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Ania, Cory, Kylee
Does this ever occur when you or your family member are making something in the
microwave or oven and can't tell if it is cooked all the way or if its still raw? Fear no more,
this device will transform your lives. If you are cooking KFC for example in the microwave
and you don't know what is like on the inside? Take the Therma Plate and clip it to the
side of your plate. Than stick the needle into your food and it tells you how hot or cold or
raw or cooked your food is. Oven mitts no more! And you don't have to try your food first
and have that yucky taste!
How does it work?
The ThermaPlate works like this: simply clip
on the thermometer to your plate, the clip is
easy to use. Then, you can see the
temperature that is said on the clip, the
thermometer looks like mini weather one
which you can read either the Fahrenheit or
Celsius side. Also there is a needle attached to
the clip that extends into the food.
What problem does it solve? Does it solve the problem in a
reasonable way or is it like a Rube Goldberg Device?
This solves the problem of having your plate to hot and the problem of
having your food under or over cooked which will prevent food poisoning
and it will allow not as experienced people. This solves these problems
in simple ways with only 3 steps: clip the ThermaPlate to your plate and
make sure that it makes contact with the food, wait for it to cook, lastly
read the clip.
Explain clearly what life is like without your product and how my
life will be transformed because of your product.
The cooking life would be difficult without the Thermaplate. Without it
you would burn your hands from touching plates that are too hot, you
would have to re-heat your food, and you might get food poisoning from
eating undercooked food. With the Thermaplate your hands will never
get burned and it will prepare young cooks for the future and prevent
bad food as in under or over cooked food.
Is it original? List at least three search terms that you used to
check that your invention is original.
Yes, this product is original.
A device that tells the temperature and state of food (no)
A cooking utensil that tells how cooked the food is and temperature of
the plate (no)
Something that tells if food is under or overcooked and temperature of
what it is on (no)
A ThermaPlate has a glass thermometer inside of a metallic
Mercury and glass for the thermometer.
Metal for the clip, the clip will be covered in a clear fireproof material.
$26.11 is the cost we are selling it for.
Who is this for?
Our target audience is parents and to-be cooks. To-be cooks
need this because they are still learning how, parents need
this because they cook for kids and sometimes they have
more than one thing on their mind, and how can those not
professional people know how warm a plate is and how
cooked it is. This is about 150 million people in the USA,
but some can’t afford it so 125 million people. After
interviewing about 30 people we came up with an average
price of
$26.11. We think this is a reasonable price but we are not
sure about how much profit we will make.
13 year olds and up (to be cooks etc.) Our intended
Ages 13-24
Ages 25-64
Ages 65+
6 Marketing Ideas
- Social Media Accounts - Make social media accounts, which is free
- Television Advertising - For a primetime commercial (8pm) where
most people would watch it, it is 30 seconds for $326,000
- Billboards - For a billboard in the inner city, (ex. Detroit) $2500 per
- Infomercial - For a cable television informercial for 30 minutes it costs
- Newspaper Ads - In the Birmingham Newspaper it would cost $22 for
an ad
- Magazine Ads - $1,500 per issue for an ad but it goes in segments of 6,
so for 6 issues it would cost $9000
Our first step would be in a newspaper ad but they are starting
slow. The ad would cost $22 in the Birmingham Mirror Press.
Working our way up to a cable television infomercial like on a
channel called ‘TvLand” we could get a lot of elder people to
know about our product that way. Who watches that stuff? Old
People. Who doesn’t want to eat raw food or burn themselves?
Old People. A win, win situation for only $12,500 for a 30 minute
slot. Next up would be in a Magazine Ad in something like
People, US and inTouch. For our ad being in 6 issues of
magazines it would cost $9000. They go in segments of 6 issues. A
Billboard in the inner city (Detroit, Chicago, New York and many
others) would only cost $2500 per month. Social media accounts
such as FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram are free! Who watches
primetime television? A 30 second ad on a popular television
station such as Fox or ESPN would only be $326,000 (that is pretty
cheap for the whole world to see it).