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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
Study Guide: Ch.11 & 12 Test
Short Answer
1. In your own words, write a definition for the term periodic.
2. Compare a period and a group on the periodic table. What information do each of these provide?
3. What property did Mendeleev use to position the elements on the periodic table? How did Henry Mosely
rearrange the periodic table? Which version of the periodic table do we use today?
4. Use your knowledge of the periodic table to identify the atomic number, atomic mass, number of protons,
neutrons, and electrons in an atom of chromium (Cr).
Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.
noble gas
alkaline-earth metal
alkali metal
5. _____________________ do not typically react with other atoms.
6. ______________________ are very reactive because of their one valence electron.
7. ______________________ is the most reactive group of non-metals on the periodic table.
8. Atoms in the group called ______________________ have the oxidation number +2.
9. What causes the properties of elements in a group to be similar?
10. What causes the properties of elements in the same period to be similar?
11. Use the periodic table to identify the atomic number, atomic mass, and number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons in an atom of neon (Ne).
12. How is the periodic table like a calendar?
13. Use the following terms in a sentence about a type of interaction that results in a chemical change: chemical
bond and valence electron.
14. Explain how to use the valence electrons in an atom to predict if the atom will form bonds. (Hint: consider
the Octet Rule)
Name: ________________________
15. Use the following terms in the same sentence: ion and ionic bond.
16. In your own words, write a definition for the term crystal lattice. Draw a picture too!
17. How does an atom become a positive ion? a negative ion?
18. What are two properties of ionic compounds? What about the structure gives an ionic compound these
19. Compare how electrons interact in a covalent bond and in a metallic bond.
20. In your own words, write a definition for the term molecule.
21. How many dots does an electron-dot diagram of a sulfur atom have? Draw it.
22. List three properties of metals that are a result of metallic bonds.
23. Describe how the valence electrons in a metal move.
24. Explain the difference between ductility and malleability. Give an example of when each property is useful.
25. Covalent bonds are very weak bonds. List two properties of covalent compounds that are caused by their
weak bonds. (Think about sugar!)
26. Explain why an iron ion is attracted to a sulfide ion but not to a zinc ion.
27. Compare the three types of bonds based on what happens to the valence electrons of the atoms.
28. Explain why ionic compounds are neutral even though they are made up of charged particles.
29. Draw an electron-dot diagram for ammonia (a nitrogen atom covalently bonded to three hydrogen atoms).
Then draw the bonding sequence for this molecule.
30. Predict the type of bond each of the following pairs of atoms would form:
(*You do NOT need to draw any of them*)
zinc, Zn, and zinc, Zn
oxygen, O, and nitrogen, N
phosphorus, P, and oxygen, O
magnesium, Mg, and chlorine, Cl
Name: ________________________
31. Draw electron-dot diagrams for each of the following atoms, and state how many bonds it will have to make
to fill its outer energy level.
a. sulfur, S
b. nitrogen, N
c. neon, Ne
d. iodine, I
e. silicon, Si
32. Using your knowledge of valence electrons, explain the main reason so many different molecules are made
from carbon atoms.
Other Practice
33. This electron-dot diagram is not complete. Which atom needs to form another bond? Explain. Then draw
what the entire electron-dot diagram should look like for this molecule.
34. What is the charge of an ion that has 12 protons and 10 electrons? Write the ion’s symbol and charge.
35. For each atom below, write the number of electrons it must gain or lose to have 8 valence electrons. Then,
calculate the oxidation state for each ion based on the number of valence electrons it would need to become
stable. Show your work.
a. calcium, Ca
b. phosphorus, P
c. bronie, Br
d. sulfur, S
36. Complete the chart below by filling in the empty boxes with the proper compound formula or nomenclature
based on the information provided. Then label each compound as ionic or covalent in the chart.
Compound Formula
Compound Name
Ionic or Covalent?
dinitrogen tetrahydride
magnesium nitride