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Nonmyeloablative conditioning followed by transplantation
of genetically modified HLA-matched peripheral blood
progenitor cells for hematologic malignancies in patients
with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
by Elizabeth M. Kang, Moniek de Witte, Harry Malech, Richard A. Morgan, Sheila
Phang, Charles Carter, Susan F. Leitman, Richard Childs, A. John Barrett, Richard
Little, and John F. Tisdale
Volume 99(2):698-701
January 15, 2002
©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Effect of transplantation on peripheral blood CD4 count and viral load.Data for patient 1 are
represented by dashed lines and symbols, and for patient 2 by solid lines and symbols.
Elizabeth M. Kang et al. Blood 2002;99:698-701
©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Percentage of transduced cells measured in the peripheral blood.The gene-marking levels in
patient 1 were analyzed by PCR. The percentage of cells positive for the GP91phox transgene is
represented by dashed lines, and the percentage positive for TdRev, by ...
Elizabeth M. Kang et al. Blood 2002;99:698-701
©2002 by American Society of Hematology
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