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Ultra High Speed Digital
Brandon Ravenscroft
How Fast Is Ultra High Speed?
• Speeds which require special materials, cables,
connectors or severely restrictive board layouts
• Fastest commercially available parts (clock speed and
rise/fall time)
• Clock rates and rise times faster than we saw in class
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Current Mode Logic (CML)
• No official standardization.
Typically vendor specific
• Used for high speed, point
to point signaling only
(Typically Differential)
• Needs termination
resistors for current flow
• Input stage has 2 emitterfollowers
• Output stage is a BJT
differential pair
• AC or DC Coupling
• Used up to 10 Gbps+[2, 3]
Maxim Integrated CML Implementation [2]
Current Mode Logic (CML)
• Maxim Integrated Implementation
• On chip 50 Ω Input and Output
• Typical 16 mA Current Source
• Vcc: +3.3 V Single Supply
• Single ended or differential
• Typical 800 mV output
differential voltage
• Common mode output voltage
of Vcc – 0.2 V
Maxim Integrated CML Implementation [2]
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
• Developed by National Semiconductor
• Standardized as ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-A [3]
• Used for point-to-point or multi-drop
transmission of low voltage differential
signals (Typically Differential)
• Input Voltage from 0 to 2.4 V
• 350 mV differential output voltage
• Used up to 2.5 Gbps
• Requires 100 Ω termination
• Very low power consumption (load
current must be < 3.5 mA) – less than
• DC Coupling only [2, 3]
Maxim Integrated LVDS
Implementation Output Stage [2]
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
• Maxim Integrated Implementation
• Differential input and output
terminated in 100 Ω
Maxim Integrated LVDS
Implementation Input Stage [2]
Maxim Integrated LVDS
Implementation Output Stage [2]
Comparison of Fast Logic Families
P-P or Multi-Drop
P-P or Multi-Drop
P-P only
Relative Power
DC or AC
DC Only
DC or AC
50 Ω
50 Ω
Transistor Type
> 10 Gbps
2 Gbps
>10 Gbps
Fast Logic Families Comparison Data Provided by [3]
These three logic families can be
interfaced with proper design.
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
High Speed Dielectric Materials
• 𝑣𝑝 =
→ lower dielectric constant allows faster
signal propagation.
• Consider a high speed square wave as sine waves
with fundamental and higher order harmonic
• High frequency harmonics must be preserved to
avoid dispersion and signal distortion.
• Stability over temperature and frequency is desired.
High Speed Dielectric Materials
Material Examples:
• PTFE Resin [4]:
• 𝜖𝑟 = 2.1
• Small change in dielectric constant over large
frequency and temperature range.
• DF ≤ 0.0004 up to 1 GHz. Increases slightly with
• RT/duroid 5880 (PTFE Composite) [5]:
• 𝜖𝑟 = 2.2
• Used in Ku band and above (12-18 GHz)
• 125 ppm/◦C change in 𝜖𝑟
• DF = 0.0009 at 10 GHz
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
High Speed Connectors
BNC (Bayonet Navy or British Naval
• Originated in military use – quick to
• Used for frequencies up to 4 GHz.
Slots radiate above this frequency.
• Common in 50 Ω and 75 Ω ohm
• Threaded version (TNC) usable up
to 12 GHz
• PTFE Dielectric [7, 8]
BNC Male Connector [6]
High Speed Connectors
SMA (Sub-miniature type-A)
• Very widely used in RF/Microwave
• Operates up to 25 GHz
• PTFE Dielectric
• Designed by Bendix Scintilla
[7, 8]
SMA Male (left) and Female
(right) connectors [9]
High Speed Connectors
K Connector
• Operates in all K band regions (1840 GHz)
• Developed by Wiltron
• Advancement of 2.92 mm
• Air Dielectric [7,8]
Various K connectors [10]
High Speed Connectors
1 mm Connector
• Developed by Hewlett-Packard
• Supports frequencies up to 110
• Air Dielectric
Male (left) and Female
(right) 1 mm connectors [11]
High Speed Coaxial Cable
Gore Precision Cable
• ePTFE Dielectric with 𝜖 𝑟 = 1.3
• Measured 1.15 ns/ft propagation
delay (87% of C)
• Conductor sizes down to AWG 42
(2.5 mils)
• DF < 0.0002
Gore Coaxial Cable [12]
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Voltage and Power
CPU Clock Frequency vs. Power
• For CMOS devices: 𝑃𝐷𝑦𝑛 = 𝑓 ∗ 𝑉 2 ∗ 𝐶
• Reducing voltage logic level in processor reduces power
• Intel 8080 Processor (1974) had clock speed of 4 MHz and
voltage levels of +12V and -5V [13]
• Intel Core i7 (2013) has a clock speed of 2.66 GHz and
voltage level from 800 mV – 1.375 V [14]
CPU Load vs. Power
• 𝑃𝐷 = 𝑉 ∗ 𝐼
• More load devices requires high current sourcing capabilities.
