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Russian Revolutions (1917)
and Civil War, Rule of Stalin to
By: Carl B. and Veronica C.
April Theses: April 1917
Were a series of directives issued by
the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin of utmost importance, upon
his return toPetrograd (Saint Petersburg), Russia from
his exile in Switzerland. The Theses were mostly aimed at
fellow Bolsheviks in Russia and returning to Russia from exile.
He called for soviets (workers' councils) to take power (as seen
in the slogan "all power to the soviets"),
denounced liberals and social democrats in the Provisional
Government, called for Bolsheviks not to cooperate with the
government, and called for new communist policies. The April
Theses influenced the July Days and October Revolution.
July Days: July 1917
The July Days consisted of multiple demonstrations by soldiers
and industrial workers against the Russian Provisional
Government with leadership provided by the Bolsheviks. It was
influenced by the April Theses, but also the anti-war feelings
stirred after Russia’s failure against Austro-Hungarian forces.
The military was able to counter the demonstrations and
afterwards, Lenin went into hiding and the other leaders were
arrested. In the end, 700 people were left wounded or killed.
The outcome represented a decline in the growth of Bolshevik
September 1917
The Bolsheviks take control of Petrograd Soviet.
October 1917
The October Revolution: Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian
Provisional Government.
Cheka founded: December 1917
Was the first of a succession of Soviet state
security organizations. It was created by a decree issued in
December 1917, by Vladimir Lenin
From its founding, the Cheka was an important military and
security arm of the Bolshevik communist government.
Duma formed a Provisional committee: 1917
Formation of the Petrograd Soviet, and was controlled at first
by Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries
Russian Civil War: 1918-1921
Was a multi-party war that occurred within the former Russian
Empire after the Russian provisional government collapsed to
the Soviets, under the domination of the Bolshevik party. Soviet
forces first assumed power in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) and
subsequently gained control throughout Russia.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 1918
Was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, at Brest-Litovsk
(now Brest, Belarus) between Russia (the Russian Soviet
Federated Socialist Republic) and the Central Powers, headed
by Germany, marking Russia's exit from World War I.
Trotsky appointed War Commissar: March 1918
Comintern (Communist International): 1919
Was the successor to the group of parties associated with the
Left Wing of the Zimmerwald Conventions. First and foremost,
of course, was the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) the
organization which had seized the reins of the Russian empire
in November of 1917 and was in the midst of consolidating its
position in a bloody civil war. To a great extent, the
establishment of the Comintern was a manifestation of the
Russian desire for a final solution to its civil war through world
revolution. Representatives of revolutionary parties and trends
from around the globe were sought for participation in the new
international organization.
Treaty of Versailles: 1919
Land taken from Russia was given back, except
Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia were made independent- national
War Communism: 1918-1921
Was the economic and political system that existed in Soviet
Russiaduring the Russian Civil War, from 1918 to 1921.
The policy was adopted by the Bolsheviks with the aim of
keeping towns and the Red Army supplied
with weapons and food, in conditions in which all normal
economic mechanisms and relations were being destroyed by
the war.
The Kronstadt Rebellion: March 1921
Was one of many major unsuccessful left-wing uprisings
against the Bolsheviks in the aftermath of the Russian Civil
War. Led by Stepan Petrichenko and consisting of Soviet
sailors, soldiers and civilians, the rebellion was a major reason
for Lenin's and the Communist Parties decision to loosen its
control on the Russian economy by implementing the New
Economic Policy (NEP).
The NEP- New Economic Policy: 1921-1928
Was an economic policy proposed by Vladimir Lenin, who
called it state capitalism. Allowing some private ventures, the
NEP allowed small animal businesses or smoke shops, for
instance, to reopen for private profit while the state continued to
control banks, foreign trade, and large industries.
Treaty of Rapallo: 1922
-Between USSR & Germany, and was officially an economic
-It Brought together two countries excluded from the L of N
-Germany extended diplomatic recognition to the USSR and the
USSR toward Germany
-Both countries cancelled prewar debts and renounced war
-USSR gave Germany most-favored-nation trade status & trade
People’s Republic of Mongolia founded:1924
Was a communist state in Central Asia which existed
between 1924 and 1992. It was ruled by the Mongolian
People's Revolutionary Partyand remained a loyal Soviet
ally throughout its history.
