Download Question1. Write the following sets in roster form: 1. A={z: z=3x

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Question1. Write the following sets in roster form:
1. A={z: z=3x-8, x W and x<5}
2. B={x: x is an even prime number}
3. C={x: x >0 and x is a multiple of 3 less than 100}
Question2. Write the following in set builder form:
1. A={1,4,9,16,25}
2. B={
3. C={Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Southern }
Question3. Show that , {0} and 0 are all different.
Question4. Fill in the blanks:
Every set is a subset of ………
…………… is a subset of every set.
All equal sets are ………… sets.
If A is subset of B and B is subset of A then ………
Question5. Solve the following equations for x where x is a whole number:
1. 8x-24=0
2. x+1=0
Question6. If U = {2,4,6,8,10,11,15}
A={4,6,10}, B={10,11} and C={2,8,15} then find A’ , B’ , C’ , n(A’) , n(B’)
Question7.How many proper subsets in all are there if a set contains (a) 7 elements (b) 4
Question8.Define the following with example:
Null set
Disjoint sets
Singleton set
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Question9.State the cardinal number of the following:
1. A={A quadrilateral having five sides}
2. B={x: x I and -4
3. C={set of letters in the word MEDITERRANEAN}
Question10. Let A= {a,b,c,d,e}.
List the subsets of A as directed.
1. All subsets with two elements.
2.{a,b,c},{a,c,d},{a,b,d},{a,b,e},{a,c,e}{a,d,e},{b,c,d},{b,c,e},{c,d,e}, {b,d,e}
3.{a,b,c,d},{a,c,d,e},{b,c,d,e},{a,b,d,e} and {a,b,c,e}
Question11. Which of the following pair of sets is disjoint? Justify.
1. A={x: x=n3, n N and n 4}
B={x: x N and 2
2. A={x: x is a square number less than 20}
B= {1,9,25}
Question12. A true or false.
1. {0} {2,3}
2. {} {0}
3. 0 {}
4. {2,4,6} {x: x is an even number}
6. {x:x is a square} {x:x is a rectangle}
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Question13. State whether the following pair of sets are equal or equivalent:
1. A={x: x is a consonant in STANDARD}
B={x: x is a consonant in STRAND}
2. A={x: x N and 1
B={x: x=n+1 and 0
3. A={x: x is a vowel in BLUE}
B={x: x is a vowel in YELLOW}
Question14. Define universal set and explain with an example.
Question15. Classify the following sets as finite or infinite sets:
A={set of all river in the world}
B={ set of negative integers less than zero}
C={x: x is a prime number}
D={x: x N and x>10}
5. E={x: x is a continent}
Question16.If U = set of first 20 even numbers then list the following subsets:
1. Set of multiples of 9
2. Set of prime numbers
3. Set of numbers divisible by 7
Question17. State whether the sets are empty, singleton , finite or infinite.
A={x: x is a fraction between 5 and 6}
B={x: x is a month having more than 31 days}
C={set of stars in the sky}
D={x: x W and x<1}
5. E={x: x I and -4<x<-2}
Question18. Suggest the universal set for the following:
A={violet, indigo, red}
B={x: x is a consonant}
C={1/11,1/10, 1/9, 1/3}
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Question19. Let A= set of alphabets in the word READ. List all the subsets of set A.
Question20. Define complement of a set with example.
Answers:A1. 1. A={-8,-5,-2,1,4}
2. B={2}
3. C={3,6,9,…..,99}
A2: 1. A={x: x=y2, y
2. B={x: x= 12
N and y<6}
N and n≤16}
3. C={x:x is an ocean}
A4. 1. itself;
2. Null set;
3. Equivalent;
4. A=B
A5. 1. 3 ; 2.
A6. A’={2,8,11,15}, B’={2,4,6,8,15}, C’={4,6,10,11}, n(A’)=4 and n(B’)=5
A7. (a)127 (b)15
A9.1 .n(A)= zero; 2. n (B)=7; 3. n(C)=8
A10. 1. {a, b },{a, c }, {a, d},
{a, e}, {b, c }, {b, d }, {b, e},
{c, d}, {c, e} and {d, e }
A11. 1.A= {1, 8, 27, 64} and B={2,3,4,5,6} therefore Disjoint sets
2. A= {1, 4, 9, 16} and B={1,9,25}.since 1 and 9 are common thus not disjoint.
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A12. 1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
A13.1. Equal sets, 2. Equal sets,
3. Equivalent sets.
A15. 1. Finite, 2.infinite,
3. Infinite, 4. Infinite, 5.finite
A16.1. A={18,36};
2. B={2}; 3. C={14,28}
A17. 1. Infinite, 2. Empty,
3. Infinite 4. Singleton 5. singleton
A18. 1. {set of colours in a rainbow}, 2. {x: x is an alphabet}, 3. {x: x is a fraction} 4. { x:
x is a multiple of 5}
{R,E,A,D} and
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