Download Chapter 16 Homework The Speed of Sound Qu. 1 A submerged

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Chapter 16 Homework
The Speed of Sound
Qu. 1 A submerged scuba diver hears the sound of a boat horn directly
above them on the surface of the lake. At the same time a friend on dry land
22m from the boat also hears the horn. The horn is 1.2m above the surface of
the water. How far vertically is the scuba diver from the horn?
(Ans: 90.8 m )
Bulk Modulus
Qu. 2 A major earthquake centered on Loma Prieta, California, near San
Francisco, occurred at 0h 4m 15s UTC on October 17, 1989. The primary
seismic (P) waves from such an earthquake are longitudinal waves that
travel through the earth’s crust. The P waves were detected at Caracas,
Venezuela, at 0h 13m 54 UTC after having traveled a distance of 6280 km.
The average density of the earth’s crust is 3.3 g/cm3. Use this value to
calculate the bulk modulus of the earth’s crust along the path traveled by the
P waves. ( Ans: 3.8 x 1011 Pa).
Pressure Amplitude and Displacement Amplitude
Qu. 3 Sound waves in air with a frequency of 1000 Hz and a displacement
amplitude of 1.2 x 10-8 m produce a pressure amplitude of 3 x 10-2 Pa.
a) What is the wavelength of these sound waves given the speed of
sound in air is 344 m/s? ( Ans: 0.34 m)
b) For 1000 Hz waves in air, what displacement amplitude would be
needed for the pressure amplitude to be at the pain threshold, which is
30 Pa? (Ans: 1.2 x 10-5 m)
c) For what wavelength and frequency will waves with a displacement
amplitude of 1.2 x 10-8 m produce a pressure amplitude of 1.5 x 10-3
Pa. (Ans: 6.8 m, 50.5 Hz)
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