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When you hear the words Confucianism ,
Daoism, and Legalism what comes to
mind for you? I hear the Chinese
philosophies. These three philosophies
are what help china become a better place
either by giving examples from elders,
having people learn by themselves, and by
harsh punishments. In this PowerPoint you
will learn about the three pholosiphes and
what they did for china.
Confucius was a philophecer about 500 bc. His
main achievement was that people could
achieve peace by doing their duty. People
should do their duty to their parents and
ancestors and to the gods. The Chinese
government didn't like him when he was alive.
When Confucius was a kid he grew up in a time
of war. What he wanted was a peacfull
government. Confucius’s way of teaching was to
look up to someone. Some examples were
friend and friend, brother and sister, and father
and son.
The rules of Daoism were simple. Laozi
called it ‘The Way’. The way was living in
harmony with nature. One big thing about
Daoism is the Yinyang. Yin means shaded
and yang means sunlit. Daoism is also
called Taoism. Tao means the ‘Way' or the'
Path’. Happiness was for people to learn
to ‘Go with the flow.’ People should take
time to figure out the natural easy way to
do things this was called Wu-Wei.
Hanfeizi wanted a peaceful government like
Confucius did. Hanfezi though did not agree
with his methods. Hanfeizis methods where
harsh. From saying that legalism based on the
idea of that most people are naturally selfish to
rulers should trust no one, not even their own
families. Legalism analysis of legal questions. It
was a warring states period. Hanfeizi believed
in the trinity of fa, shu, and shi. Legalism was a
central idea of the first emperor Qin Shi Hang
whose dynasty was the Qin dynasty
I think the Zhou dynasty is really cool because it
seems so different then normal dynasty. It has
different ideas in them more then jest one. You
also have a choice of ways to deal with
problems. There is a way for every one to chose
if it’s harsh then you should choose Legalism. If
you like to go with the flow then you should
choose Daoism. Then there is Confucianism for
the people like me who like leading by