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Dairy products are derived from milk, the
secretion of the mammary glands of mammals,
usually of:
•Dairy products are commonly found in
• Middle Eastern
• Indian
while they are almost unknown in East Asian cuisine.
Milk is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female
•It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are
able to digest other types of food.
•It is rich in carbohydrates, lactose, protein mainly casein and fat.
•Also minerals like:
- phosphorous
- sodium
- potassium
- magnesium
are present in appreciable quantities
•Milk provides considerable quantity of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 etc. apart from Vitamin C.
‫ﻉ‬Regular milk - contains less than or equal to 4 per cent fat content.
•Reduced Fat - contains less than or equal to 2 per cent fat and it may have
extra protein and calcium added
•Low Fat - has less than or equal to 1.5 per cent fat and almost the same nutritional
benefits as regular milk.
•Flavoured milk - flavours are added to regular, reduced fat, skim, modified or
longlife milk.
•Evaporated milk -the total milk solids are increased to 28 per cent by the gentle
evaporation of water.
•Condensed milk - proven popular in areas where refrigeration is limited.
Sugar is added to evaporated milk and acts as a natural preservative.
CREAM is a dairy product that is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed
from the top of milk before homogenization.
•Half and half (10.5–18% fat)
•Light, coffee, or table cream (18–30% fat)
•Medium cream (25% fat)
•Whipping or light whipping cream (30–36% fat)
•Heavy whipping cream (36% or more)
•Sour Cream
Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk.
It is used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking applications such as baking,
sauce making, and frying.
•sweet cream butter
•raw cream butter
•spreadable butters
•Whipped butter
• one tablespoon of butter (14 grams/0.5 ounces) contains
420 kilojoules (100 kcal), is a significant source of dietary cholesterol.
For these reasons, butter has been generally considered to be a contributor
to health problems, especially heart disease
Yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.
Fermentation of the milk sugar (lactose) produces lactic acid,which acts on
milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang.
It is nutritionally rich in proteins, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12
•People who are lactose-intolerant can enjoy yoghurt without ill effects,
because the lactose in the milk precursor is converted to lactic acid by the bacterial
•Most of the benefits from milk, are preserved as milk is converted into
yogurt, such as, magnesium and potassium, without altering too much
Its amounts.
Ice cream
It’s a frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, combined with
flavorings and sweeteners, such as sugar, and other ingredients.
Frozen custard, frozen yogurt, sorbet, gelato, and other similar products are sometimes
informally called ice cream, but governments generally regulate the commercial use of
these terms based on quantities of ingredients.
----10% milkfat and usually between 10% and as high as 16% fat
This dairy product made from fresh milk first appeared in the 1950s.
Traditional vla is made of cooked milk with custard, or with a combination of eggs,
cornstarch, vanilla and sugar.
Vla has the viscosity of yoghurt and is served cold, but is sweet rather than sour.
Villi is a kind of yoghurt (a mesophilic fermented milk) that originated in the
Nordic countries. It has a ropy, gelatinous consistency and a sour (but not rancid)
taste resulting from lactic acid.
is a fermented milk drink that originated in the Caucasus region. It is prepared
by inoculating cow, goat, or sheep's milk with kefir grains.
Eggs are sometimes categorized as dairy, defining dairy as "food that is produced by
animals (other than meat)" rather than as milk specifically
An egg is a round or oval body laid by the female of many animals, consisting
of an ovum surrounded by layers of membranes and an outer casing, which acts
to nourish and protect a developing embryo and its nutrient reserves.
Bird eggs are a common food and one of the most versatile ingredients used in cooking.
They are important in many branches of the modern food industry. The most commonly
used bird eggs are those from the chicken. Duck and goose eggs, and smaller eggs
such as quail eggs are occasionally used as a gourmet ingredient.