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Orodental management of the patient
with head and neck cancer
Paul C. Lopez, DDS, MD
Michigan Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
• Employed by Michigan Oral Surgeons
-partnership interest
• I certify, to the best of my knowledge, I am not included in the
Office of The Inspector General's List of Excluded
Individuals/Entities, and have not been debarred, excluded or
otherwise ineligible to participate in any Federal healthcare
• I receive no monetary compensation for this talk and have no
promotional interests.
• In this presentation, you may see commercial products. I have
no interest in promotion of these products.
What once was will no longer be.
With a diagnosis of H&N cancer come multiple
• Understanding the disease
• Understanding its management
• Understanding the impending impact of the disease
itself and the therapies employed
• Navigating successfully through these changes
• Cure can seem worse than the disease
The Multiple Treatment Modalities of H&N
combo tx
The Multiple Treatment Modalities of H&N
Not only the disease, but, the very treatment
chosen can cause injury and dysfunction to
involved (and neighboring) tissue
The aerodigestive tract has a myriad of vital
functions not only for survival, but, also involving
Primary and collateral damage
The disease or its treatment can involve a
composite of tissue
• Tongue, teeth, salivary glands, the facial and
masticatory muscles, skin, jaws, oral mucosa,
taste buds
• This results in affected ability with eating,
speech, nonverbal communication,
infections, dental caries, limited mouth
opening, appearance
Primary and collateral damage
Understanding the ensuing potential
complications of disease or treatment is
important to be able to prepare for, or even
obviate, some of them
Interventions matter.
Pre-treatment evaluation and planning
Maintenance during cancer treatment
Management of post-treatment sequelae
Pre-treatment evaluation and planning
Referral to dentist
• Patient education
• effects on salivary glands
(xerostomia), risk of caries,
muscles (trismus)
• Patient Eval and Tx Planning
• hygiene instruction
• restorations
• extractions (14-day lead time to
• Fabrication of silicone guards
After Pre-radiation Therapy Oral Evaluation Protocol, University of Michigan Hospital Dentistry
Pre-treatment evaluation and planning
Maintenance during cancer treatment
Management of post-treatment sequelae
Maintenance during cancer treatment
Most difficult time to maintain goal
• compromised ability during hospital stays
• compromised access to hygiene products during hospital stays
Problem-focused exams with DDS to address
problems early (not often practical)
Pre-treatment evaluation and planning
Maintenance during cancer treatment
Management of post-treatment sequelae
Management of Post-treatment Sequelae
Schedule recall visits with short recall at first (Q
4weeks, Q 3-4 months) with gradual
• Focus on education, hygiene, management of symptoms (fluoride,
sialogogues, physiotherapy, etc)
• Establishment of a new, acceptable "normal" oral health state
Not only the disease, but the treatment impacts
can be severe in H&N Ca
Patients with H&N Ca need intensive education
on orodental health considerations PRIOR TO
Formal evaluation and treatment is critical to
limiting complications associated with treatment
for the patient with H&N Ca
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Driezen s, Brown LR, Daly TE, Drane JB. Prevention of xerostomia-related dental caries in
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