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IMC Tools and Their Link To Advertising Strategy IMC Tools Review Advertising Sales Promotions Public Relations Direct Marketing Viral (Buzz) Marketing The Brand Building Functions of Advertising - Goals To generate and sustain attention awareness, interest, recognition/recall To persuade the purchase decision To educate and/or inform the audience about the benefits of the advertised product To reinforce consumer behavior decisions Advertising Weaknesses May be perceived as negatively intrusive It clutters the message environment Does not ensure ACTION Sales Promotion – Goals Short term increase in sales To induce trial To provide incentives to buy more To reinforce advertising efforts To build trade support Two Categories of Sales Promotion Trade Sales Promotion (B-to-B) Consumer Sales Promotion Public Relations- Goals To build favorable relationships between an organization and its publics A vehicle that generates public “goodwill” on behalf of a company or brand Marketing-oriented PR Tools Mass Media Coverage (Publicity) Event sponsorships, cause-related marketing Publicity Tools News Releases, Press Conferences Special Events for Media…interviews, trips, etc. Sponsorships Cause-related marketing Avon & Breast Cancer Awareness American Express & Statue of Liberty Project Direct Marketing - Goals To generate… 1. a response in the form of an order (direct order) 2. a request for more information (lead generation) 3. a visit to a store or place of business for purchase of a specific product/service (traffic generation) 5 Major Categories of Direct Marketing Direct Response Advertising Direct Mail Telemarketing Direct Selling (a.k.a. Personal Selling) Internet/Cybermarketing Viral Marketing – Purpose – To increase word of mouth communication about a brand or product – – Commercial intent To generate referral through unpaid communication channels – blogs, street teams, grassroots efforts, etc. Viral Marketing A.K.A. – Guerilla marketing – “Buzz” Marketing – Grassroots Marketing Example- Faberge Organics Shampoo If you tell two friends about Faberge Organics shampoo with wheat germ oil and honey, they'll tell two friends, and so on..and so on...and so on... --Faberge Contemporary Examples of Viral Marketing Email forwards User reviews/recommendations On-line reviews (You Tube, etc.) Paid bloggers