Download Our solar system consists of the Sun, planets, dwarf planets, moons

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Our solar system consists of the Sun, planets, dwarf planets, moons, an asteroid belt, comets, meteors, and other objects. The Sun is the centre of our solar system.
The planets orbit the Sun. Moon
The Sun The Sun as it is seen from Earth. (pictures from wikipedia)
The Sun is a star our solar system.
in A star is a big ball in outer space that is made of very hot plasma (which is like a gas).
The planets in our solar system move around the Sun in orbits.
An orbit is the path ­ or route ­ that a planet or another thing makes when it goes around another planet, a star, or a moon.
Click on the following website and look at the picture:
Our Sun can be seen in the sky in the day time. It is a large yellow ball. The Sun seen in a telescope
The Sun is so bright that it can hurt to look at. The Sun makes light, heat and solar wind. Solar wind moves around the Earth outside our atmosphere. It is made of small particles that fly away from the sun. The sun is the main source of energy for life on Earth.
The Sun is at the middle of our solar system. Each planet travels in a round orbit with the Sun in the center. Each planet orbits at a different distance from the sun. The orbits of the planets are not circles. They are curves called ellipses The planets closest to the Sun get more heat. Planets further away are colder.
All life on our planet needs the light energy that comes from our Sun. Plants use solar energy as food so they can grow. Solar energy and photosynthesis cause the green color of many leaves and plants.
The Planets The nine planets that orbit the sun are (in order from the Sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter (the biggest planet in our Solar System) Saturn (with the largest, orbiting rings) Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (a dwarf planet).
1. Song
Listen, read and learn the song about planets.­songs­space.htm
2. Game
Fly through galaxies, blast the asteroids and find the space words. Will you make it back to Earth?­games­asteroid­blaster.htm
3. Are you good at doing sudokus? Try this one about planets.
4. Play “the planetary tour” game”. (Your teacher will give you the material you need.)
5. Video­
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