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Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
Database administrators perform a wide variety of tasks—some exciting, and others more
routine. On the down side, not too many DBAs get really excited about setting up backups,
monitoring disk space, or checking to see if the exports ran okay last night. For most DBAs,
these tasks are not especially challenging, nor do they call for much creativity.
In stark contrast to these more mundane tasks, performance tuning is actually a very fascinating
part of database work; however, many DBAs do not realize how rewarding it can be. This is
unfortunate, because performance tuning is one of the DBA’s greatest challenges, with both
tangible and intangible rewards. A truly competent performance-tuning specialist at times looks
like a magician performing the impossible, or helping a client through some emergency.
How many jobs provide the opportunity to be an instant “hero” who saves the day by fixing
critical systems for a large corporation? Yet that is exactly what a skilled performance expert
can accomplish.
Let me share an example that illustrates the dynamics of performance tuning.
Case Study # 1: Winning the Interview, Losing the Job
Years ago, I went to an interview at a firm that creates public safety programs for
police departments. The firm’s IT manager wanted to see how I would approach
some difficult database issues, so he demonstrated some performance problems the
firm was experiencing with its Oracle 7.3 databases. Specifically, he remarked that
the time to establish a connection with Sql*Plus seemed to take a long time.
As I listened to the manager, I recalled that the symptoms he described perfectly
matched a well-documented “feature” with an Oracle utility called “Otrace.” With
Otrace active, connections to Sql*plus will take longer and longer over a period of
months. This happens because Otrace scans a special data file, which grows larger
and larger with each new connection.
The amazing thing about this problem was that I had just solved an identical Otrace
problem the week beforehand! Not believing my good fortune, I asked the manager
if this problem were real, or was this some type of “joke” to test me. Of course, it
was not a joke at all, and the manager was very serious about solving the problem.
After I double-checked the documentation on Otrace, I showed the manager how to
disable it. He followed my recommendation, deactivating Otrace, and one of the
firm’s biggest performance problems was solved during the interview! Needless to
say, I felt pretty good about my showing in the interview.
The Otrace performance problem was quickly solved, not because I was so smart, or knew some
clever “tricks,” but because I was aware of some fundamental problems with the database, and
recognized symptoms that matched a particular problem. In fact, that particular problem was
Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
well documented with an Oracle “Alert.” Anyone who had read the alert and had a good
understanding of database operations would have also found the root cause rapidly.
Besides showing how exciting performance tuning can be, this real-life example also illustrates
the importance of a thorough understanding of basic principles of database operation. Without a
sound grasp of the fundamentals, the DBA must resort to guessing, or inappropriate measures
such as trying to eke-out the highest possible “hit ratio,” or setting some init.ora parameters to
ridiculously high values.
The importance of understanding database fundamentals is the subject of our first “Magician’s
Magician’s Trick #1
Nothing can substitute for a solid understanding of
database principles.
Throughout the book, we will be providing Magician’s Tricks that emphasize critical points in
performance tuning—points that are frequently overlooked or misunderstood. Some of these
axioms might seem obvious at first, but many of these “common sense” tips are not so
commonly practiced.
Magician’s Trick #1 might appear to be obvious, but experience indicates the opposite. Perhaps
it is just ignorance, but many analysts seem to dread the hard work necessary to truly understand
how an Oracle database operates. Instead, these misguided analysts continually look for the
“silver bullet” that will magically solve the tough performance problem.
There is no Silver Bullet
It is very common for administrators or managers to try to solve a thorny performance problem
without attempting any real understanding of database principles! This scenario often manifests
itself with some type of magic “tool” that will supposedly analyze the database and crank-out the
solution. Trick #1 suggests that trying to use some sort of “tool” to solve performance problems
will likely be futile, if the analyst lacks a solid grounding in how the database really works.
It’s not that tools are designed badly; in fact, in the hands of a competent analyst, a tool can be
very helpful. The point, rather, is that no tool can correct for a lack of understanding of the user.
In other words, the wrong problem is being addressed. Instead of focusing on achieving true
understanding that will lead to the best solution, the focus is shifted to a vain search for ways to
avoid the labor that is required to achieve true understanding.
Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
In our Otrace example, the firm with the performance problem had experienced the degradation
for months. They were certainly not stupid people, but they simply did not have anyone who
truly understood how an Oracle database worked. Imagine if that firm tried to avoid hiring a
competent DBA, but insisted on trying to solve the performance problems via a “silver bullet” of
some performance tool. This would have only led to frustration and embarrassment.
In solving the Otrace problem, note that I did not waste time fooling around with the init.ora
parameters—such as doubling the database buffers, increasing shared pool size, or trying more
parallel processes. Why not? Because the symptoms of the problem indicated that these steps
would have been completely irrelevant to the problem at hand. Note that solving the problem
involved no guesswork. Rather, a solution followed directly from listening to the exact
In future chapters we will discuss the performance tuning process in detail. For now, just
remember that the first step for the DBA was to listen to the user as he described the problem.
Admittedly, it is a bit unusual to solve performance problems during the initial interview1; but
this scenario illustrates another important theme—that is, the importance of the approach that the
DBA uses to solve performance problems. This is the subject of another “Magician’s Trick:”
Magician’s Trick #2
The key to successful performance tuning is not
technical sophistry, but rather, a sound approach
based on good understanding of basic principles.
In other words, the successful performance analyst is no smarter than other DBAs; he has just
learned an overall process that has proven successful.