First Five Year Plan: 1928-1932
The First Five-Year Plan, of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR) was a list of economic goals that was
designed to strengthen the country's economy between 1928
and 1932, making the nation both militarily and industrially selfsufficient.
Geneva Conference: 1932
31 Nations attended this meeting, including the USSR and the
Collectivisation: 1932- 1933
Peasants lose land/ slaughter of animals/ famines
Essay Question:
Why did the First World War break out in
Thesis Statement: The direct assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, along with long term factors such as the multiple
rebellions against national governments in the Great Power
countries, treaties and issues between and in the Balkans, and
a strong nationalism wave throughout the countries of Europe
were all long and short term factors that lead to the first World
Points in Essay...
Event: Austria-Hungary believed Serbia had something to do with their kings death, this
led to Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. July 28,191
Triple Alliance: Italy,Germany and Austria- Hungary.
Information: Since Russia had a treaty with Serbia they went to aid them,same thing
happened with Germany they helped Austria-Hungary.August 1 Germany declared war on
Russia.France had a treaty with Russia and was bound to help out Russia in the war.Italy
helped Germany and Austria-Hungary and Japan helped Britain 1914.
Event: Germany decided to go through Belgium which went against the Treaty of London
of 1839. The United States declared a U.S. policy of absolute neutrality until 1917.
Information: Britain went to aid France (she was obligated to defend neutral Belgium by
Treaty of London)
U.S entered the war because the war was threatening America's commercial shipping
which were mostly for Britain and France.
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Event: A Secret Franco-Italian Alliance
Information: Italy made a treaty with France that they would not aid Germany if they
would choose to attack France,that they will be neutral; later Italy teamed up with
France,Britain and Russia
Event: Russian loss in Battle with Japan
Information: This lost battle contributed to the attempted Russian Revolution of
1905,and made Tsar Nicholas II to restore Russia’s prestige.
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Event: Balkans
Information: Countries fighting over land in the Balkans,led
to the Second Balkan War again countries wanted land.Turkey
was in war with Italy , over African possessions. Turkey lost
and was forced to hand over Libya, Rhodes and the Dodecanese
Islands to the Italians. The First Balkan War Turkey concluded
peace with the Italians it found itself in war with four small
nations over the possession of Balkan territories: Greece, Serbia
and Bulgaria and Montenegro.
The intervention of the European powers brought
about an end to First Balkan War of 1912-13. The
Second Balkan War(1913)
conflict erupted again in the Balkans, as Bulgaria,
unsatisfied fought with its allies in an attempt to
control a greater part of Macedonia.Between May and
July 1913 Bulgaria's former allies beat back the new
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Event: Morroco Crisis
Information: In 1905 Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the Moroccan port of Tangier and
denounced French influence in Morocco. The move was designed to test the strength of the
recent Anglo-French entente. The visit provoked an international crisis, which was
resolved in France's favour at the Algeciras Conference, 1906.
The result was to bring France and Britain closer together,this led to the Second Moroccan
This crisis erupted when the Germans sent the gunboat "Panther" to the Moroccan port of
Agadir, to protect German citizens there. Germany claimed that the French had ignored
the terms of the Algeciras Conference. This provoked a major war scare in Britain until the
Germans agreed to leave Morocco to the French in return for rights in the Congo. Many
Germans felt that they had been humiliated and that their government had backed down.
Points in Essay...
events that followed 1914
Information: Technology improved which gave the countries advantages for example the
flamethrowers and tanks,also submarines. Each country had treaties and went to aid the
countries they had aided. They used all the supplies they could get and if a country ran out
they would retreat. recognized. Russia retreated because of the Bolsheviks Revolution,
which happened because they wanted to overthrow the king.Russia was in bad condition
after war and during this time Russia had civil wars where Trotsky was in charge of the red
army. Germany after the war was left with a large war debt and countries did not like them
at all. Treaty of Versailles was created and signed by Germany and the other countries, this
was the treaty that ended WWI. This treaty harshly blamed Germany,later Russia had a
new person in charge Lenin who wanted to to help Russia recover economically and
created the NEP. 1924 Lenin died and Stalin came into power, he wanted to spread
Communism and to keep power he used brutal methods.