlett et al. Table 1 shows the variable list and description. In this paper, Xv = X,, = X, = (xi, x6, x 7, X8, X9, XI0, XI l), Xny -~- X a y ~- Xlv = ( x i , x2, x 3, x4, xs, P,, - Pa), and X = (x~ . . . . , x19). 3 It is important to distinguish between the purchase decision and the display decision. By modeling the display decision, we allow the household to own both types of trees, but only display one type of tree. Some households may display both natural and artificial trees, but these representa small portion of the sample (4%). Those who did display both tree types were treated as natural tree users, Because display and purchase are for the natural tree the same decision, we can construct demand elasticities from this model. Table 1. Variable Description Variable Desc¡ x,yl = xoyl = xyl Xnl Xny 2 = ~ Xay 2 = X 2 Xny 3 = Xay 3 = X 3 Xny 4 = Xay 4 -~- X 4 Xny 5 ~ Xay 5 ~ X5 Xy2 = Xn2 = X6 Xy 3 ~ Xn3 = X 7 Xy 4 ~ Xn4 ~ X8 Xr5 = x,5 = x9 Xy6 = xn6 = Xlo Xy 7 ~ Xn7 = Xy 8 ~ Xn8 ~- Xl l XI2 xr9 = xn9 = x l s X14 XI5 Xi6 Xi7 x~8 xi9 p. Pa 1 X1 1 if single family dwelling; 0 otherwise Income category: 1 if under $10,000 2 if between $10,001 and $15,000 3 if between $15,001 and $20,000 4 if between $20,001 and $25,000 5 if between $25,001 and $35,000 6 if between $35,001 and $45,000 7 if between $45,001 and $60,000 8 if over $60,000 Age of household head 1 if white; 0 otherwise 1 if majority of holiday spent away; 0 otherwise 1 if married; 0 otherwise 1 if Christian; 0 otherwise 1 if wreath was hung; 0 otherwise 1 if stockings were hung; 0 otherwise 1 if special holiday meal; 0 otherwise 1 if gifts were exchanged; 0 otherwise Number of people in household 1 if live in open country; 0 otherwise 1 if live in small town; 0 otherwise 1 if live in suburb; 0 otherwise 1 if live in Philadelphia area; 0 otherwise 1 if live in Maryland; 0 otherwise 1 if live in Washington; 0 otherwise Price paid for natural tree Service flow price of artificial t r e e Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 In the second-stage, the probability of displaying a tree is estimated. Parameter estimates are obtained by applying a probit or logit procedure to (3). Amemiya (1978b) shows that the standard variance of this estimator is heteroskedastic because it does not take into account that ly has been estimated. For unbiased inference, heteroskedasticity should be corrected for by Amemiya's formula. If it is not corrected, the t-statistics are biased upward. We now implement the econometric approach outlined above to estimate market demand elasticities for natural Christmas trees. Christmas 734 August 1993 Table 2. Estimates of Reduced Form Parameters of Equation (8)* Dependent variable Constant (xt) Table 2 presents estimates of reduced-form parameters II associated with the reduced-form c¡ function. Va¡ most influential in the reduced-form decision are dwelling, income, age, and race. However, little emphasis should be placed on these reduced-form parameters or their significance, because insignificance of the reduced-form parameters does not imply insignificance of the structural parameters. From the parameter estimates in table 2, we construct the appropriate inverse Mill's ratios and then estimate (6.2) and (7.2) by OLS. Results are shown in table 3. As stated earlier, more efficient estimates of Fn and F a could be obtained by GLS but estimates of the complicated variances were not well behaved (because the inequality o-Ÿ_> tr~t, l = a, n was violated and cannot be imposed). The ill conditioning of these variance estimators is not uncommon (Lee 1978, Lee and Trost; Domencich and McFadden). Because we know theoretically that the OLS va¡ ance-cova¡ structure underestimates the true variance-covariance structure (Lee, Maddala, and Trost), the t-statistics from OLS will be inflated asymptotically; hence, some adjustment must be made. Following Amemiya's suggestion (1985 - 