The “Big” Questions
Since you are reading this book, I assume you are interested in becoming an accomplished
performance-tuning analyst. You know that there will be new things to learn and obstacles to
overcome. In particular, you probably would like to know the answer to these questions:
“Can I achieve remarkable performance tuning results?” And
“Is performance tuning really that complex?”
Since my experience with solving the Otrace problem during the interview, I give other DBAs the chance to do the
same. When I interview prospective DBAs, I sometimes include a perplexing performance problem that I have been
unable to solve. So far, no candidate has ever provided a quick solution, but I keep trying.
Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
Fortunately, the answers are:
“Yes, you too can do these things!” and
“No, it isn’t really that hard. Let me explain why.”
Let me divulge a big “secret.” With a sound approach to performance tuning, many performance
bottlenecks are actually very simple to correct. As we have seen with the Otrace problem, some
performance tuning problems are incredibly simple to solve, using the right approach.
Solutions to the vast majority of performance problems do not require consultation with Oracle
Corporation on how to change some “undocumented” init.ora parameter that begins with a funny
character. Just like the Otrace example at the start of this chapter, it is not unusual for a good
performance-tuning expert to make just a few changes that lead to markedly improved
This path to tuning expertise is not based on clever equations, or “silver bullets,” but an
understanding of what steps must be performed to succeed in the performance tuning process.
From experience, I know that few performance problems are technically difficult to solve. With
the proper approach and understanding, many performance problems are very simple to correct.
The true way to become a performance-tuning expert is not through technical sophistication, but
rather a good understanding of the overall approach. In future chapters we will address questions
such as,
 How do I approach this problem?
 Where do I start?
 Is the information I have correct?”
As we will see, truly challenging problems sometimes mean separating the real from the illusion,
or even just correctly defining which problem should be solved. Plus, as always, there are many
aspects of human interaction that should be considered.
The More Oracle Changes . . .
Faced with a bewildering assortment of performance problems, many DBAs are unsure of
themselves when it comes to performance tuning. Without a proven approach, the whole process
can be intimidating. After all, how can anyone keep up with all the new features? And what
about all those cryptic “Sql hints”?
The apparent obstacle posed by the enormous breadth of Oracle options is exploited by the
marketers of some Sql performance tuning tools. In their marketing literature, they emphasize
Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
the impossibility of the DBA fully understanding the many forms of Sql. Following this line of
reasoning, the DBA must surely buy a tool (their tool) that can rapidly formulate and test the
myriads of different Sql combinations.
The huge flaw in this line of reasoning is the assumption that effective performance tuning
requires that the DBA understand all the features available in the most recent database version.
In truth, the DBA who has a good grasp of database principles can easily account for any new
“horns and whistles” in the latest database release. As the first two Magician’s Tricks explained,
sound understanding is the best long-term strategy to win in the game of performance tuning.
Consider the game of chess. In a chess match, does a good player actually consider every
possible move? Of course not. It is only the poorest of players (or the crudest of computer
programs) that use that strategy. In reality, the master chess player knows the principles of the
game, and only considers the options that show some promise, or are relevant.
The performance DBA can use the same reasoning. He doesn’t need to try every option, because
he knows that 99% of irrelevant. Experience shows that nearly all performance problems can be
solved by applying sound principles of database operation. In other words, in spite of the
bewildering set of new options that Oracle Corporation dazzles us with, there are some things
that stay the same, even in a world of rapid database releases:
Magician’s Trick #3
The principles of sound performance tuning do not
change from version to version.
To illustrate Trick #3, consider how the Oracle optimizer joins two tables. The way of
performing table joins has stayed nearly constant, even as database “horns and whistles” have
been added. This means that, regardless of database version, the performance specialist must
understand the difference between a nested loop and sort/merge join. Armed with this
understanding, a large number of Sql performance problems can be solved, regardless of the
exact database version.
Of course, as technology advances, there are some changes that must be noted. In the case of
table joins, for instance, the DBA should be aware of the “hash joins” method that is now often
used. This addition is an easy adjustment for a DBA who already was well acquainted with the
other two methods. The DBA who already possesses a good understanding of performance
tuning principles will have little trouble assimilating additional features such as these.
Art or Science?
Chapter 1: The Craft of Performance Tuning
Some specialists have argued that performance tuning is purely a science—simply the
application of sound mathematics to a given problem. This notion is very appealing, because it
suggests a nice, clean, deterministic way to solve any problem. Attractive as this idea is, does it
really match reality?
In reality, performance tuning is rarely 100% pure science. Rarely are performance problems
handed to the DBA on an index card. In practice, performance problems take place in complex,
even “whacky” organizations, filled with misinformation and human egos.
Even when the root cause of a performance problem can be determined through a heuristic, the
solution often calls for creative thinking. For instance, creative thinking (and tact) is often
needed when the root cause of a performance difficulty is traced to the application. The
designers may resist calls for changing their code, or argue that certain changes are too
expensive, or simply not feasible. The professional performance expert cannot walk away at this
point, but has an obligation to work with the designers to synthesize an acceptable solution. At
this point, the DBA is more of an artist than a scientist.
Thus, solving serious performance problems is not merely a mechanistic process, such as solving
an equation in a school textbook. There are frequently other points to consider, such as
determining what problem to solve, wading through misinformation, or dealing with the human
factor. Of course, good analytic skills are necessary, but so are good creative skills. To ignore
either aspect is to misunderstand how technical problems are solved in practice.
In the next chapter, we will go “ backstage” to explore the steps followed by performance tuning
experts. We will see that the ideal performance analyst is not just a scientist, but a man or woman
who wears “many hats,” depending on the occasion.