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World History
1. Which of the following wars was a product of the Cold War?
(A) Vietnam War
(C) Six-Day War
(B) French-Algerian War
(D) Yom Kippur War
2. During the Cold War era (1945 - 1990), the United States and the Soviet Union were
reluctant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of
the peacekeeping role of the United Nations
pressure from nonaligned nations
the potential for global nuclear destruction
increased tensions in the Middle East
3. During most of the Cold War period, which two nations were divided into Communist and
non-Communist parts?
(A) China and Mongolia
(C) Pakistan and Ireland
(B) Vietnam and Korea
(D) Poland and Cuba
4. Base your answer to the following question on the quote below.
"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across
the continent."
––Winston Churchill (1946)
This statement refers to the
(A) beginning of the Cold War
(C) end of World War I
(B) unification of Germany
(D) Russian Revolution
5. Base your answer to the following question on the headlines below.
United States Airlifts Supplies to Berlin
U-2 Spy Plane Shot Down Over the Soviet Union
Soviet Missiles Placed in Cuba
These headlines discuss events during
(A) Stalins Reign of Terror
(C) the Cold War
(B) World War II
(D) the post–Cold War era
6. Which Cold War event occurred last?
(A) Cuban missile crisis
(C) fall of the Berlin Wall
(B) Korean War
(D) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
7. Why was The Cuban Revolution and the Castro takeover of Cuba important?
It reestablished the unpopular Cuban monarchy
It reaffirmed America's dominance in Latin America
It set the stage for the Cuban Missile Crises
It helped end the Cold War
8. Which of the following statements about Cuba is true?
The United States supported Fidel Castro's government.
The Soviet Union attempted to overthrow Castro.
The United States and the Soviet Union almost went to war over missiles in Cuba.
Fidel Castro instituted a democracy in Cuba.
9. Which of the following is the American perspective following World War II?
Strong world organization to deter aggression and collective security
German power reduced through division and demilitarization
Russia surrounded by friendly governments
Buffer states
10. Which of the following is not a reason that the Soviet Union took control of Poland?
They wanted a buffer zone between them and Germany
Help Russia defend itself
They had better potatoes for making vodka
Germany had invaded through Poland twice before
11. Why did the United States not want to give up Poland?
6 million Polish voters in the United States
World War II had started there
Soviets may use Poland as a springboard to dominate all of Eastern Europe
All of the above
12. According to Joseph Stalin, war with the West was ___.
(A) Avoidable
(B) Probable
(C) Inevitable
(D) Impossible
13. Who is the author of the following statement?
"The Soviet Union acknowledges no other position, except strength."
(A) Vyacheslav Molotov
(C) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(B) John Kennedy
(D) George F. Kennan
14. Who was George Kennan?
Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Former resident of the Soviet Union
Both of the above
None of the above
15. "The United States will actively support any nation resisting communism with military
and economic aid."
The above statement best describes the ___________.
(A) Containment philosophy
(C) The Marshall Plan
(B) The Truman Doctrine
(D) The Molotov Plan
16. The Marshall Plan was an economic outline to ____ Europe.
(A) Rebuild
(B) Destroy
(C) Seperate
(D) Re-align
17. Which Cuban leader overthrew Bautista and welcomes Soviet delegates?
(A) Raul Castro
(C) Starling Castro
(B) Fidel Castro
(D) None of the above
18. Which country accepted Jupiter missiles from the United States?
(A) Turkey
(B) Italy
(C) Poland
(D) Germany
19. Exploding cigars, poisoned cigars, poisoned scuba gear, and poisoned ice cream were all
attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro under Operation ___.
(A) Anadyr
(C) I'll be your huckleberry
(B) Mongoose
(D) Honey Badger
20. Operation Anadyr was the Soviet plan to install nuclear missiles in ___.
(A) Cuba
(B) Poland
(C) Turkey
(D) Greece
21. Why did Khrushchev risk nuclear war during Operation Anadyr?
Provoke the United States into a first strike
He hated Fidel Castro
He was afraid of being attacked by the United States
Help narrow the missile gap by giving the Americans something to worry about
22. What plan to overthrow Castro as President of Cuba failed and led to the development
of Operation Mongoose and the Cuban Missile Crisis?
(A) Marsh of Swans
(C) Bay of Bombay
(B) Bay of Pigs
(D) D-Day
23. What political mistake did Khrushchev make during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Install the missiles in Cuba publically
Install the missiles in Turkey
Install the missiles in Cuba secretly
None of the above
24. Which of the following was not an option discussed in the first 24 hour to deal with the
Soviet missiles in Cuba
(A) Invasion
(C) Negotiation
(B) Limited Air Strike
(D) Full Air Strike
25. The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba if the United States took its
missiles out of ___.
