* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading Crust – Earth’s Outer Layer There are two kinds of crust on the Earth Continental Crust Makes up the continents Oceanic Crust Is found under the oceans Is denser than continental Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges Are openings in the Earth’s crust Part of underwater mountain ranges on the ocean bottom (longest on Earth) Above the surface they are islands (ex. Iceland) Deep cracks in the center allow magma to come out, harden, and form new sea floor As new magma comes up, it pushes the sea floor further apart Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading It is this spreading of the sea floor that drives the movements of the continents (continental drift)!!! Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (and others) Seafloor Spreading Rift Valleys The flat area between two ridges, formed from crust spreading apart Lots of earthquakes and volcanoes occur here Magma comes out of the ocean floor here Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading Ocean Trenches • Very deep area where ocean crust meets continental crust • Subduction Zone: place where old oceanic crust is forced under continental crust, back into the mantle at an ocean trench Seafloor Spreading Seafloor Spreading Age of the Seafloor Young ocean crust = middle of ocean floor Magma coming out of rift cools, forms new rock Old ocean crust = far away from ridge Rocks are older because they were pushed away from the ridge Seafloor Spreading Disappearing Ocean Crust Oldest ocean floor rocks are only 160 million years old (earth is 4.6 billion years old) Seafloor Spreading Complete the following… Define: Sea Floor Spreading List evidence that supports it: