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Effects of mixed hematopoietic chimerism in a mouse
model of bone marrow transplantation for sickle cell
by Robert Iannone, Leo Luznik, Laura W. Engstrom, Sherrie L. Tennessee, Frederic
B. Askin, James F. Casella, Thomas S. Kickler, Steven N. Goodman, Anita L.
Hawkins, Constance A. Griffin, Lori Noffsinger, and Ephraim J. Fuchs
Volume 97(12):3960-3965
June 15, 2001
©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Progressively severe hematologic and pathologic changes in mixed hematopoietic chimeras
containing an increasing percentage of HbS.Histologic images are shown for a representative
sample of chimeric mice as follows: lethally irradiated C57BL/6 mouse reconst...
Robert Iannone et al. Blood 2001;97:3960-3965
©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Progressive normalization of hematologic and histologic parameters in chimeric mice with
increased normal myeloid chimerism and decreased fractions of sickle Hb.For percent normal
myeloid chimerism, the percentage of normal myeloid chimerism, as measured by...
Robert Iannone et al. Blood 2001;97:3960-3965
©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Nonlinear relationship of fraction of sickle Hb and percentage of sickle RBCs.A graph of the
percent HbS as measured by HPLC versus a visual estimate of the percent sickle cell mouse–
derived RBCs is compared to a predicted curve based on the difference in M...
Robert Iannone et al. Blood 2001;97:3960-3965
©2001 by American Society of Hematology
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