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Justin, Shane & Jordan
What is an Estuary?
• An estuary is a coastal body of
water that is partly enclosed.
• It has multiple streams, or rivers
that flow into it.
• It has an open flow to the sea.
• The hardest hit water based habitats
are estuaries.
• Pollutants from rivers, lakes, streams
and the ocean flow into estuaries,
causing damage to the habitat, and
life of the species within it.
Human Impact
• As estuaries are extremely calm bodies
of water, they make for excellent fishing.
• Due to extreme overfishing by humans,
estuaries lose their fish.
• 22 of the 32 largest cities in the world are
around estuaries. The people of these
cities affect the estuaries through,
overfishing, pollution and septic dumping
in waters.
• Estuaries give homes to many species of
fish, such as salmon and sea trout.
• Migrating birds often stop in estuaries, as
it is a good source of food.
• Plankton is a key element in estuaries. It
acts as a cleaner within estuaries and
also as food for the fish.
• Plankton are brought into and swept out
of estuaries by the current of the water.
Migrant Birds Gathering around an
Klamath River Estuary.
Oregon/ California.
Miramichi River
• The estuary part of the Miramichi river is
a drowned river valley. A rise in sea level
from the Miramichi bay caused salt water
to flood the Miramichi River.
• The estuary receives fresh water from
the Miramichi river, and mixes with salt
waters from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
• The Gulf of St. Lawrence itself is an
Estuary. The biggest on the planet.
Miramichi Bay
What’s an Estuary?
• Now you Know.