1.075 (1.056) Dwelling (x2) 0.607 (1.805) Income (x3) Household age (x4) Race (xs) Spent away (x6) 0.154 (2.413) -0.023 (2.689) 1.023 (3.012) 0.008 (0.030) Marriage (x7) Religion (xs) -0.411 (1.319) 0.573 (1.531) Hung wreath (Xg) Hung stockings (Xlo) Special meal (x.) Exchange gifts (xi2) -0.434 (1.435) 0.242 (0.874) -0.184 (0.473) 0.050 (0.065) Number in household (x~3) Live in country (x14) Econometric Results I Live in small town (x~s) Live in suburb (x16) Philadelphia area (x,~) 0.044 (0.482) 0.505 (0.660) -0.600 (1.202) 0.002 (0.009) - 0.218 (0.625) Maryland area (x~s) Washington area (x~9) Likelihood function Sample size -0.118 (0.314) -0.157 (0.277) -212.669 338.00 * Absolute asymptotic t-statistic in parentheses. p. 370), we use the MacKinnon and White HC2 approximation to the true variance-covariance matrix to obtain unbiased asymptotic inference. The fu'st numbers in parentheses give the OLS t-statistic and the second numbers in parentheses give the HC2 adjusted t-statistics. Some adjusted t-statistics are lower and some are higher than the unadjusted t-statistics. The fact that all are not lower may be due to poor small-sample properties of the approximation or to the fact that the HC2 approximation corrects for an unknown form of heteroskedasticity. Although many of the t-statistics and R2's are low, three important points should be made. First, like all economic models, the Theil-Houthakker model, Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 tree. The value q was specified by each consumer who bought an artificial tree. As the expected life (q) of an artificial tree decreases, the service flow price (Pa) of an artificial tree increases. Thus, ceteris paribus, the relative pfice of a natural tree decreases and the probability of displaying (buying) a natural tree increases. This may explain, in part, why an individual may own an artificial tree and a natural tree, but only display a natural tree. Missing household characte¡ variables in the survey are assumed to be generated by a random process (Heckman 1976, 1979; Griliches, Hall, and Hausman 1978). The 101 missing household characte¡ observations were deleted, leaving a sample size of 457. On the other hand, the survey design suggests the missing price observations are generated by a nonrandom process. This process is the standard selectivity problem whereby if the individual displayed a natural tree he only reported the price of a natural tree, and if he displayed an artificial tree he only reported the price of the artificial tree. Selectivity bias is corrected for in the estimation. Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Davis and Wohlgenant Table 3. Natural Christmas Tree Market Selectivity Bias Carrected OLS Estimation of Tree Prices (Etluatian 6.2 and 7.2)* Dependent variable Constant (x,) P. R2 1~2 F statistic Sample size 0.17 0.06 1.58 163 Dwelling (x0 Income (x3) Household age (x4) Race (xs) Spent away (x6) Marriage (XT) Religion (xs) Hung wreath (xg) Hung stockings (x~0) Special meal (x~0 Exchange gifts (x~2) Number in household (x,3) Live in country (x~4) Live in small town (x~5) Live in suburb (x~6) Philadelphia area (x~7) Maryland area (x~8) Washington area (x~9) Pa (1.103) (0.765) (1.145) (1. 145) (0.697) (1.732) (1. 118) (0.515) (0.977) (1.030) (1. 307) (0.713) (0.611) (1.574) (1.773) (1.253) (1.747) (1.058) (1.734) 21.313 (0.878) - 0.383 (0.086) -0.693 (0.623) - 1.796 (0.368) 3.426 (0.733) - 1.784 (1.393) -0.770 (0.329) - 1.164 (0.574) -2.772 (1.084) 0.127 (0.107) 4.615 (1.445) 0.077 (0.456) -4.893 (0.650) -4.954 (1.123) 3.870 (1.168) 1.123 (0.555) 0.227 (0.11 l) -1.346 (0.441) 0.195 (0.354) -- (0.814) (0.093) (0.649) (0.251) (0.732) (1.416) (0.309) (0.582) (1.264) (0.118) (1. 557) (0.479) (0.630) (1. 105) (1. 149) (0.585) (0. 129) (0. 344) (0. 349) (0.931) -21.782 (0.666) (0. 