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Chapter 8 The Civil War and Reconstruction
Name ________________________
Lesson 1:
1. Who helped lead Confederate troops to victory at the First Battle of Manassas?
Wade Hampton
2. How did the Union blockade affect SC?
It made it hard to get goods, weapons, and supplies in and out of South Carolina.
3. What state had Sherman’s troops marched through before they reached SC?
4. What effect did Sherman’s March have on SC?
It destroyed many homes and cities.
Lesson 2:
5. Why did many planters lose their land after the Civil War?
They had a hard time making money without the
slaves to help them work their plantations.
6. What was the Freedman’s Bureau? An organization created by Congress to help newly freed African
Americans have a better life in the South.
7. Why were many white Southerners against the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment?
It ended slavery and they
did not want to change the ways of life they had before the Civil War.
8. What was a sharecropper? A person who farms land for a person who owns the land in return for
some of the crops they picked.
9. In what way did the building and expanding of SC railroads affect the textile industry?
The railroads connected
cities in the north, where textiles could be sold for a good price. The money earned was
brought back to the mill owners.
10. Compare and contrast SC before and after the Civil War.
African Americans continued to
The textile industry grew.
struggle and farming was still very
11. How did the Civil War’s destruction affect the economy of SC?
Goods could not be moved because many of the
railroads were destroyed. Crops had been destroyed, so there was nothing to trade. The state did not have
money to rebuild towns.
12. How do you think the African Americans adjusted to being freedmen after the war?
Freedmen had no money, they couldn’t read or write, and they only knew how to farm.
After the war, they needed shelter, food, and clothing. Life was hard because they didn’t have
the skills they needed to have a good job.
Lesson 3
of voters in SC had to pledge loyalty to the Union under President Johnson’s plant for Reconstruction.
14. What rule needed to be met in order for the Union military government to leave the South?
African American men had to have the right to vote.
15. Why did black codes anger some members of Congress?
They felt that Southern leaders should NOT have the power to make such laws. They
thought the President should make laws like that.
16. What did Rutherford B. Hayes agree to do if Southern states accepted him as President of the USA?
He said he would make Union troops leave the South.
17. How did the US government control SC and other Southern states after the Civil War?
They sent Union soldiers to make sure South Carolina was following all of the rules that
the United States government told them to follow.
18. What were black codes?
Laws that limited the voting rights and other freedoms of African Americans.
19.How did Reconstruction come to an end?
The Compromise of 1877 said that President Hayes would make the troops leave the
South if he became President.
20. What happened after the US army left the Southern states?
It was hard to make people treat African Americans equally after the troops left.
Chapter 8 The Civil War and Reconstruction
Name ________________________
Lesson 1:
1. Who helped lead Confederate troops to victory at the First Battle of Manassas? ________________________________
2. How did the Union blockade affect SC?
3. What state had Sherman’s troops marched through before they reached SC?
4. What effect did Sherman’s March have on SC?
Lesson 2:
5. Why did many planters lose their land after the Civil War?
6. What was the Freedman’s Bureau?
7. Why were many white Southerners against the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment?
8. What was a sharecropper?
9. In what way did the building and expanding of SC railroads affect the textile industry?
10. Compare and contrast SC before and after the Civil War.
11. How did the Civil War’s destruction affect the economy of SC?
12. How do you think the African Americans adjusted to being freedmen after the war?
Lesson 3
of voters in SC had to pledge loyalty to the Union under President Johnson’s plant for Reconstruction.
14. What rule needed to be met in order for the Union military government to leave the South?
15. Why did black codes anger some members of Congress?
16. What did Rutherford B. Hayes agree to do if Southern states accepted him as President of the USA?
17. How did the US government control SC and other Southern states after the Civil War?
18. What were black codes?
19.How did Reconstruction come to an end?
20. What happened after the US army left the Southern states?
Chapter 8 Vocabulary:
The Civil War and Reconstruction
Name ____________________________
Test on ___________________________________________
Use the glossary of your SS book to look up the definitions of the following words.
1. First Battle of Manassas:
2. Sharecropper:
3. blockade:
4. carpetbagger:
5. Reconstruction:
6. freedmen: