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Discussion 2 (Buddhism)
1. What are the differences between the terms "Buddha" and "Buddhism"?
2. What is the foundational core of Buddhist teachings? Explain.
3. Compare and contrast Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.
4. Select one of the following expressions of Buddhism: Tibetan Vajrayana, Zen, or
Pureland. Discuss the ways in which these expressions of Buddhism are distinct from
either Theravada or Mahayana Buddhism.
Buddha; Siddhartha; The Bodhi Tree; The Four Passing Sights; The Middle Path;
Nirvana; Three Refuges (Jewels); Skandhas; Anicca; Anatta; Dukkha; Bodhisattva;
Arhat; Mahayana; Hinayana (Theravada); Tibetan Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism);
Zen (Chan); Pureland; Amitabha (Amita Buddha); Canon; Trikaya (Triple Body);
The Supreme Enlightenment; Dharma; The Four Noble Truths; Sangha; The Eight
Fold Path; Reincarnation; Karma; Pali Canon; Zazen; Pureland
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