667) 0.26 0.12 1.85 120 * First number in parentheses is absolute OLS t-statistic. Second number in parentheses is absolute asymptotic t-statistic corrected for heteroskedasticity by the MacKinnon and White HC2 approximation. The sample size of reduced forro parameter estimates, table 2, does not equal 163 + 120 because some people who actually displayed a certain tree did not report its p¡ does not provide a guide as to which household characteristics should be included in the price equations to proxy for unobservable quality characteristics, so there exists no theoretical reason to remove variables. Second, the low R2's imply that heterogeneous quality effects are rather small (Cox and Wohlgenant, p. 914). Finally, by (9) or (9.1), the parameters of interest are the differences in parameters of the natural Christmas tree and the artificial Christmas tree price equations. The insignificance of the individual parameters is irrelevant, because their differences can be significant. 4 Table 4 shows the structural parameter estimates of the lower tier obtained from estimating 4 The appropriate t-statistic for the difference between two parameters is t = (8, - 8a)[var(6,) + var(Sa) - 2 cov(6,, 6~)]-I/2. Obviously it is possible for the individual parameters to be insignificant but their difference be significant. Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 ~o 58.918 (0.902) - 8.236 (0.662) -0.322 (0.104) - 12.486 (1.007) 7.483 (0.569) -4.875 (1.633) 4.792 (0.861) 1.998 (0.444) 5.428 (0.773) -2.988 (I .057) 7.673 (0.898) 0.245 (0.522) -.500 (0.475) - 11.071 (0.995) 10.598 (1.245) -6.441 (1.107) 8.475 (1.584) 4.909 (0.624) - 1.875 (1.432) -65.537 (0.748) -- ff~~ 735 736 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. August 1993 Table 4. Structural Parameters of Conditional Probability of Displaying a Natural Tree (Equation 9.1)* O~ (Constant) 02 (Dwelling) 03 (Income) 04 (Age) 05 (Race) F statistic Sample size Constant (x0 (1.539) Spent away (x6) (4. 256) Marriage (xT) (54.486) Religion (xs) (11.625) Hung wreath (x9) (21.460) Hung stockings (xt0) (4.937) Special meal (xn) * Because of the way Os and J are defined in (14.1), if a standard -4.072 (7.453) -0.989 (5.986) 0.461 (2.361) 0.794 (3.265) 1.035 (5.725) 1.775 (9.1), which is based on the Amemiya principie. The form of the variance of 77 (,~) depends on the ill conditioned reduced-form variance-covariance matrices, which are forbiddingly complex, so we do not estimate O by GLS. However, we estimate O by OLS and again use the MacKinnon-White HC2 heteroskedasticity variance-covariance approximation to calculate adjusted t-statistics. All parameters have the expected sign, with dwelling, income, and race having positive signs and, age and the price difference having negative signs. The first number in parenthesis is the OLS t-statistic. According to these biased statistics, the only two significant parameters, at the 5% level are race and the price difference. Alternatively, the HC2 correction for heteroskedasticity shows that all parameters except 01 are highly significant. These results highlight the need to correct for heteroskedasticity when using the Amemiya principie. Table 5 shows the results of the second-stage estimation. All parameters have the expected sign with the exception of the inclusive value. As before, the unadjusted t-statistics ate given first, followed by the Amemiya (1978b) adjusted tstatistics. All parameters are significant when considering the adjusted t-statistics except for the inclusive value. The insignificance of the inclusive value suggests that the decision process may be sequential as assumed by Hamlett et al. (5 817) (2 287) (3 257) (5 351) (8.751) (7 615) 0.745 (3.028) (2 931) Exchange gifts (xi2) 1.476 (6.539) 0.568 (10.114) -0.040 (0.099) - 158.186 Household number (xi3) software package such as SAS is used, one should specify no in- tercept. The first number in parentheses is the absolute OLS t-statistic. The second number in