(A) Turkey
(B) Iran
(C) Italy
(D) Poland
26. On which date was John Kennedy informed of the missiles in Cuba
(A) 16 October 1962
(C) 16 October 1969
(B) 23 October 1962
(D) None of the above
27. How long did the Cuban Missile Crisis last?
(A) 444 Days
(B) 19 Days
(C) 13 Days
(D) Overnight
28. What was the Marshall Plan?
The Soviet Union's plan to aid European nations after WWII
The European nations' plan for rebuilding after the Cold War
The United States' plan to help post-Soviet Russia rebuild after the Cold War
The United States' plan for giving European nations aid after WWII
29. Which two leaders were most important to ending the Cold War?
(A) Khruschev and Kennedy
(C) Nixon and Mao
(B) Gorbachev and Reagan
(D) Carter and Gorbachev
30. During the late 1980s in the Soviet Union, the policy of perestroika was an attempt to
solve economic problems by
introducing elements of capitalism into the Soviet economy
limiting imports into the Soviet Union
relying more heavily on central planning of the Soviet economy
cutting back the amount of credit given to small businesses
31. During the 1980s Mikhail Gorbachev introduced perestroika in the Soviet Union to
improve the economy and decentralize decision making
abandon arms treaties with the United States and Western Europe
tighten government controls over the communication media
suppress the growing nationalist movements in Eastern Europe
32. Mikhail Gorbachev instituted the policies of glasnost and perestroika to
reinforce the basic economic principles of Communism
bring the Soviet Union into the European Economic Community
reform the Soviet Union politically and economically
gain acceptance for free political elections
33. ". . . The Communist party of the Soviet Union has been and remains a natural and
inalienable part of social forces.
Their cooperation will make it possible to attain the ultimate goal of Perestroika: to
renew our society within the framework of the socialist choice, along the lines of
advance to a humane democratic socialism. . . ."
Which leader would most likely have made this statement?
(A) Kwame Nkrumah
(C) Benito Mussolini
(B) Mohandas Gandhi
(D) Mikhail Gorbachev
34. Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms of perestroika and glasnost resulted in
an era of world peace and Soviet prosperity
conditions that helped lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union
a successful transition to a command economy in Russia
censorship of the news media in Russia
35. Base your answer to the following question on the passage below.
"...The Communist party of the Soviet Union has been and remains a natural and
inalienable part of social forces. Their cooperation will make it possible to attain the
ultimate goal of Perestroika: to renew our society within the framework of the
socialist choice, along the lines of advance to a humane democratic socialism... "
The main idea of this quote led most directly to which of the following?
reforms to the command economy of the Soviet Union
immediate multi-party elections in the Soviet Union
self-determination for the people of Chechnya
collectivization of Soviet agriculture under Joseph Stalin
36. "By gently pushing open the gates of reform, he unleashed a democratic flood that
wiped out the Soviet universe and washed away the Cold War."
This statement most likely describes the actions of
(A) Ruhollah Khomeini
(C) Pol Pot
(B) Ho Chi Minh
(D) Mikhail Gorbachev
37. Which action occurred in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev?
Peasants were forced onto collective farms.
Citizens experienced more personal freedoms under glasnost.
The United States and the Soviet Union ended diplomatic relations.
The Soviet government increased its control over the Orthodox Church.
38. One difference between the war in Korea in the early 1950s and the war in Vietnam in
the late 1960s is that
(A) the United Nations played a major role in ending the war in Vietnam, but a minor
role in ending the war in Korea
(B) tactical nuclear weapons were used in Korea, but not in Vietnam
(C) after the wars ended, Korea remained a divided nation, but Vietnam was
reunited under a Communist government
(D) United States forces played a minor role in the war in Korea, but a major role in the
war in Vietnam
39. From the perspective of the North Vietnamese, the war in Vietnam in the 1960s was a
battle between
(A) Fascism and liberalism
(B) nationalism and imperialism
(C) republicanism and totalitarianism (D) theocracy and monarchy
40. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
In which nation did the historical event referred to in the cartoon occur?
(A) Cuba
(C) the Soviet Union
(B) Vietnam
(D) China
41. Which was a major result of the Vietnam War?
North and South Vietnam were politically reunited.
Relations between Vietnam and China declined significantly.
The United States increased its political influence in Southeast Asia.
Most Southeast Asian nations adopted a democratic form of government.
42. The experiences of the United States in Vietnam and of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan
suggest that
Communism is a growing force in the world
guerrilla forces can win wars without aid from other nations
large-scale industry is necessary to win wars
powerful nations cannot always force their will on others
43. United States involvement in the Vietnam War and the Soviet Union's involvement in
Afghanistan were motivated mainly by a desire to
exploit the mineral resources of the regions
support governments that would remain strong allies
stop the expansion of Japan into the Middle East
establish independent nation-states in the regions
44. Which communist nation is most closely associated with the leadership of Ho Chi Minh
and the surrender of Saigon?
