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Science 7 – 11/2/2015
Plate Boundaries
What is the driving force behind plate tectonics and where do they occur?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What type of boundary occurs where two plates are moving towards each other?
What are the three types of convergent plate boundaries?
What type of land formation often occurs where one oceanic plate subducts beneath another oceanic plate?
What country is an example of an island arc, that is, formed from one oceanic plate subducting beneath
another oceanic plate?
What type of convergent boundary occurs off the west coast of South America where the oceanic Nazca Plate
is subducting beneath the continental South American Plate? What type of land formation does this create a
little inland from the coast?
During the process of sea floor spreading, does oceanic crust always subduct beneath continental crust?
Where in the United States is oceanic crust not subducting beneath continental crust?
India crashing into the Eurasian land mass is an example of a continental-continental plate boundary. When
did these plates first meet? What type of land formation did this create? Are these mountains still growing as
the continents continue to collide?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What type of boundary occurs where two plates are moving away from each other?
What type of land formation results from oceanic plates diverging on the sea floor?
What country formed on a divergent plate boundary?
What type of land formation results from continental plates diverging? Where can we witness this occurring?
What type of boundary occurs when plates move side by side in opposite directions? Where in the United
States can we see this occurring?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Volcanoes and deeper earthquakes often occur when the process of ____________________ happens.
Land masses and mountains form at what two types of plate boundaries?
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