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Green Urine!?
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Copyright © 2013
 A 70 yo woman presents for elective
L4-L5 spine decompression surgery
(back pain)
Denies cigarette smoking, FHx, DM, Hypertension.
Unaware of lipid status
 No family hx of thrombotic disorder
 No use of food supplements, additives,
Activity limited by back pain
 Dysuria last week: UA and culture-no infection
Copyright © 2013
 Preop Exam
 Comfortable
 Ht
5’8”, wt 150 lbs
 BP 120/80 right and left arm, HR 70 (sinus)
 S1, S2 normal, No murmurs, S3, S4
 Abd soft, bowel sounds normal
 Distal pulses intact. No edema
Copyright © 2013
 Labs:
 CBC:
 Electrolytes: wnl
 Renal and hepatic function: wnl
 Urine analysis
 Coags normal
Copyright © 2013
 It was your impression that the risk of
surgery was low and you suggest that
surgery proceed.
Copyright © 2013
 Surgery under general endotracheal anesthesia
 At 1.5 hours into surgery her urine color changes
from clear yellow to vivid green
Copyright © 2013
 You are called by the OR staff because you “cleared” her
for surgery. They ask for advice. While surgery is going well
one question is should surgery be terminated?
Copyright © 2013
Choices :
Terminate the surgery as soon as can safely be done
Continue surgery but get stat liver function studies
Continue surgery but increase iv fluid repletion
Continue surgery and get hemolysis panel
Continue surgery and no further testing
Copyright © 2013
70 yo woman
L-4, L-5 decompression (elective)
Normal preop labs
Dysuria 1 week ago, UA, urine culture: no
Intraoperative green urine
Copyright © 2013
Clinical significance of perioperative urine color change
Copyright © 2013
Red urine in the perioperative period
 Trauma (foley)
 Medications
 Rifampin
 Pyridium
 Foods
 Beets,
Copyright © 2013
blackberries, rhubarb
Orange urine in the perioperative period
 Dehydration
 Cholestasis, liver disease
 Medications
 Rifampin
 Pyridium
Copyright © 2013
Dark brown urine in the perioperative period
 Hemolysis
 Cholestasis, liver disease
Copyright © 2013
Green urine in the perioperative period
 Urine infection (pseudomonas)
 Food dyes
 St
Patricks day
 Asparagus
 Chlorets
Copyright © 2013
N Engl J Med Oct 5, 1978
Copyright © 2013
N Engl J Med, Jan 25, 1979
Copyright © 2013
Copyright © 2013
Copyright © 2013
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