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High School Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 1: Organization of the Body
C1PO1 - Differentiate how
positive and negative feedback
mechanisms contribute to
C2PO1 - Identify anatomical
prefix, suffix and vocabulary words
C2PO2 - Apply directional and
regional terms, planes, membranes,
and cavities
C3PO1 - Describe the levels of
organization in the body
Unit 2: Histology
C1PO1 - Classify and
describe epithelial tissue
Unit 3: Integumentary System
C1PO1 - Identify the three main
subdivisions of the skin
Unit 4: Skeletal System
C1PO1 - Describe the five functions
of the skeletal system
C1PO2 - Classify and
describe connective tissue
C1PO3 - Classify and
describe muscular tissue
C1PO2 - Describe the strata and cells
of the epidermis
C1PO3 - Describe the strata and
structures of the dermis
C1PO2 - Identify the bone
remodeling units and their cells
C1PO3 - Distinguish the various
skeletal articulations
CIPO4 - Classify and
describe nervous tissue
C2PO1 - Describe the
process of tissue repair
using a tissue type as an
C1PO4 - Describe the components of
skin color
C1PO5 - Describe the components of
skin appendages
C2PO1 - Compare compact and
spongy bone
C2PO2 - Classify bones based on
C2PO1 - Identify the six functions of
the skin
C2PO2 - Identify the functions of
skin appendages
C3PO1 - Describe the characteristics
of burns
C2PO3 - Classify bone markings
C3PO2 - Describe the characteristics
of skin cancer
C2PO4 - Discriminate between the
different parts of a long bone
C3PO1 - Identify the types of
connective tissues found in the
skeletal system
C3PO2 - Label the major bones of
the skeleton
C3PO3 - Articulate the bones of the
C3PO4 - Examine the microscopic
structure of bone
C4PO1 - Describe fracture and
C4PO2 - Order and describe the
phases of bone repair
High School Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 5: Muscular System
Unit 6: Nervous System
Unit 7: Endocrine System
Unit 8: Cardiovascular System
C1PO1 - Label the major
muscles of the body
C1PO1 - Describe the main
divisions of the nervous system
C1PO1 – Identify and label chambers, valves
and blood vessels of the heart
C1PO2 - Distinguish
between skeletal, cardiac,
and smooth muscle tissue
C1PO2 - Describe the structural
and functional classification of
C1PO1 - Identify the location and function
of the nine major glands of the endocrine
C2PO1 - Compare and contrast the function
of the endocrine system with the nervous
C2PO1 - Describe the
functions of the muscular
C2PO2 - Define and describe the functions
of hormones
C2PO1 – Describe the components of blood
C2PO2 - Describe the
functional characteristics
of muscle
C3PO1 - Explain how
muscles are named
C1PO3 - Explain the conduction
of information through the nervous
system: sensory input, integration,
motor output
C2PO1 - Differentiate between
neurons and supporting cells of the
nervous system
C2PO2 - Identify characteristics
of neurons
C3PO1 - Discuss homeostatic imbalances
due to hyper- and hypo-secretion of the
various hormones
C2PO2 – Categorize blood by type
C3PO2 - Define origin,
insertion, and action
C3PO1 - Label and describe the
three major parts of the neuron
C3PO2 – Identify pulmonary and systemic
C3PO3 - Define
landmarks: belly of
muscle, tendons,
aponeuroses, etc.
C4PO1 - Examine the
microscopic features of
C5PO1 - Explain the
sliding filament theory of
muscle contraction
C3PO2 - Label and describe the
major parts of the brain
C4PO1 – Explain the electrical sequence of
heart contraction
C4PO1 - Explain the importance
of cerebrospinal fluid
C5PO1 – Investigate blood pressure and
C4PO2 - Characterize the
protective structures of the central
nervous system, including the
skull, spine and three meninges
C4PO3 - Generalize the function
of the blood-brain barrier
C5PO1 - Discuss how the nervous
system is important for
maintaining homeostasis
C5PO2 – Explore blood flow and resistance
C1PO2 – Trace the path of blood through the
C3PO1 – Compare and contrast the three
main types of blood vessels
C5PO3 - Summarize blood as a transport
system for gases, nutrients, and wastes
High School Human Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 9: Lymphatic/Immune
C1PO1 - List the structures of
the lymphatic system
C2PO1 - Describe the source of
lymph and the mechanisms of
lymph transport
C2PO2 - Compare and contrast
between the lymphatic and
circulatory systems
Unit 10: Respiratory System
Unit 11: Digestive System
Unit 12: Urinary System
C1O1 - List the organs of the
respiratory system
C1PO2 - Trace the pathway of
air from the external
environment to the alveoli
C2PO1 - Describe the functions
of the organs in the respiratory
C1PO1 - Identify the organs of the
digestive system
C1PO2 - Trace the pathway of food
through the alimentary canal
C1PO1 - Identify the organs of the
urinary system
C2PO1 - Define the functions of the
organs of the urinary system
C1PO3 - Differentiate between the
alimentary canal and accessory organs
C2PO2 - Explain the function of the
C2PO3 - Describe the functions
of the lymphatic system
C2PO2 - Differentiate between
internal and external respiration
C2PO1 - Analyze the functions of the
digestive system
C2PO3 - Compare the urinary
system and the integumentary
C3PO1 - Identify diseases;
causes and symptoms of the
lymphatic system
C2PO3 - Summarize the events
of pulmonary ventilation
C2PO2 - Define the functions of the
organs of the digestive system
C2PO4 - Distinguish between
lung volumes
C2PO3 - Differentiate between the
functions of the alimentary canal and
accessory organs
C3PO1 - Explain the importance of
chemical digestion
C3PO1 - Describe respiratory
C4PO1 - Examine dietary guidelines
including food pyramid, nutrition labels
and categories of nutrients
Unit 13: Reproductive System
C1PO1 - Label the structures of the
male and female reproductive
C2PO1 - Describe the functions of
the structures in the male and female
reproductive systems
C2PO2 - Trace the pathway of
sperm and egg from production to
fertilization and implantation
C2PO3 - List the stages of
pregnancy and describe the
characteristics of the developing
C3PO1 - Identify diseases and
disorders associated with the
reproductive system
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