(A) North Korea
(C) Vietnam
(B) Soviet Union
(D) People’s Republic of China
45. • French intent to recolonize Indo-China after World War II
• United States desire to prevent the spread of communism
• United States support for the French in Southeast Asia
These ideas are most closely associated with the
causes of the conflict in Vietnam
reasons for the Nationalist settlement of Taiwan
factors that led to the Korean War
results of the Marshall Plan
46. The Marshall Plan was designed to stop the spread of communism by providing
government housing to refugees
military assistance to Vietnam
funds for economic recovery in war-torn European nations
nuclear weapons to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members
47. Which Southeast Asian nation fought in wars against Japan, France, and the United
States during the 20th century?
(A) Myanmar (Burma)
(C) Philippines
(B) Thailand
(D) Vietnam
48. Which of the following countries was a satellite state of the Soviet Union?
(A) Ukraine
(B) China
(C) Vietnam
(D) North Korea
49. Which of the following countries was once a French colony?
(A) India
(B) Mongolia
(C) Vietnam
(D) Pakistan
50. When did The Cold War ended?
(A) the Soviet Union fell apart
(C) China became a democracy
(B) the United States invaded Russia
(D) North Vietnam was defeated
51. Why did The United States became involved in the Korean War and the Vietnam War?
To prevent communist governments from taking power
To encourage cultural human rights
To take the countries as their colonies
To establish the independence of the countries
52. The domino theory defended government action in Vietnam on the basis that
if Vietnam fell, all of Southeast Asia would be next.
Vietnam was a central location for Soviet missiles.
Vietnam was a central point for access to Australia.
Soviets would see America as weak if they did not defend Vietnam.
53. Richard Nixon’s plan of Vietnamization involved
end of all American activity in Vietnam.
Transitioning from US troops to South Vietnamese troops for slow pull-out.
using naval support instead of the army to drive out the Vietcong.
moving troops to neighboring Cambodia.
54. The issue which incited the most and biggest protests among students in the late 1960s
(A) American bureaucracy.
(C) free speech.
(B) Vietnam.
(D) tax cuts.
55. Which statement about United States involvement in the Vietnam War is accurate?
It came about only after a formal declaration of war.
It was based on the Open Door policy.
It was due exclusively to the actions of President Lyndon Johnson's administration.
It reflected the belief in containment that followed World War II.
56. One difference between World War II and the Vietnam War is that the Vietnam War
caused a significant amount of protest in the United States
involved direct armed conflict with China
was formally declared a war by Congress
was a decisive military victory for the United States
57. A major long-term effect of the Vietnam War has been
an end to communist governments in Asia
a change in United States foreign policy from containment to imperialism
a reluctance to commit United States troops for extended military action abroad
a continued boycott of trade with Asia
58. The domino theory was used by the United States as a justification for
(A) participating in the Vietnam War (1960's1970's)
(B) extending diplomatic recognition to the
People's Republic of China (l979)
(C) negotiating with Iran to release American
hostages (1979-1980)
(D) sending armed forces to the Middle East
59. Protests against United States involvement in Vietnam grew in the late 1960's and early
1970's mainly because many Americans
believed that the war was unjust
objected to the drafting of college students
feared nuclear war with the Soviet Union
opposed participation in conflicts involving the United Nations
60. The United States experience in the Vietnam War supports the idea that the outcome of
a war
is determined mainly by technological superiority
is dependent on using the greatest number of soldiers
is assured to countries dedicated to democratic ideals
can be strongly affected by public opinion
61. The purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to
prevent European interference in Latin American affairs.
help nations threatened by communist expansion.
invade Moscow.
push the Soviet Union out of Poland.
62. Since World War II, relations between the Soviet Union and the United States have been
marked by
(A) conflicts where the superpowers supported opposing sides, but did not confront
each other directly
(B) refusal to negotiate on any issues
(C) slow but steady decreases in military forces and armaments
(D) reliance on international peace organizations to solve disputes
63. What was the main purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Berlin
controlling Nazism in Europe
establishing friendly relations between the United States and the Soviet Union
spreading democracy to developing nations
limiting Soviet expansion
64. The Truman Doctrine was originally designed to
stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons
contain communism by giving aid to Greece and Turkey
use the United Nations as a tool to eliminate threats posed by the Soviet Union
rebuild Southeast Asia by extending economic aid
65. During the early 1960's, the United States had to deal with the building of the Berlin
Wall, the Bay of Pigs invasion, and the Cuban missile crisis. Each of these events was a
direct result of the
United States continued support of United Nations decisions
continuing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
United States failure to remain involved in world affairs
concern for the safety of Americans living in foreign nations
66. Which event led directly to the end of the cold war?
reunification of Germany
formation of the European Union
breakup of the Soviet Union
creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
67. Why did The Soviet Union suffer during the Cold War?
it wanted to preserve democratic ideals
the arms race was expensive
it developed effective means of international cooperation
it developed too many consumer products