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10th Grade World History – Syllabus
Eminence High School
Mrs. Covington
Course Objectives:
 Students will be able to explain how humans began to rediscover the ideas of the
Classical Age and to question their place in the universe during the Renaissance and
 Students will be able to explain and give examples of how new ideas and
technologies led to an Age of Exploration by Europeans that brought great wealth to
the absolute monarchies and caused significant political, economic, and social
changes to the other regions of the world.
 Students will analyze how an Age of Revolution brought about changes in science,
thought, government, and industry that shaped the modern world, and will evaluate
the long range impact these changes had on the modern world.
 Students will analyze how nationalism, militarism, and imperialism led to world
conflicts and the rise of totalitarian governments.
 Students will explain the rise of both the United States and the Soviet Union to
superpower status following World War II, the subsequent development of the Cold
War, and the formation of new nations in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the
Middle East. Students will also be able to evaluate the impact of these events on the
global community.
 Students will be able to explain how the second half of the 20th century was
characterized by rapid social, political, and economic changes that created new
challenges in countries around the world, and give examples of how countries have
addressed these challenges.
Course Organization:
Our curriculum follows the Kentucky Program of Studies and the Core Content for
Assessment. The units of study are as follows:
 Unit One: Emergence of the Modern World (Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age
of Exploration)
 Unit Two: The Age of Revolution (Scientific Revolution; American, British, and
French Revolutions)
 Unit Three: Industry and Nationalism (Industrialization; rise of nationalism and
militarism; imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Americas)
 Unit Four: The World In Conflict (WWI, the Russian Revolution, Nazism, WWII)
 Unit Five: The Contemporary World (Cold War; social, political, and economic
changes/challenges in Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America)
Course Materials:
Text: World History: Modern Times (Glencoe, McGraw-Hill)
History Alive! (Teacher’s Curriculum Institute)
Required Student Materials:
 Course textbook
 3-5 subject notebook (college-ruled preferred)
 blue or black ink pens (no pencil or colored pens in notebook unless approved by
 loose-leaf paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils, etc. (we will use a variety of methods
for recording and using information in class – students should be prepared on a daily
basis with the necessary materials)
Most of the work done in this class will go in the student notebook. Grades will be based
on the following:
Tests/Projects/Portfolio: 80%
Classwork/Homework/Quizzes/Notebook: 20%
Late Work/Absences:
Students are responsible for worked missed on the day(s) they are absent. Late work for
students with an excused absence will be accepted without penalty on the date of their
return to school, or within 5 school days of their absence. Work turned in after that will
be assessed a 15 point penalty. No late work will be accepted after 1 week before the end
of the grading period. Work that is not completed will be given a zero (0).
A homework “buddy” is highly advised. Parents may also call the office to request that
assignments be picked up at the end of the school day.
Contacting Me:
I am available before school, after school, and during planning by appointment. The
easiest (and best) way to contact me is via e-mail.
School phone: 502.845.5427
E-mail: ([email protected])
Final Thoughts:
It is my sincere wish that you have a successful learning experience in my class. My
philosophy is pretty straightforward:
 I come prepared everyday- so should you.
 I stay focused on the content (no “free” days)- so should you.
 I believe structure and order are necessary for learning to take place, but there is also
room for some fun. Behave yourself.
 I think “bud-nipping” is key. Problems can be avoided if you take a pro-active
 I believe in mutual respect and everyone’s ability to learn. Play nice.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Good luck.