Download Word Study Homework [COMPLETE ALL FOUR] Spelling

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Name: _________________________
Directions: Please complete the word study homework each night. Also select four spelling choices OR one
vocabulary choice over the week. Color/ highlight the completed squares. Make sure your work is neat!
Word Study Homework [COMPLETE ALL FOUR]
Monday: Closed Sort
Tuesday: Blind Sort
Wednesday: Speed Sort
Thursday: Writing Sort
Sort your words saying them
out loud as you sort them.
Lay out your headers. Have an
adult read you each word and
point to the column in which
the word belongs.
Complete the closed sort as
quickly as you can. Time
___ minutes ___ seconds
Write your headers on a piece
of paper. Have an adult read
your words to you. Practice
your best spelling!
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
*Continue to practice the words you miss*
Spelling Homework Choices [COMPLETE FOUR] or 1 vocabulary choice
1. ABC Order
Write all of your spelling
words in alphabetical (ABC)
5. Picture Words
Draw a picture and hide
your spelling words in the
9. Scrambled Words
Write your words correctly.
Then write them again with
the letters mixed up.
2. Word Parts
Write your words. Then use
a colored pencil to divide
the words into syllables.
6. Shape Words
(or make them in the
shape of a wagon,
cup boat, face, etc.)
10. Vowel Spotlight
Write your words with one
color for vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
& another for consonants.
3. Five Times Each
Write each word 5 times
each. Say the word as you
spell it.
7. “Ransom” Words
Cut words from a magazine
or newspaper and glue
them to spell your words.
11. Scrabble
Write spelling words r
crisscross using
a common letter.
4. Silly Sentences
Write 3 or more sentences
that use all your spelling
8. Rainbow Words
Write your words with
colors using a different one
for each letter.
12. Word Search
Create your own word
search with your words.
Show the answers.
Vocabulary Homework Choices [COMPLETE ONE] or 4 spelling choices
1. Write a Story
Write a story using all your
spelling words. Underline
the words you used.
2. Picture and Sentence
Draw a picture defining
each word. Write a
sentence about your
picture using the word.
3. Use Technology
Type out your spelling
words and definitions on
the computer. You may
print or e-mail them.
4. Explain
Read each word and
explain to an adult what
each word means. (You
need a note from an adult)
Name: _________________________
Directions: Please select four spelling choices OR one vocabulary choice over the week.
Color/ highlight the completed squares. Make sure your work is neat!
Spelling Homework Choices [COMPLETE FOUR] or 1 vocabulary choice
1. ABC Order
Write all of your spelling
words in alphabetical (ABC)
5. Picture Words
Draw a picture and hide
your spelling words in the
9. Scrambled Words
Write your words correctly.
Then write them again with
the letters mixed up.
2. Word Parts
Write your words. Then use
a colored pencil to divide
the words into syllables.
6. Shape Words
(or make them in the
shape of a wagon,
cup boat, face, etc.)
10. Vowel Spotlight
Write your words with one
color for vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
& another for consonants.
3. Five Times Each
Write each word 5 times
each. Say the word as you
spell it.
7. “Ransom” Words
Cut words from a magazine
or newspaper and glue
them to spell your words.
11. Scrabble
Write spelling words r
crisscross using
a common letter.
4. Silly Sentences
Write 3 or more sentences
that use all your spelling
8. Rainbow Words
Write your words with
colors using a different one
for each letter.
12. Word Search
Create your own word
search with your words.
Show the answers.
Vocabulary Homework Choices [COMPLETE ONE] or 4 spelling choices
1. Write a Story
Write a story using all your
spelling words. Underline
the words you used.
2. Picture and Sentence
Draw a picture defining
each word. Write a
sentence about your
picture using the word.
3. Use Technology
Type out your spelling
words and definitions on
the computer. You may
print or e-mail them.
4. Explain
Read each word and
explain to an adult what
each word means. (You
need a note from an adult)
Name: _________________________
Directions: Please select four spelling choices OR one vocabulary choice over the week.
Color/ highlight the completed squares. Make sure your work is neat!
Spelling Homework Choices [COMPLETE FOUR] or 1 vocabulary choice
1. ABC Order
Write all of your spelling
words in alphabetical (ABC)
5. Picture Words
Draw a picture and hide
your spelling words in the
9. Scrambled Words
Write your words correctly.
Then write them again with
the letters mixed up.
2. Word Parts
Write your words. Then use
a colored pencil to divide
the words into syllables.
6. Shape Words
(or make them in the
shape of a wagon,
cup boat, face, etc.)
10. Vowel Spotlight
Write your words with one
color for vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
& another for consonants.
3. Five Times Each
Write each word 5 times
each. Say the word as you
spell it.
7. “Ransom” Words
Cut words from a magazine
or newspaper and glue
them to spell your words.
11. Scrabble
Write spelling words r
crisscross using
a common letter.
4. Silly Sentences
Write 3 or more sentences
that use all your spelling
8. Rainbow Words
Write your words with
colors using a different one
for each letter.
12. Word Search
Create your own word
search with your words.
Show the answers.
Vocabulary Homework Choices [COMPLETE ONE] or 4 spelling choices
1. Write a Story
Write a story using all your
spelling words. Underline
the words you used.
2. Picture and Sentence
Draw a picture defining
each word. Write a
sentence about your
picture using the word.
3. Use Technology
Type out your spelling
words and definitions on
the computer. You may
print or e-mail them.
4. Explain
Read each word and
explain to an adult what
each word means. (You
need a note from an adult)