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MacBeth Project
Ft. Castle of Scotland
Explain- Why the castle?
I feel the Castle didn’t quite go into great detail as-to it’s major
key role of importance in the story. Sure, everyone wanted to be king,
but you can’t be a real king without your solitude.
Thus; T-Dog’s project presenting the Castle of Scotland was born.
Explain- Your process?
Simple really. After having read MacBeth in a younger age during
homeschool, I was prematurely exposed to the ideals and plot before
we read it together as a highschool senior class.
After drawing up some ideas, throwing away gallons of paper,
and finally understanding what it is I was meant to create, I set my
mind to it, and let my fingers and creativity do the rest.
Explain- Problems you face, and overcame?
Well, I was always taught growing up that doing a project or a
report over a story, for the best result, requires you to take on the role
of an individual as to make it the best as possible. So in theory, I took
on the role of an out of book Engineer.
Nearly finished with the project, however, I was “attacked” by a
specific individual, and he sabotaged the first construction process. (A
class mate)
Quickly overcoming this hindrance and defeating the individual,
the castle was rebuilt in a more ergonomic-friendly and compact build.
Explain- Why those specific quotes?
These quotes just really held out a-lot of major meaning,
whether an unintentional representation of in-depth meaning by
Shakespeare himself or an intended meaning.
“What bloody man is that? He can report, as seemeth by his
plight, of the revolt the newest state.” This quote being spoken
obviously by Duncan himself as the plot to overthrow him became
clearer. MacBeth was pretty much being called out to come to his face,
and dispute his problems one on one without a revolt and war and
tragedy upon Duncan’s people.
Continued- Why those specific quotes?
“Whence camest thou, worthy thane?” This is Duncan, in my
opinion, putting MacBeth into his place by firmly, and being assertive
to remind him he is but just a Thane to him, and speaking the way
Duncan is speaking is showing he has the floor of dominance and won’t
tolerate being questioned.
“Dismay’d not this our captains, MacBeth and Banquo?” Here
Duncan, frightened himself, asks to Seargent was MacBeth nor Banquo
frightened or scared of the events unfolding? Duncan knew something
strange was happening with his thane MacBeth, but knew little of his
plot to overthrow Duncan.
Explain- Why focus on Duncan?
Duncan, although I believe everyone in the book did the wrong
things for wrong reasons, really came off sympathetic to me, and I
couldn’t help but feel sad for him. Although an evil and selfish
character in my opinion, he was overthrown from his rightfully earned
throne of power by someone who didn’t even make it to power long
enough to make changes and effects as Duncan did.
Easter eggs- Symbolisms in my project
1) The flimsy paper- The castle is constantly overturned with
drama, death, and new leadership. As paper, the status was flimsy and
had no major standing to the realm of Scotland as to authority status.
2) The red- I chose red to show the unnecessary blood shed
involved throughout the book, the meaningless murders and killings for
the same exact ending if no one was to have died.
3) Little detail- Throughout the book, the castle is depicted
within, and not exterior. Therefore, I added little detail.
4) The cardboard flagpole- This paper flagpole represents
Duncan’s values being worth nothing more than the paper itself, at any
given time it shall be easy to anyone to take down.
I hope this project was an amazing and unique experience.
Thank you,
Tanner Leteff
7th Periodd English IV