parentheses is the absolute HC2 corrected t-statistic. Because of the ones and zero elements in J, it was -2 (1.00(0)O1 - ksi~), to obtain necessary to make the divisor for trsii, a nonzero denominator. We also estimated the HC1 MacKinnonWhite va¡ approximation, which uses the degrees of freedom correction n(n - k) -~. The absolute t-statistics from this estimator were 1.277, 3.532, 45.221, 9.648, 17.810, 4.097. (7 453) Inclusive value (fy) Likelihood function Sample size (3.040) (9.776) (0.045) 457 * First number in parentheses is absolute unadjusted t-statistic. Second number is absolute adjusted t-statistic using Amemiya's (1978b) formula. Overall, table 5 results indicate that the natural tree buyer consumes a bundle of complementary goods important in the Ch¡ celebration. Market Demand Elasticities With the results of tables 4 and 5, we can now use elasticity formula (5) to obtain the following own-p¡ and cross-price market demand elasticities for natural Ch¡ trees. Own Price with respect to P,g07,,): su "Onn = E g=l [~ny6¡ (n' y ) ' ( 1 ¡241 - y) ']- 06 " (-lg(n y) " (1 - (Ig(n ly) 9(Ig(y)]P.g]" 1~[1 = -0.674 Cross Price with respect t o Pag (1"]na): "O,,a= [~= (Ig(n,Y)'(1-(lg(n]Y)) 9 [--~ny6" (1 = 0.188 (-lg(y) - 06) ] 9 Pag]" Os l Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on May 17, 2016 06 (P, - ea) 0.487 (1.185) 0.281 (1.249) 0.170 (0.798) -0.016 (0.077) 0.832 (3.830) -0.041 (4.445) 12.84 19 Table 5. Probability of Displaying a Tree (Equation 3)* Davis and Wohlgenant As expected, the demand for natural trees is inelastic and artificial trees are a substitute for natural trees. Summary and Conclusions 737 supports this concern and indicates that continued decreases in the real price of artificial trees could cause the share of artificial trees in the total Christmas tree market to continue to rise. To conclude, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of using cross-sectional survey data to estimate market-level p¡ elasticities of commodities consumed in discrete units for which time series data are lacking. By aggregating appropriately over individual demand estimates, market demand elasticities can be obtained for other commodities which exhibit characteristics similar to Christmas trees. [Received July 1991; final revision received October 1992.] References Amemiya, T. Advanced Econometrics. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1985. "The Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Generalized Probit Model." Econometrica 46(September 1978a):1193-1205. --. "On a Two-Step Estimation of a Multivariate Logit Model." J. Econometrics 8(August 1978b): 13-21. Ame¡ Ch¡ Tree Journal. Various issues. Cox, T. L., and M. K. Wohlgenant. "Price and Quality Effects in Cross-Sectional Demand Analysis." Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 68(November 1986):908-19. Domencich, T. A., and D. McFadden. 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In the firststage, structural parameters of the conditional probability of displaying a natural tree were estimated using Amemiya's principle (1978a). In the second stage, structural parameters from the first-stage were used to create an inclusive value to be used a s a regressor in estimating the probability of displaying a tree. Selectivity bias was corrected for in the first-stage estimation and heteroskedasticity, which was prevalent in both stages, was corrected for in both stages. Empirical results indicate that the price difference between natural and (annualized) artificial trees is very important to the decision about which tree to display. However, other factors such as hanging a wreath, hanging stockings, and exchanging gifts were important in the decision about whether to display a tree. The empirical estimates from the cross-sectional data were used to derive market-level demand elasticities. 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