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AIDS & Public Policy Journal
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
American Journal of Family Therapy
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
American Journal of Psychotherapy
Applied Community Studies
Behavioral Therapy
The British Journal of Social Work
Child and Family Behavior Therapy
Children and Society
Child Welfare
Clinical Social Work Journal
Community Mental Health Journal
Computers in Human Services
Day Care and Early Education
Death Studies
Evaluation and Program Planning
Explorations in Ethnic Studies
Families in Society
Family and Conciliation Court Review
Family process
Family Relations
Family Therapy
The Family Network
The Gerontologist
Health and Social Work
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Hospice Journal
Human Services in the Rural Environment
International Social Work
Jewish Social Work Forum
Journal for Specialist in Group Work
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Aging and Social Policy
Journal of Aging Studies
Journal of Analytic Social Work
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Journal of Applied Social Sciences
Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Crisis Intervention
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy
Journal of General Psychology
Journal of Erotological Social Work
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Multicultural Social Work
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Journal of Personality &Social Psy
Journal of Policy Analysis & Management
Journal of Progressive Human Services
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Service Research
Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare
Journal of Studies in Alcohol
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Psychological Bulletin
Public Welfare
Research on Social Work Practice
School Social Work Journal
Small Group Research
Smith College Studies in Social Work
Social Policy
Social Problems
Social Service Review
Social Work
Social Work in Education
Social Work in Health Care
Social Work Research & Abstracts
Social Work with Groups
Women and Therapy
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