Download The Legislative Branch

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Structure & Power
Bicameral Legislature
◦ Bicameral=2 Part
House of Representatives
◦ 435 members (Representatives)
◦ 100 members (Senators)
Why is there such a difference in the #’s?
Citizenship (years):
Citizenship (years):
State of Residence (years):
State of Residence (years):
Term length:
Term length:
How many representatives much each state
How many senators much each state have?
What is each state’s # of seats based on?
What is each state’s # of seats based on?
Turn to pg. 5 in Interactive Notebook, Complete
- Use MD General Assembly article on back to complete page
Why bicameral?
◦ H.of R.= Representation based on population
 Ex- New York vs. Delaware
◦ Senate= Equal representation
 Everyone gets 2
Enumerated Powers
◦ War Powers, Levy Taxes, etc
Implied Powers
Elastic Clause
◦ Necessary & Proper clause
Effects on functioning of government
◦ Increase in size & scope
◦ Regulation of finance, health care
Create a foldable that explains the powers of the legislative branch
Cover: Create a title & picture
Green= Expressed Powers
◦ Inside Left
Yellow= Implied Powers
◦ Inside Middle
2 Examples from each
2 Examples from each
Red= Denied Powers
Inside Right
2 examples from each
Effects of Necessary & Proper Clause
Bicameral: House & Senate Facts (5 qualifications each)
◦ 3 Effects (Outside left)
◦ EX- # of representatives; citizenship; age; basis of # of seats
Middle Outside
*You may use books, notes, or Interactive notebook pgs. 2-3
Filibuster (Senate)
◦ Historical method to delay vote or block debate
◦ Increase visibility of issue; lead to compromise
◦ 60 votes to stop it (longest ever 24+ hours)
 Cloture
Video Clip
◦ Should the filibuster be eliminated?
◦ Do you agree or disagree with the speaker
 ? Why/why not?
Conference Committees
◦ Set up by House & Senate to settle disagreement on
a bill
 Remember, a bill must pass thru House and Senate
before becoming law!!!
Overriding a Presidential Veto
◦ 2/3 vote by Senate
Lawmaking Process
Census is taken every 10 yrs
◦ Change in the # of representatives each state has
 Based on population size
 # of House of Reps members
Pg. 10-13 in interactive notebook
◦ Complete pg. 10, 11 & 13
◦ Discuss
State Legislators draw boundaries for
Congressional districts
◦ Power is sometimes abused
Unequal districts drawn
◦ Gerrymandering
◦ Should be base on pop. (1 person=1 vote)
Many times, increase in racial/ethnic
◦ No guidelines in Constitution
Drawing state lines to give one party an
electoral advantage
“Packing & Cracking”
◦ Funky shaped districts use to:
 Pack one party/group into one district
 Crack one party/ethnic group into many districts
 Both reduce influence
Irregular shapes drawn for political reasons
Pg. 126 Gerrymandering map
◦ Voters kick an elected official out of office
◦ Special election used to recall official
Citizens propose a constitutional amendment
or law
External Factors
Political Action Committees
Interest Groups
Public Opinion
The media can have a
major influence on public
◦ Coverage of events on
 Amount of time certain topics
get in spotlight
 More TV exposure means
more people form opinions
about a certain issue
◦ Social media
 Citizens get instant news and
Interest Groups
◦ A group with common goals who organize to
influence government
Public Interest Groups
◦ A group that seeks policy goals that it believes will
benefit the nation
Many interest groups have ties to business,
labor, or agriculture
Interest Group Spending:
Many voices with the same message have a
greater impact than 1 voice!
What is the idea behind this political cartoon?
Free Rider
◦ An individual who does
not join a group
representing his or her
interests yet receives the
benefit of the group's
Turn to pg. 30 in Interactive Notebook
◦ Use graphic organizer to categorize interest groups
◦ Read Summaries of the different kinds of interest
 Read pgs. 31-33
 Highlight key points and ideas
 Answer questions at the end of each section
◦ An interest group representative
◦ Lobbying:
 Direct contact made by a lobbyist in order to persuade
government officials to support the policies their interest
group favors
Political Action Committees
◦ Interest groups that raise & spend large sums of money
to influence election campaigns
Free Rider
◦ An individual who does not join a group representing his
or her interests yet receives the benefit of the group's
Turn to pg. 35 in Interactive Notebook
Read Study Guide 18.2
◦ Mark text to pick out important points
◦ Answer the question at the end of each section
Think about some social issues that are
important to you
Brainstorm at least 5 issues that America faces
Select the one issue that you care about the most
& come up with a name for your interest group
◦ You may either:
 Create a 30 second commercial script
 Write a newspaper article (2 paragraphs) to express your
 Write a rap/song/poem to express you viewpoints
 Create a print ad (like from a newspaper or magazine)
You will share your work with class mates at the
end of the period
Public Opinion
◦ Polls/surveys are taken
to find the opinions of a
representative group of
Americans on many
Government officials
take poll numbers into
account when making
policy decisions
◦ Iraq War------------->
You have the power to make changes!
◦ Contact local legislators
 City Council
 State Legislators
 Representatives
Testify at Congressional Hearings
Join an interest group
Organize a PAC
Use the news media to your advantage
 Call the local paper or TV station about your concerns
As a class, read:
The Public Choices of Senator Aspyer Tu More
Volunteer for a role or read along
Pg. 38-45 in Interactive Notebook
Answer Bulleted Questions on pg. 47 of Interactive
 4 groups:
Chamber of Commerce
The Locals
The Fishermen
Retired People
 Discuss Roles & Answer questions