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Name: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Period: ___________
Geometry Worksheet: Word Problems
1.) The measure of one angle is twice the measure of its complement. Find the
measure of both angles.
2.) Find the measure of an angle that is half the measure of its complement.
3.) The measure of one angle is eight times the measure of its supplement. Find the
measure of both angles.
4.) The difference in the measures of two supplementary angles is 38. Find the
measure of both angles.
5.) The difference in the measures of two complementary angles is 39. Find the
measures of the two angles.
6.) The measure of the supplement of an angle is 30 more than twice the measure of the
angle. Find the measure of both angles.
7.) The measure of an angle is 20 less than the measure of its supplement. Find the
measure of both angles.
8.) The measure of the supplement of an angle is 30 more than twice the measure of the
9.) The measure of a supplement is 3 times the measure of its angle. Find both angles.
The measure of a complement is ¼ the measure of its angle. Find the
measure of both angles.
The measure of an angle is six more than twice the measure of its
complement. Find the measures of both angles.
The measure of an angle is five less than four times the measure of its
supplement. Find both angle measures.
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