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World War II
“the most catastrophic conflict in history”
Unit 7
Why did totalitarian dictatorships gain
power in the 1920s and 30s?
“The first years after the First World War saw the rise of a new kind of
political leader—the 20th century dictator. History is full of tyrants and
monsters, but their powers were limited by the technology of their
times. These new dictators used radio communication and broadcast,
to control every aspect of people’s lives. Their whims and fancies
destroyed millions of lives.”1
Totalitarian a single party and its leader suppress all opposition and control all
aspects of people’s lives.
Dictator a leader who controls his nation by force.
Fascism a political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and
individual freedoms are denied.
Factors that contributed to dictators being able to
take over and rule:
 Political instability and economic devastation in
Europe resulting from World War I.
 Some leaders took advantage of the state of uncertainty in
their country.
 Worldwide depression
 High inflation-prices were high that people could not afford to
buy things
 High war debt owed by Germany-Treaty of Versailles forced
Germany to pay reparations which angered the German
people. Hitler used this to fan the flame of Nationalism.
Who were the dictators?
Adolf Hitler-Germany
 Nazi Party (Der Fuhrer)
Benito Mussolini-Italy
Fascist Party
“Il Duce”
Hideki Tojo-Japan
Josef Stalin-Soviet Union
Communism Party
 Political and economic conditions in Europe following
World War I led to the rise of fascism and to World War
 The rise of fascism threatened peace in Europe and
 Fascists dictators included Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo.
 Dictators led the countries that became known as the
Axis Powers.