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Articles of Confederation Fact Sheet
• Form a permanent union of the
13 states.
• Recognition by European
• Stabilize prices & currency.
• Adopted – 15 Nov 1777 at York
• Printed copies sent to states for
approval 28 Nov 1777 from York
• Signed 9 Jul 1778 at Philadelphia.
• Ratified by Maryland (last state) 1
Mar 1781
Article I
[name] “United States of America”
Article II
Each state retains sovereignty & rights not expressly
delegated to Congress.
Article III
League of friendship between states – defense &
Article IV
Mutual Privileges to citizens of other states.
Extradition of criminals between states.
Article V
State delegates meet first Monday of each November.
Each state 2-7 members, term limits outlined.
Each state one vote
Article VI
States cannot make separate treaties
Provides for state militias.
States cannot go to war separately (exceptions for
sudden Indian or pirate attacks).
Article VII
Officers of Colonel and below appointed by state
Article VIII
War expenses (common defense) from common treasury
provided by taxes based on property valuation in each
Article IX
Congressional powers
- Determine peace or war.
- Send/receive ambassadors.
- Enter into treaties and alliances.
- Establish rules of capture, division of prizes, grant
letters of marque and reprisal, appoint courts for crimes
on high seas, establish courts for capture appeals.
- Act as court of last resort in disputes between states.
- Regulate coinage.
- Fix standard weights and measures.
• John Dickinson of Delaware
(head of committee).
• Committee started work 7
Jun 1776.
• Based on Benjamin
Franklin's 1775 plan for
- Regulate trade with and manage affairs with Indians.
- Establish and regulate post offices and exact postage
- Appoint military officers above regimental level and
make rules for forces and operations.
- Appoint committee and officers, including President, to
manage general affairs of the United States during
congressional recess.
- Ascertain, appropriate and apply money for public
- Borrow money, emit bills on U. S. credit.
- Requisition forces from each state, based on number of
white inhabitants, to be raised, clothed, equipped, and
dispatched by each state legislature.
- Actions of Congress must be approved by 9 of 13 states
on major actions (war, treaties, coin, credit) majority on
all others.
- Congress can adjourn to any place or time, but for no
longer than 6 months.
- Congress will publish Journal of proceedings monthly,
except for necessary secrecy concerning treaties,
alliances, or military operations.
Article X
Committee of states can execute powers during recess
except those requiring 9/13 approval.
Article XI
Canada entitled to advantages by acceding to
confederation, but no other colony unless agreed upon
by 9 of 13 states.
Article XII
Assumption of debt taken on by Congress before
Article XIII
Each state shall abide by and observe this confederation
and perpetual union.
Any alteration must be agreed to by Congress and
confirmed by every state legislature.
• Conclusion provides for ratification and confirmation by representatives of state
legislatures and pledge to abide by decisions of Congress.
• Signed and dated at Philadelphia 9 July 1778.
Article II.
Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every
power...which is not by the confederation expressly delegated to the United
States, in Congress assembled.
Article V.
No States shall be represented in Congress by less than two, nor more than
seven members... In determining questions in the United States, in Congress
assembled, each State shall have one vote.
Article VIII.
All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common
defense or general welfare...shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which
shall be supplied by the several States, in proportion to the value of land within
each State... The taxes for paying that proportion shall be laid and levied by the
authority and direction of the Legislatures of the several States...
Article IX.
The United States in Congress assembled shall also be the last resort on appeal
in all disputes and differences...between two or more States...
Article IX.
The United States in Congress shall have the sole and exclusive right and power
of regulating the alloy and the value of coin struck by their own authority, or by
that of the respective States.
Article XIII.
...nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of (these articles);
unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be
afterwards confirmed by the Legislatures of every state.