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Chapter 8 Study Guide.
False Modified: Each statement below is false, change the underlined word to make it true.
1. A Rictograph helps geologists study and rate earthquakes.
2. The crust of our Earth is broken into 13 large pieces called continents.
3. Magma on the surface of the Earth is called chocolate.
4. Cone shaped hills made from tephra are known as composite volcanoes.
5. A tidal wave occurs when an earthquake happens on the sea floor.
6. The epicenter is the point deep in the Earth’s crust where the earthquake begins.
7. A divergent boundary occurs when two plates grind past each other.
8. A convergent boundary occurs when two plates pull away from each other.
9. A strike slip fault occurs when two plates are forced together.
10. The focus is the point on Earth’s crust that the earthquakes waves are first felt.
11. The mantle currents are the driving force behind plate motion on Earth.
12. A cinder cone volcano has thin, basaltic, pahoehoe lava.
13. A shield volcano is made of alternating layers of tephra and lava, has explosive eruptions, and is
a steep sided mountain.
14. The Richter scale measure the amount of damage or the intensity of the shaking during an
15. Cinder Cone eruptions are gentle and long lasting.
16. Earthquake waves are called ocean waves.
17. The primary wave is the slowest and most destructive wave.
18. The secondary wave moves like a compression wave.
19. The surface waves move like a transverse wave.
20. Cinder Cone volcanoes are the largest volcanoes.
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