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Political Science 318
University of Washington
Professor Jack Turner
April 18, 2017
You are required to write two academic papers in this course. Good academic papers
have many elements, but arguably the most important element is the strong paragraph. A
strong paragraph addresses a single topic, can be anywhere between a quarter to threequarters of a double-spaced page in length (75-225 words), and has (1) a topic sentence
stating the argument of the paragraph and (2) a series of logically connected sentences
supporting that paragraph’s argument with evidence and/or analysis.
This exercise will give you practice in writing strong paragraphs. It asks you three
questions regarding The Declaration of Independence and the political philosophy of
John Locke. Answer the questions accurately, but focus also on making the paragraphs
strong. It’s often easier to “work out” your answer substantively in a first draft, and then
rewrite your paragraph in the ”topic sentence-then-supporting sentences” format.
Sometimes you don’t find the essence of your answer until you reach the end of your first
draft. You’ll then want to rewrite the paragraph putting the essence of your answer in the
topic sentence, and the logic leading to that answer afterward.
Strong paragraphs are made of strong sentences. Strong sentences have a subject, a verb,
and a direct object. For example, in the sentence, “John Locke inspired the Declaration of
Independence,” “John Locke” is the subject, “inspired” is the verb, and “the Declaration
of Independence” is the direct object. More complex statements will require more
complex sentences, but as a general guideline, simplicity is best. Simple sentences will
help you stay clear in your logic. Every sentence needs to have clear subjects, verbs, and
direct objects, even if it contains other elements such as dependent clauses.
Use active voice as much as possible. Sentences in the active voice go in the order of
subject, verb, direct object. Sentences in the passive voice go in the order of direct object,
verb, subject. Active-voice sentences contain simple verb forms such as “was” and
“went.” Passive-voice sentences contain cumbersome verb forms such as “has been” and
“was going.” For example, “John Locke inspired the Declaration of Independence” is in
active voice: it goes in the order of subject, verb, direct object, and the verb form is
simple (i.e., inspired). “The Declaration of Independence was inspired by John Locke” is
passive voice: it goes in the order of direct object, subject, verb, and the verb form is
cumbersome (i.e., was inspired). Passive voice lengthens sentences unnecessarily and can
sometimes create confusion. Enjoy yourself writing strong paragraphs!
Directions: Write a one-paragraph response to each question. Each answer should
include at least one quotation from Locke’s Second Treatise (or, alternatively, The
Declaration of Independence). Cite the author, text, and page number in parentheses
following the quotation or paraphrase.
1. Why, according to John Locke, do we have government?
2. How, according to Locke, do individuals exit the state of nature and form government?
3. When, according to Locke and the Declaration, is it justified for the people to
overthrow the government? When is it not justified? (You may address this question in
either one long paragraph or two shorter paragraphs).
Submit this assignment to TA Jennifer Driscoll via Canvas Speedgrader no later
than Friday, April 28, 2017, 11:59 p.m.
You can view the assignment details and the document upload tool
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