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Chemistry 2.1 –
Properties of Matter
1) Identify the properties of matter
2) Define physical properties
3) Differentiate between the three states of
4) Describe a physical change
I. Describing Matter
A. Extensive vs. Intensive
1. Extensive – property that depends on the
amount of matter.
a. Mass – amount of matter in a material
b. Volume – amount of space occupied by
an object
2. Intensive – property that depends on the type of
a. hardness, melting point, boiling point,
density, odor, malleability, etc.
II. Identifying Substances
A. Substance – matter that has a uniform
and definite composition.
1. Ex: Gold, copper, oxygen, neon…
2. Substances have properties
3. Ex: Table 2.1
Physical Properties – characteristic
of a substance that can be observed
or measured.
III. States of Matter
A. Solid
1. def shape and def volume
2. packed tightly together
3. almost incompressible
4. expand slightly when heated
5. Ex: coal, sugar, wood
6. Drawing
B. Liquids – matter that flows
1. definite volume; indefinite shape
2. particles loosely packed
3. expands slightly when heated
4. almost incompressible
5. Ex: water, milk, blood
6. Drawing
C. Gas – matter that takes the shape of the
1. indefinite volume; indefinite shape
2. particles not connected
3. expands when heated
4. easily compressed
5. Drawing
6. Vapor – describes a gas that is liquid/solid
at room temp. (water vapor)
IV. Physical Changes
A. Def – alters a material without
changing its chemical makeup.
1. Ex: cutting, bending, grinding,
splitting, breaking…
2. Reversible or Irreversible
3. Ex: water
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