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Name____________________________________ Period ______________Date ________
Vocabulary: Circle any vocabulary words you don’t know. Put a check mark next to any vocabulary
words you do know. Put a questions mark next to any vocabulary words you think you might know.
 Empire
 Barrister
 Colony
 Boycott
 Polytheism
 Sedition
 East India Trading Company
 Assassination
 Karma
 Civil Disobedience
 Discrimination
 Monopoly
India, Hinduism, and Gandhi
Background Knowledge: What do you know about Hinduism? What do you know about Gandhi? What
do you know about India?
The British Empire in India
• Before the British came to India in 1600, there was no “India.” There was a
patchwork of many ________________ that all functioned independently
• The East India Trading Company set up a base in the Indian subcontinent
• Through trading deals, The East India Trading Company gained ___________
and influence and eventually raised its own army of Indians under the control
of British officers
• The company fought many wars with local Indian rulers and conquered much
of the Indian subcontinent
• In ____________, the British crown took control of India from the East India
Trading Company
• Hinduism originated around the Indus Valley in modern __________________
• Hinduism is a polytheistic religion
• Polytheistic religions believe in more than one _______________
• Some of the gods include:
• Brahma: created the world and all its creatures
• Vishnu: the preserver of the universe
• Shiva: the destroyer of the universe so it can be recreated
• Krishna: 8th incarnation of Vishnu, or a Supreme God
• Hinduism has no single founder, no single set of holy books
• Some commonly accepted ___________________ or holy texts are the Vedas,
Unpanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita
• There are _____ Vedas
• The Vedas were written between 1200-200 BCE and is made up of four parts
• Hindus believe in ________________ and samsara (reincarnation)
• The main holy day is Diwali, or the Festival of _______________
• Hindu worship involves images, prayers or mantras, and diagrams of the
• Hindu worship is usually an individual act. Most Hindus worship at
_________________ in their own homes, offering water, fruit, flowers, and
incense to their favorite gods and goddesses
• There are Hindu temples where priests read prayers and mantras
Who is Gandhi?
• Mahatma is not his first name– it means _________________
• Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the main leader of the Indian
independence movement
• Born into a Hindu merchant family on October 2, 1869
• Married his wife, Kasturbai when he was 13 and she was 14
• After the birth of his first son in 1888, Gandhi left for England to become a
barrister (an English _____________________)
• Gandhi returned to India in 1891, but had little success being a lawyer there
• In 1893, Gandhi moved to _________________________ to practice law
Mahatma Gandhi
• Gandhi experienced many things in _______________________, including
discrimination. These experiences made Gandhi aware of social injustice and
helped shape his future as a social activist
• After several incidents with white people in South Africa, Gandhi began to
help Indians in South Africa fight for full citizenship
• It was in South Africa that Gandhi began develop his practices of
___________________ resistance
• In 1915, Gandhi returned to ______________ to participate in law and politics
• Five years after Gandhi returned to India, Gandhi took leadership of Congress.
• In 1930 India declared __________________________ from Great Britain
• Great Britain did not recognize the declaration, but began negotiations
Trouble with Great Britain
• Gandhi became a popular leader in the independence movement, with both
Hindus and ___________________________
• Gandhi believed that the British were only able to rule India because the
Indian people were cooperating. He began a movement of
_________________ noncooperation
• Gandhi started a _____________________ of British goods and encouraged
people to make their own goods and clothing
• The movement was going successfully until a violent clash between Indians
and British soldiers happened in 1922
• Gandhi was arrested, tried for sedition, and sentenced to prison
• After Gandhi was released from prison, he continued with his campaign of civil
disobedience and noncooperation
• When WWII broke out, the British expected India to support the British war
efforts. The Indian Congress and Gandhi did not believe that India could fight
for __________________ when they did not have it themselves.
The Salt March
• One of the most famous acts of ________________ ____________________
initiated by Gandhi was the Salt March.
• The Salt March was a movement to produce salt from sea water to protest the
British salt monopoly
Trouble with Great Britain
• The independence movement grew more violent and impatient
• Gandhi was arrested again in 1942 and spent two years imprisoned. He was
eventually released because of his poor health.
• Gandhi continued to organize and (peacefully) fight for a free India
Independence and its Consequences
• India and Pakistan gained their _____________________ in 1947
• Gandhi was assassinated by a ____________________ nationalist in 1948
• The man who killed Gandhi did not believe in non-violence and falsely
believed Gandhi was in favor of a separate India and Pakistan
Critical Thought Questions: Please answer the following questions with at least two
complete sentences.
1. How is Hinduism like Buddhism?
2. How is the conflict between India and Great Britain like the conflict between
Tibet and China?
India, Hinduism, and Gandhi
Content Standard:
Geography Goal 5.1: Build an understanding of multiple perspectives and global
6-9.GEH.5.1.1 Discuss how social institutions, including the family, religion, and
education, influence behavior in different societies in the Eastern Hemisphere.
6-9.GEH.5.1.4 Discuss present conflicts between cultural groups and nation-states in the
Eastern Hemisphere.
Language Standard
ELD 1.1.3 Identify literal concepts in very brief, simple information presented orally with
visual support. Identify the main idea and a few supporting details in brief, simple
information presented orally with visual support. Briefly describe the main idea and
some supporting details of information presented orally
ELD 3.2.1 Follow simple one- and two-step written directions.
1-Day Lesson Plan: 72 minutes
Teacher will present powerpoint and students will follow along and fill in the
presentation guide
Students will then answer critical thought questions with their group members
Whole class discussion on critical thought questions