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There are significant opportunities to assist employers in providing MD Plus services as a supplement to their existing Health Benefits package or assisting them
in offering benefits in the instance that there are NO current benefits offered. To incentivize our Associates in promoting these benefits to businesses and to
assist their TEAM of Associates in doing the same, we have designed a rewarding business commission structure.
The following commission structure will apply to Business to Business Benefits programs enrolled.
It is as follows:
(All percentages are based on the commissionable dollar*: SEE NOTE BELOW)
Monthly Commission Structure:
The enrolling Associate of the actual service plan earns ………………………………………………………. 25%
The first level up from the enroller earns ……………………………………………………………………………… 10%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 5%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
The next Qualifying level up receives ..………………………………………………………………………………….. 2%
All commissions are paid monthly as Associates are qualified, and paid on Commissionable dollar amounts. Commissionable dollar amounts are based on the published
retail sales dollar of program UNLESS there is a company approved price change due to volume.
If the program sales dollar is diminished below the published retail level then the revised commissionable dollar amount used for commission calculations will be at the
total discretion of the company. The commission percentages will remain in effect on the revised commissionable dollar amount.
MD Plus is also announcing an additional commission opportunity for those Associates that have the ability to assist other Associates in presentation &
enrollment of businesses. These individuals must have completed certification classes and passed testing for the MD Plus Business Training and earns B2B
CERTIFICATION. There will be Company appointed corporate C.B.A.’s as well. These select individuals must have a successful history in Health benefits sales and
service and have earned a minimum of 3 Star Executive rank.
Certified Business Associates (C.B.A.) will be allowed, encouraged and rewarded for assisting any MD Plus Associate, regardless of whose organizational
structure they are located, in presenting and closing viable B2B or Non Profit opportunities. When an Associate finds a viable opportunity but needs help in
presenting AND closing the business, they may seek help from, or have the company appoint them, a qualified C.B.A. The C.B.A. will earn a 50-50% commission
split on whatever level the enrolling associate earns plus any commissions earned as a result of organizational lineage.
Example 1: The Program is written by the Associate and the C.B.A. at the first level and the Associate is in the C.B.A.’s organization at the 4th level. The Associate
and C.B.A. will split the 25% monthly residual commission, 50-50% ongoing.
Example 2: Envision the Associate want to enroll a business owner as an Associate, business owner will use the 25% commission as a discount , but will enroll all
employees into a program. The Program is written by the Associate and the C.B.A. at the second level and the Associate is in the C.B.A.’s organization at the 4th
level. The Associate and C.B.A. will split the 10% monthly residual commission 50-50% ongoing.
Example 3: Envision the Associate want to enroll a business , the entity cannot participate in the commission program as a conflict of interest. However, they
are large and want a discount. The Program is written by the Associate and the C.B.A. at the first level and the Associate is in the C.B.A.’s organization at the 4th
level. The Associate and C.B.A. will split the 25% monthly residual commission 50-50% on the discounted revised commissionable dollar ongoing.
Example 4: Let’s envision the Associate want to enroll a Non-profit organization , the Non Profit will use the 25% first level commission as a residual fund raiser
program. The Program is written by the Associate and the C.B.A. at the second level and the Associate is in the C.B.A.’s organization at the 4th level. The
Associate and C.B.A. will split the 10% monthly residual commission 50-50% ongoing.
Example 5: Envision an Associate wants to enroll a company or a Non-profit organization . The Associate is not in the C.B.A.’s organization, however the
Associate needs help and either knows a C.B.A. or has one appointed to them by MD Plus. The Program is written by the Associate and the C.B.A. at the second
level. The Associate and the C.B.A. will split the 10% monthly residual commission 50-50% ongoing.
As always, remember to remind your clients that you are NOT their financial, tax, or insurance advisors. Clients should always seek appropriate tax or legal consultation when necessary.