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World Religions:
Nature of Religion & Beliefs (brief) Summary:
Studies of Religion I and II unit OLMC portal site (comprehensive notes on each
syllabus point):
Preliminary SORI Site (see power points):
Give a definition for each of the following verbs (See “Key Verbs SOR” on
Preliminary SORI site under “Prelim SORI Revision”:
a) Define
b) Describe
c) Outline
d) Explain
e) Discuss
f) Identify
g) Demonstrate
h) Compare
i) Analyse
j) Assess/evaluate
The Nature of Religion and Beliefs
(Chapter 1 – Oxford Studies of Religion)
10 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks) plus one short answer question (5
marks) in the exam.
1. Religion as a worldview
a) Define ‘worldview’
b) Complete the table by inserting a picture of the symbol that represents the
Major World Religion
c) Define the supernatural dimension
d) Discuss a transcendent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine
power and/or powers beyond the human
e) Discuss an immanent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine
being or powers dwelling within the individual
2. The characteristics of religion
a) Define the following characteristics of religion:
 Beliefs and believers
 Sacred texts and writings
 Ethics
 Rituals and ceremonies
b) Complete the table by identifying one or two examples of each
characteristic for the different world religions:
Belief and
Rituals and
c) Explore the ways in which these characteristics interact to create a
dynamic, living religion.
3. The contribution of religion
a) Appreciate the contribution of religion to individuals
b) Appreciate the contribution of religion to society and culture
4. Australian Aboriginal Beliefs and Spiritualities
a) Outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to the origins of the
b) Outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to sacred sites
c) Outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to stories of the
d) Outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to symbolism and art
e) Discuss the diversity of the Dreaming for Aboriginal peoples
5. The inextricable connection of the Dreaming, the land and identity
a) Recognise the importance of the Dreaming for the life of Aboriginal
b) Investigate the inextricable connection of the Dreaming, the land and
(Chapter 3 – Oxford Studies of Religion)
NB: You must do ONE question on Christianity - either Q2 from Section II (3 x
short answer responses) OR Q2 from Section III (extended response).
The Origins of Christianity
1. Outline the historical and cultural context in which Christianity began.
2. Describe the principle events of Jesus’ life.
3. Use scriptural references from the New Testament to help explain why Jesus is the
model for Christian life.
4. Describe the early development of Christian communities after the death of Jesus.
5. Outline the unique features (e.g. its origin, leadership or governance, the beliefs,
the role of scripture and tradition, married/women clergy, sacraments, other feature
e.g. use of icons) of:
 Anglicanism
 Catholicism
 Orthodoxy
 Pentecostalism
 Protestantism
Christian Principal Beliefs
6.. Use Scriptural references from the New Testament to support your answers:
a. Outline the principal beliefs regarding the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
b. Explain the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection for Christians.
c. Outline what Christians believe about the nature of God and of the Trinity.
d. Explain the Christian understanding of Revelation.
e. Describe the Christian understanding of Salvation.
7. Identify the importance of the Bible (Sacred Text) in Christianity.
8. Complete the table below by stating the major Christian belief demonstrated in the
given scriptural reference (which you should look up in the New Testament – copy
extract from
Use the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition).
1 Cor 1:24
Lk 1:34 – 35
Acts 2:33 – 36
Rom 10:9
Mk 2:28
Rev 19:13
Scriptural Passage – extract
from reference
Principal Belief in
Rom 14:9
Core Ethical Teachings
9. Outline the principal ethical teachings in:
a) The Ten Commandments
b) The Beatitudes
c) Jesus commandment of love
10. Describe the importance of ethical teachings in the life of adherents.
11. Describe the different types of personal prayer.
(Chapter 5 – Oxford Studies of Religion)
NB: You must do ONE question on Islam, but from a different section to the one
chosen for Christianity, in the exam.
The Origins of Islam
1. Outline the religious practices and social conditions that existed in Pre-Islamic
2. Describe the principal events in Muhammad’s life.
3. Explain why the Prophet Muhammad as the final messanger is the model for
Muslim life.
The Development of Islam under the leadership of the Four Rightly Guided
Caliphs after the death of Muhammad with the emergence of the Sunni and
5. Outline the role of the caliph.
6. Complete the following table about the four ‘rightly guided’ Caliphs:
Name of Caliph
Abu Bakr
Umar ibn al-
Time (CE) when
Contributions to Islam and expanding
Muslim world
Uthman ibn
Ali ibn Abi Talib
7. State some features of the two major variants of Islam and account for the
emergence of these Islamic variants:
a. Sunni Muslims
b. Shi’i Muslims
The Principal Beliefs of Islam
8. Outline the implications of Tawhid for Muslim belief
9. Examine the role of the Books of Allah and prophecy in Islam
10. Outline the principal beliefs about:
 Angels
 Life after death
 Fate/predestination
Sacred Texts and Writings
11. Identify the importance of the Qur’an and Hadith as the principal sources of
Islamic beliefs and ethical teachings.
13. Examine extracts from the Qur’an and Hadith that demonstrate the principal
beliefs of Islam.
Core Ethical Teachings
14. Outline the principal ethical teachings within Islam.
15. Outline the process of Islamic jurisprudence:
 The Qur’an
 The Sunna and Hadith
 Ijma – consensus among religious leaders
 Qiyas – comparison with teachings of
16. Describe the importance of ethical teachings in determining that which is:
 Halal
 Haraam
Expression of faith
17. Outline each of the Five Pillars of Islam (expression of faith) and explain their
importance to the lives of Muslim adherents:
a. Shahada
b. Salat
c. Zakat
d. Sawn
e. Hajj