Lowering voltage decreases power
• Intel Core i7 (2013) has thermal design power dissipation of
130 W. [14]
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Ultra High Speed Measurement
• Lower inductance in measurement path to reduce
effect on measurement
• Don’t use ground wire on scope probe
• Remove clip from probe tip and apply tip directly
to test point
• Connect ground shield directly to circuit ground if
possible or place ground wire as close to
measurement point as possible
• Shunt probe capacitance can alter circuit
Ultra High Speed Measurement
Test Point
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Hittite HMC841 D Flip-Flop
• CML design (single-ended or
• -3.3 V Supply
• Max clock rate: 43 GHz
• Rise/Fall time: 12 ps → Fknee =
41.7 GHz
• Propagation delay: 10 ps
• 630 mW power consumption
• Package: 24 lead 4 mm x 4 mm
SMT (Area of a dime is ~ 250 mm2)
• Adjustable output voltage between
200 -850 mVpp
HMC841 Diagram [15]
Micrel SY55851(A) Any Gate
• Programmable to perform any
Boolean function of two bits
• Clock frequency up to 3 GHz
• 100 Ω or 50 Ω CML output on
board termination
• Inputs compatible with differential
• 2.3 - 6.0 V supply voltage
• 350 ps propagation delay
• 110 ps rise/fall time → Fknee = 4.5
• 10 Pin 3 mm x 3 mm leaded
Micrel SY55851 Functional
Block Diagram [16]
Ultra High Speed Considerations
Alternate Logic Types
Dielectric Materials
Connectors and Cables
Voltage and Power
Measurement Techniques
Ultra High Speed IC Examples
Ultra High Speed Layout Challenges
Simple High Speed Layout
• Clock divider circuit
fA = ½ * fClk
fB = ¼ * fClk
Source: [17]
• HMC841 D flip-flops will be used. Tr= 12 ps, fClk =
43 GHz max, Td = 10 ps. Setup time not given,
assume negligible.
Simple High Speed Layout
• Ignoring Trace Delays
fA = ½ * fClk
fB = ¼ * fClk
Source: [17]
• Time for clock to stable signal 1: 10 ps
• Time for clock to stable signal 2: 10 ps + 10 ps = 20 ps
Simple High Speed Layout
• Allowable time for trace and other delays
fA = ½ * fClk
fB = ¼ * fClk
Source: [17]
• 43 GHz clocks requires maximum path delay of 23.3 ps
• Only 23.3 ps - 20 ps = 300 fs is left for trace and all
other delays to achieve maximum clock frequency!
• At 180 ps/in (FR-4 ) only 1.7 mils are left for traces
Simple High Speed Layout
• Challenge: Design a layout to implement this
circuit with the maximum possible clock
fA = ½ * fClk
fB = ¼ * fClk
Source: [17]
[1] Title Photo: "Circuit, Circle, Circulation." Digital Media Theory. N.p., 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 Dec.
2015. <>.
[2] "Introduction to LVDS, PECL, and CML." Maxim Integrated (2008): 1-14. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
[3] Goldie, John. "LVDS, CML, ECL-differential Interfaces with Odd Voltages." EETimes. EETimes, 21
Jan. 2003. Web. 02 Dec. 2015. <>.
[4] "Teflon PTFE Properties Handbook." (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
[5] "RT/duroid® 5870 /5880 High Frequency Laminates." (n.d.): n. pag. 2015. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
[6] "BNC." Telco Antennas BNC. Telco Antennas, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[7] "Microwave Connectors." Microwaves101. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[8] Agilent RF and Microwave Test Accessories. Agilent Technologies, 2003. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
[9] What Is an SMA Connector? Moton Industrial, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. <>.
[10] "K Connectors." K Connectors. Carlisle Interconnect Technologies, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[11] Wikipedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
[12] "Precision Coaxial Cable." Precision Coaxial Cable. Gore, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[13] "Intel 8080 Family." Intel 8080 Family. CPU World, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015. <>.
[14] "Intel® Core I7-920 Processor (8M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 4.80 GT/s Intel® QPI) Specifications." ARK
Product Launch. Intel, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015. <>.
[15] "HMC841." (n.d.): n. pag. HMC841. Hittite. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[16] "Micrel SY55851(A) Any Gate." (n.d.): n. pag. Micrel SY55851(A) Any Gate. Micrel. Web. 02 Dec.
2012. <>.
[17] "How to Make Frequency Divider?" Digital Logic. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
[18] Slide Template:
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