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Multiple Discounts
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Multiple Discounts
finding multiple discounts,
you must take the first discount off
the original price, then take the
second discount off your answer.
Example 1
A sweater that originally costs $50 was marked
30% off. The store is having a sale that gives
an extra 20% off. Find the sale price.
50 • .30 = $15 off, so $35
35 • .20 = $7 off, so the final price is $28.
50% off the original price!!! You MAY NOT
simply add the percents, then multiply!!!
Example 2
Find the final price of a pair of jeans that
originally cost $60, were marked 35%
off, and have 6% sales tax.
60 • .35 = $21 off, so the sale price is $39
$39 • 1.06 = $41.34
Example 3
Lily wants to buy a TV that originally cost $75
and is 20% off and a DVD player that was
$50 originally and is 15% off. The sales tax
rate is 5.5%. How much money does she
TV: 75 • .20 = $15 off, sale price = $60
DVD: 50 • .15 = $7.50 off, sale price = $42.50
60 + 42.50 = 102.50, then add sales tax
102.50 • 1.055 = 108.1375 or $108.14
Example 4
Andrew bought a phone that had an
original price of $100. It was 5% off and
had 6% sales tax. How much did he
pay with tax?
100 • .05 = $5 off. Sale price =$95
95 • 1.06 = $100.70
Example 5
Alex wants to buy a shirt that cost $56
originally and is 30% off and a pair of pants
that cost $68 originally and is marked 25%
off. The store is having a sale where
customers can take an extra 20% off the
entire purchase. If the sales tax is 6%, how
much money does Alex need?
56 • .30 = 16.80 off, sale price = 39.20
68 • .25 = 17 off, sale price = 51
39.20 + 51 = 90.20
90.20 • .20 = 18.04 off, so 72.16 before tax
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